聖域記者 发表于 2012-10-4 13:10

Future Indefinite: Next Dimension anime is not in the plans right now.

本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2012-10-4 13:12 编辑


Futuro Indefinido: anime de Next Dimension não está nos planos neste momento   veja mais informações divulgadas pela desenhista principal da série clássica Michi Himeno!

O site Ragen Blue Universe, que mantém contato com a desenhista principal da série clássica Michi Himeno, e com o compositor musical da série clássica Seiji Yokoyama, divulgou informações importantes sobre o futuro da série clássica no Japão (vale a pena lembrar que foi este mesmo site que deu em primeira mão o furo de lançamento de uma nova série de TV dos Cavaleiros do Zodíaco, que dias depois se confirmou sendo a Ômega). Confira abaixo:

      - Michi Himeno está trabalhando neste momento na segunda parte dos Cavaleiros de Ouro do Santuário (o texto não especifica, mas tudo indica que seja relacionado a uma máquina de Pachinko e/ou Pachinslot)

      - Não há nada a respeito de uma animação de Next Dimension

      - Nenhum DVD com o material completo do Pachinko e do Pachinslot está previsto (existem apenas dvds promocionais com trailers)

      - Provavelmente em 2013 ou 2014 teremos máquinas de Pachinko e/ou Pachinslot baseadas nas Sagas de Poseidon e Hades

      Comentário CavZodiaco.com.br: Péssima notícia com relação ao Next Dimension. De qualquer forma os fãs não podem perder a esperança, já que esta é a situação de momento e tudo pode mudar em um futuro breve. Com relação ao fato de não lançarem um DVD com o material do Pachinko, também é de se lamentar já que a qualidade do traço e das animações cairiam muito bem como um remake da série clássica. A única coisa positiva é a confirmação de que Michi Himeno está trabalhando novamente com Cavaleiros do Zodíaco.



Future Indefinite: Next Dimension anime is not in the plans right now view more information disclosed by chief designer of the classic series Michi Himeno!

The site Ragen Blue Universe, who maintains contact with the chief designer of the classic series Michi Himeno, and the music composer of the classic series Seiji Yokoyama, released important information about the future of the classic series in Japan (it's worth remembering that this was the same site that gave firsthand the hole to launch a new TV series of Saint Seiya, who days later was confirmed to be the Omega). Check below:

       - Michi Himeno is currently working on the second part of the Knights of the Golden Shrine (the text does not specify, but it seems to be related to a Pachinko machine and / or Pachinslot)

       - There is nothing about an animation of Next Dimension

       - No DVD with the complete material of Pachinko and Pachinslot is planned (there are only dvds with promotional trailers)

       - Probably in 2013 or 2014 we Pachinko machines and / or Pachinslot based on Sagas of Poseidon and Hades

       CavZodiaco.com.br Comment: Rubbish news regarding the Next Dimension. Either way fans can not lose hope, since this is the situation at the moment and everything can change in the near future. Regarding the failure to launch a DVD with material Pachinko, is also to be regretted since the quality of the trace and the animations would fall very much like a remake of the classic series. The only positive thing is the confirmation that Michi Himeno is working again with Saint Seiya.

source: cavzodiaco.com.br

为圣而热血 发表于 2012-10-4 18:34


服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-4 21:50



muacmffl 发表于 2012-10-4 22:04


那个叫Ragen Blue Universe的网站,与姬野美智和横山菁儿一直保持联系,透露了圣斗士系列的一些信息。




凌先生 发表于 2012-10-4 22:46


伊斯力 发表于 2012-10-5 09:36


小泊川 发表于 2012-10-5 10:14


ionicna 发表于 2012-10-5 12:57


-Proteus- 发表于 2012-10-5 15:45

本帖最后由 -Proteus- 于 2012-10-5 15:58 编辑

yes, and..


Otherwise, I continue because I did not have time to finish. There is one thing I forgot to mention.
Michi Himeno isn't going to work anymore on the Ring ni Kakero.
The only Kurumada's opera she will work on will be Saint Seiya.

Proteus4 octobre 2012 07:47
Thank you very much Gerald, but what the upcoming 2nd part of the Sanctuary Gold is supposed to be???

GORY    5 octobre 2012 00:21
Thank you for this post. This second part of the Gold Saint is a new pachinko. It should be out next year.

shaka07 发表于 2012-10-5 19:02


服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-5 21:32

shaka07 发表于 2012-10-5 19:02 static/image/common/back.gif
暂时没有ND动画计划完全在意料之中,但是姬野美智部将不参与拳王动画的制作了?拳1剩余章节的动画化还真是前 ...


ND吧主 发表于 2012-10-5 22:36

I finally manage to get into all4seiya,OMGT-T

ND吧主 发表于 2012-10-5 22:37

服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-5 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif


幻龙魔皇Saga 发表于 2012-10-5 22:48


青梅子时非为君 发表于 2012-10-5 23:28


-Proteus- 发表于 2012-10-6 00:57

本帖最后由 -Proteus- 于 2012-10-6 00:59 编辑

服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-5 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif

yes, but Michi Himeno wasn't in that project:

MegaGG=GORY= Gerald Ory (ragenblue)

The final chapters, if they'd be made one day, would have another character designer.

I've seen new beatifull illustrations come out recently but she didn't supervised them. No idea who made them

-Proteus- 发表于 2012-10-8 19:09

Gerald Ory met Seiji Yokoyama too:
why didn't he composed for new series SS Omega?
La raison pour laquelle Yokoyama n'a pas fait les musiques de saint seiya Omega.
C'est lui qui a abordé le sujet.^^;

Il a refusé de le faire car le budget musical n'a pas été suffisant et sachant qu'il prend plus cher, Toei n'a pas voulu s'aligner. Il aurait aimé travailler dessus mais pas au rabais, surtout si l'orchestre est moindre.

Disons que Yokoyama prend une somme assez importante par musique (hors royalties) et vu que pour une série télévisée il faut au minimum un certain nombre de BGM, si le compositeur prend sa part, il ne reste pas grand chose pour l'orchestre. À moins que cet orchestre justement ne soit composé que d'une vingtaine de musiciens cela aurait pu être possible mais pas pour ce genre de composition.

L'orchestre de Saint Seiya doitcompter au minimum 40 musiciens sinon rien.
Sur ce point le compositeur ne veut pas faire de concessions et ni pour sa rémunération, ce qui est normal vu le nombre important de compositions derrière lui et les nombreux prix qu'il a reçu.

Concernant les autres projets de saint seiya, pour l'instant rien de nouveau et aucune adaptation animée de ND ne semble prévue pour le moment.

Pour le film CG vu que le budget serait forcément plus conséquents je lui ai dit que mon souhait est qu'il en compose la bande originale.
:( if thay haven't yet decided the composer for the CG movie, they'are still far in the project..

klsy 发表于 2012-10-8 21:55

服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-5 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif

12神篇? Mean the 12 gods of Olympus?

服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-9 00:41


@-Proteus- :

@klsy :

ND吧主 发表于 2012-10-9 22:21

服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-9 00:41 static/image/common/back.gif

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