本帖最后由 暗黑的破壞神 于 2015-7-10 13:57 编辑
故事概要:邪惡的存在正於世界之樹內部持續地成長。自莉菲雅得知,若想擊破這個邪惡存在,就必須破壞散置於七個支幹的雕像。在奮勇而起的艾歐里亞他們面前嚴陣以待的是守護着世界之樹的神鬥士們。(這段是需要重複幾次? 每次前情提要都講了說。)
第 8 話 巴德爾! 被神守護的男人
黃金聖鬥士的阿魯迪巴,修羅和卡妙,在激戰之後成功地破壞了兩尊雕像。然後黃金聖鬥士的沙加與神鬥士的巴德爾展開了對峙。被稱為"最接近神之男人" (雜誌總編,你們標點符號都不校對的嗎? )的沙加,雖展現出壓倒性的實力差距,但不知為何巴德爾綽綽有餘的表情並沒被滅絕。(因為他是偽男 )
巴德爾! 被神選中的男人
為了擊破於吸收着小宇宙成長之大樹尤格多拉西爾的內部成長的邪惡存在,必須破壞置於七界之屋的雕像。在黃金聖鬥士艾歐里亞等人與在各屋嚴陣以待的神鬥士們進行戰鬥之餘,在光之屋處女座黃金聖鬥士沙加與神鬥士巴德爾展開了對峙。(這段內容能不能再更彆扭更廢話一些? )
第 9 話 撒加! 熾熱的兄弟牽絆
黃金聖鬥士的撒加,自攔阻去路的神鬥士西格蒙德提及被忽視的某人言語中,感受到了非比尋常的怨恨。(中了"加隆魔皇拳"的朋友們,你們看到這句肯定又不停興奮地暴走 YY 了吧? )
神鬥士西格蒙德在霧之屋迎擊雙子座黃金聖鬥士撒加。西格蒙德於之前的戰鬥中,對雅典娜軍抱持着某種恨意。(所以大家真的要好好讀歷史 )
Soul Of Gold Plot Spoiler Translations
Plot Summary:An evil presence continues to grow within the Yggdrasil. As revealed by Lyfja, in order to vanquish this evil presence, the Gold Saints must destroy the statues spread around seven trunks. Aiolia's group bravely charge ahead and the ones standing in their way are the God Warriors protecting the Yggdrasil.
Episode 8 Baldr! The Man Protected By God
Gold Saints Aldebaran, Shura and Camus successfully destroy two statues after fierce battles. Then Gold Saint Shaka faces off against God Warrior Baldr. Known as "the man closest to God", Shaka demonstrates overwhelming difference in strength, but for some reason Baldr's expression of confidence is unshattered.
Baldr! The Man Chosen By God
In order to vanquish the evil presence growing within the giant tree Yggdrasil which grows via absorbing Cosmo, the Gold Saints must destroy the statues placed within the seven chambers. As Aiolia and other Gold Saints engage in battle with the God Warriors awaiting in each chamber, Virgo Gold Saint Shaka faces off against God Warrior Baldr in the Chamber of Light.
Episode 9 Saga! Blazing Brotherly Bonds
Gold Saint Saga, from the exchanges regarding someone neglected by God Warrior Sigmund who stands in the way, senses extraordinary grudge.
God Warrior Sigmund takes on Gemini Gold Saint Saga in the Chamber of Mist. From the previous battle, Sigmund holds a certain feeling of hatred toward Athena's army.