小宇宙 点
银星砂 克拉
第七感 %
Hello again!
Hey Xac, I haven't seen you in the MSN, I think it may be because the diferents hours between countries.. jeje
Well, my friends, I need help desesperately!!!! You see, I've just bought the Sidestory of Ikki & Shun, but it is all in Chinese!!!!! I'm the first webmaster in my continent in having this sidestory, but now I really want to traduce it.
The favor I wanted to ask you, is if anyone of you can help me traducing it in english, so then I can traduce it in spanish.. Please my friends, help the latin community, only in that way the latin americans fans will be able to enjoy this sidestory....
Well, I thank you already and I'll wait for your answers..
My MSN its:
BYE!!!!! |