Hot Toys珍藏半胸像一向備受收藏家歡迎,今天我們隆重推出《復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元》Mark XLIII及War Machine Mark II 1:4比例半胸像。兩款半胸像均約23cm高,備有LED發光眼部及胸口反應器、金屬感強烈的塗裝及舊化效果!
In addition to the Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron 1/4th scale Collectible Busts, Hot Toys is also pleased to present the Iron Man Mark XLIII and War Machine Mark II Collectible Busts in 1/6th scale!
The 1/6th scale collectible busts are specially crafted based on the image of the Mark XLIII & War Machine Mark II in the movie respectively. Each bust is created in detailed sculpture featuring metallic painting on armor, and LED light-up functions!