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[剧透] LC Gaiden 7 - Regulus Chapter 04 - AVAILABLE ALL RAWS JAPANESE AND CHINESE

发表于 2013-1-18 03:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-23 08:15 编辑


http://exstorage.net/download/56 ... 66f107c964685bbe638

all pages online in this album

DD: mediafire

thanks: web comiczip.net

thanks kaleo sspedia / mirach ssfan


参与人数 1小宇宙 +60 金币 +60 收起 理由
Jutaime + 60 + 60 thanks for sharing



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发表于 2013-1-18 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-1-19 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
Leo Regulus Chapter 4: The One Who Governs The Light

Balor: Your annoying golden armour stings my eyes... Like that god of light, Lugh...!!!
Regulus: Balor's Cosmo expands...!
Balor: I'll destroy everyone connected to him, every last drop of light...
Balor: And this line of blood...!!!

Balor: Darkness Nudy*!!!
*to hell with me if I know what to make of it... x_x phonetically it's [nuudi] - help, anyone?
The clash! Regulus versus Balor the Sorcerer!!
Connor: Kyaah!!!
Regulus: Connor!!
Regulus: Balor!! I won't let you...
Regulus: ...harm Connor any more!!!

Regulus: Lightning Crown!!!

Balor: ...Hm!
Balor: ...It seems you've learned something new.
Regulus: That's right.
Regulus: As long as you don't leave Connor alone...

Regulus: I will protect her, just like my dad protected me!!!
Balor: ...Hmph...
Connor: ...Regulus.
Regulus: ...But why? How come you've got such tremendous power...
Regulus: And use it to make little Connor cry?

Regulus: I won't let a guy like you to kill any more.
Regulus: This time I'll see it! The source of your dark power...!
Regulus: Lightning Plasma!!!
Balor: Hm...
Balor: Very well!!

Regulus: Gua...
Balor: Like your father, you said. Then I'll tell you an old tale.
Balor: It's a tale about this girl's ancestor.
Connor: ...Eh?

Regulus: Huh!
Connor: Regulus!
Regulus: ...Kahah...
Balor: That man walked down the road of a warrior.
Balor: Suddenly, he obtained superhuman power and kept fighting solely for the sake of his clan, as their king.
Balor: That man had one daughter.

Ethlinn*: Father.
*Ethlinn - also Ethniu, Eithne
Balor: No matter how many blood he'd spill,
Balor: or how much fear his evil magic would inspire...
Balor: The man only wanted to be with his daughter.
Balor: Ethilinn, today I killed one hundred warriors!!
Ethlinn: Oh, you are truly our pride, father.
Ethlinn: ...But be careful, I beg you!
Ethlinn: If anything happens to you, I...

Balor: Don't you worry, Ethlinn. I won't die.
Balor: Ethlinn, today I beheaded 15 enemy generals.
Balor: Ethlinn, today my Evil Eye changed sea into flames.
Balor: Ethlinn.
Ethlinn: Father.
Ethlinn: When will you finish fighting?
Balor: And so, the girl disappeared from the man's side.

Balor: She made her son kill her father!!!
Connor: Regulus!!
Balor: She inspired her own child to kill her father with the same mouth she used to speak of deep love.
Balor: And as soon as the words were out of her mouth!!!

Balor: The name of that child was Lugh!!!
Balor: Hahaha... And he was the ancestor of this Connor girl.
Balor: But there is no blood bond between us to speak of.
Regulus: Kuh...
Balor: Tell me, Connor Lugh. If my sin is that I killed your clan....
Balor: Then how big is the sin of my daughter and her son, who killed me...?

Balor: There will be no more light...!!
Balor: Darkness will conquer and fill this world. The faces of my daughter and Lugh will disappear!!
Connor: ...Tsk.
Balor: Atone
Balor: for your sin, children of Lugh!

Regulus: I can perceive the darkness...!
Regulus: No...
Regulus: It's not the power of the spirits...
Regulus: It's coming from his soul, an overwhelming...

Regulus: Not good...!
Regulus: Connor!!!
Regulus: Where does it come from?...
Regulus: Such incredible power...
Balor: ...Finally, this body has adapted.
Balor: Perhaps it's thanks to the blood of your father, Connor.
Connor: ...What?

Balor: When I kill you, Connor Lugh, I will take your blood.
Balor: And my power shall return completely!
Regulus: Gua...
Regulus: Why can't I protect people like my dad!?
Regulus: Aaaah
Connor: Regulus!!!
Regulus: A-ah...

Connor: Reguluuus!!!
Regulus: ...Connor... Were you... hurt?
Connor: I'm all right. Because you protected me...

Regulus: Hehe...
Regulus: ...That's good...
Connor: Regulus...
Connor: I'm sorry.
Connor: Ever since you met me... you've been hurt all the time...
Connor: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not as strong as you, Regulus.

Regulus: Don't... apologise, Connor...
Regulus: If I hadn't come... wouldn't you've got hurt instead...?
Regulus: I won't let this happen... No way I would...
Connor: B-but...
Regulus: Connor... You know, my dad and the Sanctuary were all I've known until now...
Regulus: I've never met a kid as tiny and light as you, Connor.
Regulus: For the first time I felt I've got to protect you.
Regulus: You've taught me this feeling, Connor!

Regulus: I am here as a Saint to protect you from the bad guys...
Regulus: I'm sure my dad would...
Regulus: ...That's why I'm...
Regulus: Gehoh...
Connor: Regulus...!
Regulus: Haa...
Connor: ...Thank you, Regulus.
Connor: I want to protect you, too.

Connor: ...Isn't this enough?
Connor: Balor...
Connor: Kill me...!

Regulus: ...Wha?...
Balor: ...Ho.
Connor: In return, you will spare Regulus.
Connor: If it's true that you're only after my family, you should be satisfied!
Regulus: Don't... You can't do that, Connor!!!
Regulus: Connor!!!
Connor: ...Father?

Connor: Regulus's Father?
Connor: The one that revolves around this world... Any of you...
Connor: Protect Regulus!!!
Balor: Hm.
Balor: You'd offer your life in no time to save someone else?
Balor: You're a fool.
Connor: I'm not a fool... I want to protect Regulus!
Balor: ...Keh...

Balor: Wah-hahaha!!! Is this what the Saints are!!?
Balor: Shielded by people they were to protect!
Regulus: ...Tch.
Balor: If only you could see yourself, brought down to your knees!!!
Connor: ...Tch, don't laugh at him!!!
Connor: ...Balor... Do you know why you were betrayed...?
Balor: Hmph!
Balor: I know it well!

Balor: Because the power of my Evil Eye was too fearsome!!!
Connor: ...No, you're wrong.
Connor: It's because you've never loved anyone in the first place...!

Ethlinn: Father.
Connor: ...Blood has nothing to do with this...
Connor: He's not my family, but I want to protect Regulus...
Connor: And he protected me too, until he became like this!!
Connor: You, who hurt people simply because you want, would never understand it!!!
Connor: ...Tch.
Connor: Father.

Connor: Kill me, Balor!!!
Connor: Then truly you will be all on your own!!!
Balor: This... girl...!!!
Balor: As you wish then, I'll strangle you to death!!!
Connor: Father, Lord Lugh.
Connor: I'm coming to you now...!!

Balor: So... you still can move...!?
Regulus: Geh...
Regulus: Sorry, Connor... That I made you say such things...
Regulus: ...And...

Regulus: Thanks! You protected me...!
Connor: Father's amulet...
Connor: It's glowing...
Regulus: Your voice had reached them.

Regulus: Your dad and the spirits!!
Regulus: Now I can see everything.

Balor: Hmph.
Balor: The Saint brat gets cocky!
Balor: Even with a few spirits on your side, what will you do?
Balor: My darkness will cover all of such faint light.
Balor: Disappear, lion cub!!!!

Balor: Disappear in my darkness!!!

Regulus: Uoooh
Regulus: I saw it!!!
Regulus: Balor!! After you extinguish Connor and this light, do you want to live in darkness again...?
Regulus: See this light, Balor!!
Regulus: With your Evil Eye!

Regulus: Lightning Plazma!!!!
Balor: This won't do! But... such strong light...

Balor: The light divided into five rays...!!
Balor: Just like what had destroyed me once...
Balor: Like his weapon...!!

Balor: The spear of the god of light Lugh
Balor: Brionac*!!!
*Brionac - name of the Lugh's insuperable spear, one of the Four Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann
Balor: Ethlinn...!?

Regulus: Among the Lightning Plazma...
Regulus: There was some other power.
Connor: That five rays of light were Brionac?
Connor: The spirits formed the shape of the spear...

Connor: ...Father?
Muirgheas: Thank you.
Muirgheas: Saint of Athena.
Muirgheas: Connor.
Muirgheas: I will be
Muirgheas: at your side.
Muirgheas: In everything you will ever feel.

Connor: Fatheeer!!!

Regulus: Dad.
Regulus: It's the wind...
Regulus: I did it, dad.
Regulus: I'm but a little step closer to you...
Connor: Regulus!!

Regulus: That's all! Leo Regulus finishing his report!
Athena: Thank you very much, Regulus.
Athena: I am happy that you have returned safe from your first mission.
Pope: Sisyphos has been worried a lot, too.
Pope: I think you should show up in the Saggitarius Temple.
Regulus: Heh!
Regulus: Maybe he should have some more faith in me!

Athena: You've grown up a bit, haven't you, Regulus?
Regulus: No... Erm... I... Connor...
Regulus: ...No, I feel that on this mission I finally understood how it is to protect people...
Regulus: Hehe! Anyway,
Regulus: I will do my best!!

Failinis: Lady Connor, shall we head back soon?
Connor: You're in such rush, Failinis.
Connor: Your wounds will open again. ...And I wanted to speak with my father a little bit.
Connor: Hm?
Connor: Regulus.
Connor: I'm smiling. That's because you've protected me.
Failinis: You seem to have grown up a bit, lady Connor.
Connor: You think so?
Connor: In this world guarded by the light you told me about.

From the March issue:
Virgo Asmita chapter!!

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发表于 2013-1-19 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!
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发表于 2013-1-21 00:37 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-1-21 10:47 | 显示全部楼层
會不會去到印度呢? 對付神話內的怪獸? 還是穿梭古今,與前一代聖戰的人會合呢?
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-23 06:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-23 08:14 编辑

TLC- gaiden regulus -
raws chinese  jojohot


All page in this album online uploaded by me:

link by me
Saint-Seiya-LC-WZ-Regulus04-rqf-gy[1.0].zip - 17.6 MB

link jojohot
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发表于 2013-1-23 21:50 | 显示全部楼层
泪与笑 发表于 2013-1-21 00:37


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发表于 2013-1-23 23:53 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2013-1-23 06:10
TLC- gaiden regulus -
raws chinese  jojohot

My dear friend, thanks for your sharing! I am a member of JOJOHOT, responsible for the Chinese version of LC. If you need the RAW, please contact me and I'd like to offer it, or even a higher quality source. But it is not so good to post the download links in the forum without permission.[s:96]
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 08:58 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-24 09:07 编辑
shun90326 发表于 2013-1-23 23:53
My dear friend, thanks for your sharing! I am a member of JOJOHOT, responsible for the Chinese ver ...

wow I so  sorry. ;(;(
I did not know anything about that ..... I apologize.

I hope to have your help to send me the raws in high quality with no watermark and so to make a Spanish version, I will respect all yourcredits, I hope that's possible...
I have a questions: how should share the raws or I can't share outside of the jojohot page?

you give me permission to share the download link or should I download and upload with a proper link? or simply to share the images and place the direct link to the original post in jojohot page. :/;)
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发表于 2013-1-24 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2013-1-24 08:58
wow I so  sorry. ;(;(
I did not know anything about that ..... I apologize.

That's all right.
If you really want to post the download link, you only have to indicate the source(JOJOHOT).
Besides, As for Regulus Chapter 04, I have the original scan and the source with retouching, both without watermark, of course. You may leave an email address for getting the raw. XD
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 16:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-24 16:30 编辑
shun90326 发表于 2013-1-24 15:14
That's all right.

If you really want to post the download link, you only have to indicate the  ...

My Email: jorgeamaris18@hotmail.com

than you very much for your authorization ;)

thank you very much dear friend ..... you make me very happy, I hope to have your help for next gaiden (virgo asmita) lol. you are a great person lol thanks for everything

I promise I will share the scans with no watermark when the releases for the Spanish version and will place you and jojohot in the credits, I am forum moderator in saint seiya zone and I am very grateful for your help.

I hope you can help us with the scans (no watermark edited) of the next gaidens and so to get our version in Spanish in high quality and always will be you in the credits and jojohot

you are a great person my dear friend lol

thanks a lot lol
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发表于 2013-1-24 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2013-1-24 16:28
My Email: jorgeamaris18@hotmail.com

than you very much for your authorization ;)

You're welcome! I'll send you email as soon as the Chinese version is done. Hopefully you won't give the raw to others. [s:96]
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 18:53 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-24 19:36 编辑
shun90326 发表于 2013-1-24 17:06
You're welcome! I'll send you email as soon as the Chinese version is done. Hopefully you won't gi ...

Wow thank you so much 8-)

i hope the scans (no watermark) of chapter 4 gaiden regulus please.... ;) jejejeje

I promise you my dear friend, I will send a private message scans (no watermark) to the editor (also the manager) of the forum and not share the scans until we edit in Spanish and your credits and so avoid plagiarism of the scans.

Our Forum is very responsible and will not let them steal the scans (no watermark) you share us. We will give you and jojohot the all credits for the scans ....

Thank you very much for your help and for being someone so great to us.

Infinite thanks my dear friend
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发表于 2013-1-24 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2013-1-24 18:53
Wow thank you so much   8-)

i hope the scans (no watermark) of chapter 4 gaiden regulus pleas ...

I have sent the email to you. If you receive it, please let me know[s:147]
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-24 20:47 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-1-24 20:55 编辑
shun90326 发表于 2013-1-24 20:37
I have sent the email to you. If you receive it, please let me know

thank you very much my dear friend, I received the message

you are the best

I go to work, see you later my dear friend...

many greetings from Cartagena, Colombia (7:50 am)
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