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[资讯] 聖鬥少女翔漫畫第64話圖透

发表于 2019-2-21 10:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

" e4 R" [  ~) A8 P; I8 e


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-2-21 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-2-21 16:12 | 显示全部楼层
0 Q( q8 W8 I7 H& b. Q簡單翻譯幾個重點。! }$ }5 W0 q1 m, F; _0 V

3 h6 ]. s8 T% X! ^' z& X4 X/ I% _Rough trans of key points from the RAW scans.( s9 M; w7 w" B
% F! Y) K: i* M
STAGE 64 徒花 (Barren Flower)
( T2 B* L6 G) }3 Z' c/ I6 P( |7 _( m; Y! h6 s8 s$ m
8 y) Y( z# {/ ^) ?0 \5 j4 _
# q  e+ D! T' \2 ]- e9 I* g- Y# l** Blossom blooming out of season and bearing no fruit, essentially a Japanese saying for unfruitful/meaningless event or action.
; ]- ~5 g; Z% N2 B( L" p" N; ]0 A, N/ K1 q$ m$ c' O
& `# j' N: b2 D! a4 ^/ w- z季節外綻放的花,花開卻不結果,意味着白費心機,無意義。
+ d% o. C& R8 E% J$ a, X- M) B+ f/ S- b8 G5 j
1.  Mayura: "I am no longer Athena's Saint.  Should I intend to bring harm onto you, kill me without hesitation."0 H. j6 x! h( @' z
, _1 F" ~& e4 F+ U, d6 ]
瑪尤拉: "我已經不是雅典娜的聖鬥士,若是我想加害於妳們的話,不要猶豫地殺死我。"( m  S& C  F/ k+ k, D' q

6 _- O: U* g6 U, V& aLike 2 peas in a pod with the current Lady Eris.  Hmmph .. so it seems with this vessel, Lady Eris will be able to descend on Earth with the spirit overflowing with beauty from the Myth Era.  (So Mayura becomes the new Eris vessel?!)! {4 x7 ^0 T: E& |) m# ?% I% P

# k! p7 ?! k8 l* N7 t) I' n和現在的艾莉斯大人就像一個模子刻出來似的。哼,原來如此,只要有這個容器,艾莉斯大人便能以神話時代充滿美麗的靈魂降臨於地上。
2 t" B) c- G) [; a9 G3 Z: m2 [+ x* D) }$ s- F! X( j
"I will sever every hope ... all of you will die and perish coz of your wish"9 G, Z6 T; F4 l1 T$ m
$ O: w" O; y, O, f2 y1 t  G- G
"我將斷送一切希望 ... 妳們全部都會因為願望而滅亡。"7 x: |1 h3 K9 _
2 q$ k7 o) v6 w' i0 F
2.  Milo: "Something is coming out of Rigel's body ..."
5 a0 I+ d3 C, R* ?9 {0 y! z"Did it bloom outside of the evil seed coming out of Rigel from striking the Constellation Point? ...
  ?) P  a5 h! X/ VAllowing only one single flower of wish to blossom": l' {0 `( r. p0 I' b
"The Saints' justice will not bow down to the reign of Eris ... !!"+ m& ?5 U. X6 E- |* V4 z

7 w$ G6 O, }& h) _* I米羅: "有什麼從里格爾的身體 ... "
& |" j0 _5 M1 @"是因為擊中星命點而自從里格爾跑出來的邪惡種子外面發芽了嗎? ... 僅令一朵願望之花綻放". L: C8 Y1 a. p9 [
"聖鬥士的正義,是不會屈服於艾莉斯的支配的 ... !!"
4 c1 g7 a9 T( {; H& R& M1 Z" B# {2 ?* _6 z3 R1 Z; x
3. "I can't approach if you interfere with such powerful barrier, right?"
( V& b# L% C& B* }- H; v"Then I have no choice but to destroy everything from above"
, a: {& M9 f: n4 _! F! R
$ [" [: p) k# Q  w9 d; U: H, W, ^"被強力的結界妨礙我不是就無法接近了嗎?"
, _; ~1 M6 @- c7 ], k/ L5 G"因為我別無選擇只好從上方將一切破壞。"& ^* D. o' I4 I+ C

6 V* b1 D! I" {8 _! G, T% P4. Disaster strikes the Sanctuary!! Curtain is lifted for a gruesome battle!!
$ J6 E  p& |! Z/ D: i$ J
" O$ o: n* P/ E2 n/ D3 H襲擊聖域的災難!! 悽慘的戰鬥即將開幕!!$ H: X& w, N7 l3 M5 u
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2019-2-21 16:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2019-2-21 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2019-2-21 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2019-2-23 17:47 | 显示全部楼层
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