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[日文原版] Next Dimension Part 56 - raws

发表于 2013-8-27 18:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-8-27 23:03 编辑
8 v+ Z5 _) ~* D- O) ]! ], W# Q' ?# e8 ]" N$ _5 H) X. W/ g
Raw chapter 56- }8 O4 v& O' K( Y" C
3 R4 @& s. n# B4 @" o7 s
http://exstorage.net/download/80 ... fa5e4c3293f?ref=CZW
+ d- ^1 y4 b. o( J# v5 K4 B# f* ]( B( A8 _) S
source: & B( r9 A3 U  B5 i! V% _" O* E5 W
http://comiczip.net/2013/08/27/% ... 8%A9%B12013-39-zip/
/ q- t' T# Y# t& ~3 Q' d0 L) x" f% D0 b% s: C
* q2 {. e2 ^; l: j* ]/ p5 L# Z7 U9 M( z( A
Chapter 56 : http://www.sendspace.com/file/liy7ea' `4 T- F0 g7 Q4 k$ A
: Z; ~" |$ {. |9 l% C0 p# Z2 F

) w* ~1 x% F5 J3 R0 |$ vdexterlife sspedia8 X/ K3 _3 O- a
8 k# d! B9 A# P  y. x8 l, z
- I# s; z& R* s+ k& K
script archange ssp# L. i. P" _9 M2 s

$ j2 Z. ?# {& k  t% R7 N  SPart 56 - My Friend6 ]; V  @& O4 }  X  n

% K  z/ ^  u/ M# K8 O1 ^
+ H, r# Z# u  `0 u7 |% K+ C$ g- _1 f; ~
Marin: Shaina!; ^  q$ O' ~9 B5 l7 [
Marin: Get a grip!
: h5 N- D3 ^! ]+ X5 H! U7 zMarin: What is it?0 O: ]/ ~  B# T$ z2 K7 C( z! B
Marin: Shaina!* y+ p- V5 P0 W6 c2 m, ^9 T
Shaina: U. .. uu ...6 J. D0 m: ^4 U% R

$ {% K' |/ m3 E( f. ], k9 t3 T
  G, n$ |7 r+ o" P! M& b9 V7 NP02, D6 m. q! m- a9 F& j: d( ?

& |7 \$ `7 L9 _8 e$ a4 o% sShaina: Uu!
$ f6 K- ?. p$ c7 sMarin: What are you doing Shaina?
" I" c; |! G, N- W2 S& M7 aMarin: You lost the reason?
. B+ t6 C$ z( fShaina: The end is near.* p+ M8 s- `5 ~) g3 f/ U# a0 G" i
Marin: Huh?1 f, r& n4 O9 d) D, c* `# c
Shaina: The end of all came!
$ a( V* I  \- g) ]! e
* ?7 ~3 n. W9 X7 w; v+ ^P03& V5 J& |. }. S2 e8 E: R3 \1 P
Marin: Kuh!$ F& D5 d6 b7 H  X
Marin: E. ... is.
! h) U3 @! _; Z8 v4 Y, N" \Marin: ... seems to have become another person.) W5 t+ a# l; y4 I3 R5 \! y
Shaina: Take this Marin!' d9 e# r8 I& p" w7 ~2 m- T
Suikyo: Thunder Claw!/ F8 B+ i+ i+ X) j

" Z7 g2 H( W0 H& c% k" ]$ lP04-05
) L" j/ \9 z; |( L) c! X9 iMarin: Muuh!7 f% N9 {* A# Y2 `' E7 J
Marin: Calm down Shaina!
0 e+ `7 I' e  Q; {Toe Eagle Marin flash!  I5 C; o% L. O- y0 M8 W

9 U" G4 h$ B% gP06
; W% J3 g9 D- a, Q  O& ~3 _-
) Y% G. g# }! h0 T3 I- D2 D3 b
& x9 N% g6 W, O8 K7 g5 r" U3 AP07# }9 {7 q; q9 r" k9 C. D
Marin: Haa
0 y4 x8 y3 z0 ZMarin: Haa, H9 w, B$ z; a8 j
Marin: Haa. s) \' u) I3 I+ A! _" a+ l
Shaina: Haa% r; a; ~* ~: c! K
Shaina: Haa
& ?' P  A/ p! ]% n* C, iShaina: Haa
" ]% u+ l* d6 [# i% nMarin: Shaina!' |$ ?6 t0 n1 ]
0 X% P' W" k: E! d4 K
& E2 V: [: U- @! [2 q  Z- v! SMarin: It has a calm face.6 N9 |3 G1 A% m# Q1 I( M
Marine: Looks like herself again.- K# T; R, t& c3 M! p
Marin: But why tube strange behavior?
! P- `$ @% D1 rMarin: Will be linked to the ruins of the House of Ophiuchus?
6 c9 A' E5 T2 _. {8 V. \; X, r1 kMarin: something no good there will be ...
. Z3 }$ X) N$ `Marin ... happened once in this house?, j" j/ Z6 u5 `/ r+ O' J
9 {; X# B" f9 x
/ O8 ?2 C2 Q' Q+ B/ s, E8 Q1 m# eHouse of Libra.8 Z. _! E; A& @
' \- E9 c3 y" n
Suikyo: Why are you so sad, Dohko?
4 ~: b5 f; [9 HSuikyo sorry I've been defeated and were not able to protect Athena?9 M; g' N1 E! w2 C; r( F

7 Y. ~, u$ m" D' h) [& ~P107 ]% ?" n3 \  J! u
Dohko: It is you who is sad, Suikyo.  H+ ^, D$ \1 Y. a$ l  e
Dohko: Your ice spears pierce have failed.+ o6 ~% G+ @4 Z  ^
Dohko: This is nothing more than a pathetic dance.
' z7 |; }, L* r2 _9 tSuikyo: How?9 j/ \! O! |( V
Suikyo: I say now these helpless.4 t6 |5 C$ j: @

( m! P! c) z5 t4 L2 A1 O1 g( [P11
, _1 x4 U2 g2 qSuikyo: Stop making fun of my* }% n3 P! ^7 N7 d
Suikyo: Muuh?7 r; S; |- l2 U0 V$ e
Dohko: Suikyo. We are running out of strength.
* {9 Z7 W! a. h+ q7 QDohko: Otherwise, it's likely that I'd beaten the previous attack.
* x  J. c2 W# g+ d- E4 U( jDohko: But there was not enough energy in your Byaku Renge.
, p3 t2 ~/ U  W3 r6 f  {1 F( t: {4 ?" T! J3 u* Q
P12+ K, S0 r- m- t: g  i( Q. N: n
Dohko: Suikyo! Obviously all your soul, your body and your life are very depleted in order to achieve something!( j' t  S' W* Q& z( Z
Dohko: Suikyôoo ...
% `+ _1 E* K# f; P3 _Dohko Speaks!% G1 r, _  |% Y9 N+ X
+ G' O4 ?% F1 N7 O, h1 Y: ~
P13: G$ h: P# @) {
Dohko: Tell me the truth!
, G& S5 |, d6 @& c" [: V& Q6 ^Dohko: Have we been best friends since childhood?7 F; O; p. @; }0 L; x: b4 u
Dohko: Put all your suffering on me!
1 z1 x% C$ ?, q# n. z7 l7 W( fDohko: I'll take him on my shoulders!
( W  D2 E' a4 L7 [' ]3 ~Dohko: No one will suffer, Suikyo!, z4 |; {% ~$ h; n9 I1 r
Dohko: I. .. I want to protect!
  w4 `1 S- i3 p! PSuikyo: Do ​​...
* i; ?9 O+ r, C% u; @. CSuikyo: Dohko ...
! j7 E1 s3 [( j- L7 Z  n. h- ZSuikyo (Aah. .. Dohko, my friend.)7 d' }$ p7 i& z

4 O  @2 o/ d8 V0 L# |( AP14( U8 [3 Z! Z5 k! N1 c
House of Virgo.
& o4 |8 p- Y0 G. h3 r% S; m" I# a  _
Tenma: Shun, this is where my teacher Cosmos disappeared
4 o' y8 O. E# U$ a; ~! u8 KTenma: What happened?
0 e( d5 `/ ?; L% kShun: I still feel your teacher weakly Tenma Cosmos.5 ~) l9 W: m" D" t1 W9 G! h# X. J) K
Shun: We must believe that he is well.' Q, @% t& |+ Q' P9 z' P' P& U
Tenma: In any case, I do not feel his presence in this House.
3 h1 q" Z. c$ m" w( ^Shun: Care must be taken in this house.
* O% s8 |" g9 w6 m! CShun: A terrible golden knight is here.
  r' b- |7 ~& ZTenma: Huh?
2 M* D* }9 E  }- `  {7 u7 d. j9 j/ m. g
5 _' V( w  q: U  fTenma: Uu!
6 J+ P/ B" \8 i9 L" lTenma: So here it is.' W1 d) y( K" m( o7 `
Tenma: The Spirit of the knight who defends this House?
2 T) J9 A4 O& v& f- I# fTenma: In that case, you have to attack it without wasting time!8 r6 ?, X/ M2 w: i, B
Tenma: Come on, Shun!
3 D2 i# D* H' bShun: C. ..2 v) {$ u) t; n
Shun: Beware!( V- Z( R( ~( l% j6 o8 N  W2 w# d

" h, T  h9 P( cP16
7 U+ L. J1 A; o  GTenma: Ouaah!
5 I+ |+ q# y% j- Q/ |7 mTenma: Gah!
: f# j, ?5 i; D" |2 nShun: N-Tenma must not carelessly attack.! l8 ^) U6 h( w9 D
Shun: That person is not really there.
3 {/ W( z# p. \, O; K1 U0 y4 T. ?Tenma: c-how?1 P5 O# W* c! R* v* n7 v# U" a

4 r( r, d( ^! X$ X& @- fP17
: W/ G# B0 B' oTenma: You say that your body is not here?+ m; K$ {# ~& G& \1 e
Shun: This is a constant thought.% s+ d9 r, o, ]( @0 ^4 p
Tenma: He left an automatic barrier?" o0 h( M  ^2 g8 R% X) L
Shun: Probably.
  k. z' l' ^5 \% [0 e9 s+ `0 WShun: This is the Golden Knight was speaking telepathically with Shion in the House of Aries.
( U$ r' ?# @* O/ N3 |' F$ C. x: y& SShun: He's ...0 n( O) D7 o" M3 L) X
Shun: Shijima Virgo
: A2 s  b6 N" g+ ~; hShun: Man quieter!
: U% l  r7 Z2 `. B) {+ _" @6 ]1 i: y- Z
P18  _: }) u, R' O
Shun: Uu!& ~5 h$ M0 N' A, ~
Tenma: Q-what's that ringing in my ears?! S6 u& G: G/ m; [- r' \# \) t
Shun: this-is ..." U* z" w9 j2 A& G4 H
Shun: A space entirely devoid of sound!
8 ^/ L4 Q) |0 o- J8 W4 H2 eTenma: Our mind eventually destroy!
$ T9 l7 I! |7 Q6 J, vTenma: We're going to die here!3 g2 L1 d, H# \
Shun: Uaaaaah!
7 [; U- H! @! M( a0 |
/ K5 }8 m0 D6 t7 J3 o2 i9 E1 P4 ~P19
! v% F+ M0 `- c6 t9 jShun: Huh?
1 P6 P# t" @# \: i! {  b9 pShun: Haa
) `% F1 j, I, o. C. G+ dTenma: Haa$ t* x2 P1 x" ^  d1 a3 c
Tenma: Haa
" _* Q& E" g4 ^+ w5 ?% O3 ATenma: the sound has stopped.1 b( |( J+ f: t" E' i! W
Tenma: And the dimension of silence is gone ... ?7 s8 p: p& v* q1 o1 D
Shun: w-why?
7 n. n3 j+ y' v. c) a7 YShun: Uhh!
) v( T) P0 `8 T+ y5 w- f# {7 yTenma: Huh?" T) _! B5 o9 m3 ~- v$ S# s

' _- Q; {- ], x/ uP208 g& T+ D2 p8 h
Shun: Another golden knight is here in the House of Virgo ...
% J" p( O; N1 p5 ^Tenma: What does this mean?% K1 K0 k0 D% K5 W
Shun: Ah ...) c9 I- T" v# H! f  h
Shun: Aah ... it is impossible ...9 R) i7 }& d8 J# e2 c
Shun: e-that person is ...% v4 m7 Y2 S, Y5 [, h# E8 O
/ j  {+ x1 k9 f- j1 p
P215 l8 B# y- d; _4 O1 I$ [
Shun: The man closest to god
6 G. K& Z+ e, e0 O- d  `5 q; xShun: Virgo Shaka!0 {' k( u* S) E/ W

( ?7 Y6 T, ^/ P* Virgo Shaka, 240 years in the future, is suddenly faced with a life-threatening situation! This event is salvation, or ...
! o  W4 c6 s3 k) ]3 \) ?, M


参与人数 1小宇宙 +100 收起 理由
ND吧主 + 100 沙加!沙加!



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发表于 2013-8-27 18:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 莲之清语 于 2013-8-27 18:15 编辑 + u% {" j7 S) `; e0 G
2 H3 _7 B0 `: _  @6 F2 p" D
感谢!!激动万分的下载- ^/ n9 c/ r* A$ s+ F
6 {7 t3 E( d9 }" p& G
2 V2 a+ W8 O3 k" b# M打滚(你打滚了一天真的够了)
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:09 | 显示全部楼层
& s9 A) ]7 V8 M: `7 ?6 ?' d
2 w  _: I# K3 a+ M1 t) J7 ^% g/ O是需要注册或者下载吗?! n1 }) H8 |" h2 n

7 Y6 w2 ~9 X3 L7 V. z: T# y. g& DEnter this page................. What shall I do?
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
感谢:Dexterlife) _, V$ Y- a. b3 _, e1 T
, ]3 f. q+ e1 z7 D) @' P 0 b) Q7 _8 J; V8 M' H) ?
/ n9 C9 W; p, G# E4 s, R) E
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-27 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:21 | 显示全部楼层
七之彩 发表于 2013-8-27 18:09
# X* e( l" b- n$ Z& b7 u0 e4 x: _6 A链接点开后。。。。。。。。。。。没看明白。。。。。。。。。
3 W; L0 _! z9 W$ I0 C3 p" Q1 E! Y* Q; {! g7 i1 H
; E* ^4 f+ t: k8 K
1、百度 Freerapid Downloader  2、将Sendspace地址丢进去  3、坐等下完  
/ K4 T1 L0 M$ t1 d4 _2 C- v& W+ oPS:Freerapid Downloader几乎通吃所有国外网盘,除了需要翻墙的
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:22 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-27 18:32 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢谢谢~~~~~~~~~~~~~  就是点开图之后,上面的广告真让人不爽啊。。。果然是岛国特色。。。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-27 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
Next chapter (Part57) WSC#40
; J+ S: g1 P9 @
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-27 18:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 18:52 | 显示全部楼层
期待下期!还以为剧情会就此打住 处女座月果然是福利 哇咔咔咔
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-27 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
More link for download:  K( ~0 _3 p" y% n! Z6 s
http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/GSV1HFAS/% x! n! t& ?+ F2 G( O, K
by redon SSYE
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发表于 2013-8-27 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-8-27 19:29 | 显示全部楼层
pages 04 and 05 is twice
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发表于 2013-8-27 19:36 | 显示全部楼层
这么快 文盲等翻译 希望每周都有更新 车大师勤快点吧
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发表于 2013-8-27 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
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