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[讨论&感想] Next Dimension Part 58 - raws

发表于 2013-9-10 17:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-9-10 18:26 编辑
* W: [; |: O5 q* b0 F6 g4 T# Z: _" Z7 k) u- n$ u
http://exstorage.net/download/2e ... f888c3a1a0d?ref=CZW% B' i, S) y: u6 C4 B) t

8 @# w' |( n- Y   r2 I" \' d' ?. T8 o4 A
7 B" n- r0 U( l* B8 a% l/ @- c& J
http://www.sendspace.com/file/072hvq, ~" e! B( @9 E) x0 I8 ?" d1 k
, b* O; ^# M9 r3 G
redon ssye / comiczip.net. b! `8 R5 r) Q! @9 Q: ]; N


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 17:55 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a lot
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 17:58 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 18:43 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
终于等到了-0-5 M; ]& @* O1 T" {2 `5 D' [) V
- -倒是很好奇瞬以后当处女座会用什么招。。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 19:10 | 显示全部楼层
Thx a lot!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 19:28 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 19:45 | 显示全部楼层
勇者罗兰 发表于 2013-9-10 18:54
' ]' M9 ]! _3 M: J) x/ t; F* X' X, H终于等到了-0-
1 G- |) z5 s" B$ W; B/ p- -倒是很好奇瞬以后当处女座会用什么招。。。
/ C5 p+ g* N/ `
% U$ f# C$ {8 t9 F9 f老車的思路同星座的基本還是有些招數是有傳承的(貌似除了電
5 U& E& r) h! ^  B阻外其他的都是按這思路處理的)
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 19:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-10 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2013-9-10 20:01 编辑 3 z+ c) E+ K, r" |
+ J9 _; h9 G+ F1 B! L/ d
/ e$ s* T: P: [% jhttp://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=97289446&uk=1311570991
5 W" k, G9 {" C9 T4 B
' u" R/ K. ~; F
) n, I( p3 t5 j
, [8 C9 Q8 g: `/ N  {3 V' Q( Y/ `archange ssp# T/ B9 x, Q$ h. x/ e* U

' h5 G6 N$ i( T, l; T/ \3 U( }, e
58 - Aun
$ j0 v; O4 g& ]4 C1 \' s
/ W! G* ^2 `9 s4 e7 d4 TP01
' B3 [0 K1 W2 u8 I/ r7 |. BTenma : Muuuh
; C) Z! ?! z5 @+ n1 ]0 ^9 ^% nShun : Tenbu against Tenbu Horin Horin ...( H2 _9 C( C' s+ w
Tenma : How it will turn out , Shun ?: i9 @* J6 F. z: C4 O# O3 f
Shun : I .. I do not know .+ A" f; M/ M" c+ e7 T7 A% Q# z
Shun : But it's really a battle between men closer to the gods .7 q4 a3 b( h6 X2 r
4 S5 }7 m3 U  ?  S
) Z( H: |7 m4 {# ~6 CShun : Something terrible will happen if they clash !4 }+ I$ Q% f7 C) ]5 \5 ?4 ]( |% X

7 U0 @# o" a6 @$ a% mP03  ~6 ?- F- a: Y3 F  A6 V1 R
8 O: b) y6 M3 Q* c
Shijima Shaka . Confront me with Tenbu Horin is an effrontery unnamed .
: V8 b- O7 I- x9 A' L; nShijima : If you want both to resist me , so I do not have a choice.) O* c; P; U2 L+ U4 g, h5 r2 t
Shijima : Primes up to hear ...
+ D( V$ d5 a* c7 B8 aShijima : The divine sound Shijima .1 ?; x' `- O- w4 ]# N% E
& Z! r0 d! x7 e' g! I# G8 M% V
P04/ W, k. q# c9 X1 L3 M
Tenma : Uuu ! Shijima , the silent man , opened his mouth !5 D; K. Y  J% A+ s
Shun : Kuh ! What is that rumbling ?7 I* V' E+ M  \+ {; v. h  I
Tenma : It's like he came from the depths of a distant dimension !0 g  D7 ?/ _" T" T, ?
Tenma : E- is it still a space of silence ?4 s! [" b: f1 `3 \# T4 C6 ^
Shun : N-No .
5 U+ M+ [0 h( A9 vShun : This is ... !
: v7 l; y$ m4 Y% Q( VShun : The Ungyo !
1 W% h; N7 c1 a% eShun : The sound that symbolizes the end of the universe !
$ B8 m9 i" A7 j7 r0 |% m- N
' a: X7 l5 N2 H' _P05
! G4 j5 e' L! F9 G2 c/ C# V: \Shun : Aa ! The House of the Virgin gets swallowed by darkness !) a  G7 T# s! q
Shun : The end of the world she will be reproduced in this place?
/ d8 Z) t  A4 |$ U  P6 B  ETenma : C- it's serious , Shun !
  `: @  m; d, d0 M- T) WTenma : We will also end up being swallowed and it will be the end of us!
% y+ r- }/ y: O5 ]( ]/ sShaka : You are indeed amazing, previous Holy Virgin .% r/ A) D# _: r& P* l

/ g$ B( g/ ^6 e+ W: a* XP06% Q5 m. _. u* Y# \9 R6 e
Shaka : The divine its Ungyo is truly a great miracle born of your ascetic training in perfect silence.
0 [( ~: i6 H8 w& a$ j+ \Shaka : You probably deprived of one of five common sense to accumulate a terrible Cosmos ./ B( C- t4 O1 G, }" i  M
Shijima : You could say that .% \7 o5 b, A" ^: A  A
Shaka : A normal enemy would effectively destroy the moment .# ?9 L) b" q! R, S
Shaka : But I also followed this training method of the Virgin Saints .
% s& F( y5 `$ a/ w; }: LShaka : I used to deprive me of sight.* S9 C4 B6 Q) C$ `2 w
Shaka : And I 'm going to give it over ...: t8 q1 \9 P2 I) O) m2 a. D9 u4 k
Shaka : To me you address .+ A8 H0 i& l2 i- B

- a+ Q& u7 m6 Y1 R1 E' vP07" \0 @8 m8 s/ k. G3 T
Tenma : Huh?2 a0 h% j7 ~+ P) E; n4 s' V. V
Shun : Shaka opened his eyes !$ c0 K5 Y' W  ]8 G
Tenma : Uoh !: h) W, H; c% U. ?5 b* \+ M% u, S# P
Tenma : What's all this light ?/ k; I; Q5 Y3 ^7 H. W$ H
! s; w( ^( r! p9 J, Q! Z6 U
! J: u# R$ F) }# {9 \& KTenma : L- light pierces the darkness !
9 ~% c$ U: x! \. i: y; ?! R) `/ jTenma : Shaka launched light to oppose darkness Shijima ?
, D- I" v; \* rShun : B-but what is it ?
. B- T$ P- }. }' Y- AShun : This is not a simple confrontation between light and darkness !
$ h8 m$ T/ i- ^8 n! M8 D% d7 p+ Q  Z# I& d$ \
  w7 n% m9 a! _* I! [Shun : This is the eternal cycle of reincarnation !3 O- x+ s- z5 E9 r( Y, K$ R8 r
! y9 V0 |8 N0 _% D% F, P9 {
4 u& c7 q" ?- ]) b) Q9 b7 ]9 m! Z+ D% M& E' E5 o+ U
Shun : An infinity of universes and lives are born and die !
7 a2 Z. M" T5 z- |% e8 c5 ?/ f6 @/ V7 F
P11  K) T8 y( |; P( x
Shijima : Muuuuh . Shaka , you responded to my Ungyo ...
. I* L4 B9 A; O$ s# u$ IShijima ... releasing Agyo , symbol of the birth of the universe ...7 Q+ R% L4 o; P, g# I; B
Shijima : At this rate , we will not even go into the One Thousand Wars but in a cycle of endless reincarnation, an eternal struggle without any issue!
- S! d) H* B* @' {Shun : A- stop!
# g1 [7 y; i3 N7 FShun : You are both important elements of the army of Athena !1 V/ S& t! i) l
Shun : So stop this senseless fighting !+ V( [+ B, S1 M3 J- X
Tenma : Uuh , Shun !, w# o3 |; Q$ F3 K" w6 c
Tenma : What do you do?& o% x! j5 @5 O: w+ ?( j" a: E
+ k3 n1 k6 S% O* j" |
& N5 l) i: A, F* i: VTenma : It's too risky !
8 c- B, N; s: ]9 K' q* _# w& |Tenma : Did you intend to die or what?% ^  E9 N7 j. J" r$ b- J! Y( M/ {
Tenma : Uwaah !. _! y; v: O3 Q' i5 Z) O2 j+ N
; Q/ V7 Q% I4 O/ g
P131 A$ t( J% Z' c/ H/ t/ s$ M
Shijima Shaka . I released this darkness to test you.  n$ r# C# P( ^! l  ?
Shijima : But I did not feel the slightest shadow in your light .+ W! G* I$ ]: F" v+ \2 |
Shijima : Congratulations, Shaka .  U0 c3 u5 r. l! U
Shaka : I apologize for the many rudeness , my predecessor.
% W8 |* i; ~$ e  E) \
) r8 i. ?0 e/ o  lP14
6 `7 r0 b, v. XShaka , If you agree , I would request you make.: L! G: x# s1 X$ X! F6 i. U$ l: X
Shaka : I'd like to ask you to help these young Bronze Saints have been drawn between shadow and light.
2 v  E( f; u: xShaka : They may wander indefinitely in other dimensions.0 X  B3 w# {. j) ~+ h: e* y% x
Shaka : I would also ask you to break the barrier of the House of the Virgin to let them pass .
5 y. A9 n! l3 n3 ?) f, H/ BShijima : Indeed, it is because the Bronze Saint Andromeda lunged ...
4 S7 E- \2 O# t7 lShijima ... the balance between shadow and light was broken and we avoided an endless fight .4 D+ r/ S6 ?% z8 b: T
Shijima : But Shaka ...
* C- Y  L% `1 i  ~Shijima : What impels you to help the Bronze Saint to this point ?
6 R$ b9 B, w' X9 l/ T6 T* oShaka : Since you want to know , my predecessor, it is because ...# G: A! @/ j8 L$ r4 Y0 d" P

7 {( e; f6 ~+ A- B5 m% @P15
  s9 D( X6 q) f' P( q, HShaka : This man is the one who should inherit the Cloth of the Virgin after me.; F* n0 E* P1 d+ i0 {
- N* y+ Z7 r+ m
* I4 O$ I% I3 AShijima : I see, this is why ... How strange random things ... three generations of the Virgin Saints were gathered in this place.
$ L3 C# t9 q/ u( C$ X3 pShijima : Okay , Shaka . And farewell ...
# @% V; e& U6 I1 O$ ~Shaka : Thanks for everything , O Shijima , my predecessor.. L: Q5 }- ^8 }
Shaka : It's time for me to return ...
& N  ]9 z1 n% a; h7 IShaka : At Nirvana ...
( h* Q6 z, ]/ V& p8 d* _& ?
! p# y6 d  @+ I! R) k# rP17- A8 K5 H6 C; c% u! U1 {
Palace of the Pope
7 }2 ~8 D! G7 |9 n1 r7 C  ~0 p) M' K8 x3 X+ H
Cardinale : Shijima !
7 T4 i$ I! N* C' K: {' P8 SCardinale : What happened to you in the end?8 j9 E) J+ @0 R5 S' K' `, Z# S
Cardinale : You seemed to really be trying to fight with someone with all your strength , right?" E) m% ?1 X2 Z: O) L  Q4 q( N4 n
Shijima : Sh . Shaka ...5 C% N7 s9 ]- }# c4 c2 i  [/ x
Cardinale : Huh?
1 Q; L* m( y( }7 g0 HShijima : What terrifying man ...
9 i8 }8 e3 w2 i$ L- o; S- @& HShijima This man was perhaps the most powerful Saints of the Virgin existed since the mythological ages ... a man really close to the gods .... S+ m+ ^/ v6 n4 c4 _
0 M* U6 V" g5 s! B5 R
) Q) T+ p7 \, A" b! J
4 {# C/ C' D* lCardinale : Pfft , what are you mumbling ?3 `" R. E$ @2 n1 f6 s. {
Cardinale : My Bloody Rose will finally ripped all your strength .$ |  }9 l3 M. x+ {( E
Cardinale : Shijima , I will now make sure ...
9 q0 {/ u8 J" p4 ~& JCardinale : you and Athena are going to die !

" m$ z# F6 v0 g+ x6 Y8 O+ L3 v/ L& ~
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 20:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 gradriel 于 2013-9-10 20:25 编辑
( V6 D( o& ~, b/ V: n
paki 发表于 2013-9-10 19:46* A# k! z4 t; b  q
6 p4 l% q' R; c/ c2 R6 H( s
不可能, 老处女未死, 沙加那身黄金圣衣又被粉碎并且与极乐净土一起消失了, 看来回收不能!# q; d& x  i6 X2 {* D8 p* q
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
. f$ r, K$ W3 C( H
8 Z# R# ~1 l' {, ~! ]处女座的星座传承招式可能就是“天舞宝轮”。瞬的青铜星座是仙女座,但是他的黄道星座是处女座,所以将来有可能就会晋升为处女座黄金圣斗士。而正如楼上所说,本身是哈迪斯的容器,很可能在其他方面或者某种程度上同样接近神,所以不管是从哪方面看,都很有可能学会天舞宝轮。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-9-10 21:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-9-10 21:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-9-10 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
shuai 这话也还是非常不错的
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