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[讨论&感想] Next Dimension Part 68 - Raws

发表于 2014-1-28 20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2014-1-28 21:42 编辑 0 j7 F' o2 P- A: A

8 G) _  E8 V' X3 wNext Dimension Part 68 - Raws: R% ~% r6 f: B6 F! n
http://exstorage.net/download/aa ... 6560d8be391?ref=CZW8 S0 w+ K" j$ ]! j, W
By comiczip.net2 F. ~7 O* L! z% c7 M( X1 O
) I- X5 H- I2 h( _  e' V: ]) D
9 [- R. ?5 g+ r2 E9 [

* `. y; d' f  y/ ?- \) x! kDownload:+ D/ H! y% g$ P. \* E$ O
' V7 L( U9 Y+ A/ l/ \


参与人数 1小宇宙 +150 收起 理由
muacmffl + 150



使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
贴图感谢:Lance234 b. y0 y5 R& K0 Y- J
6 Z2 k# ]( M& u# |' `6 W
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:45 | 显示全部楼层
球形的托尔姐……你不会觉得难受么?……( g- J) ~1 t( n" Q6 z- j& L
到处是蛇啊……托尔姐似乎对圣域的事情知道不少……$ C& y2 y. O/ R4 Q9 {6 d
+ {& M& Y( u+ n) l* ?——还得等多久啊……>_<
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 22:09 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
Thx bronforvsharing good shxt
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2014-1-28 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-1-28 22:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2014-1-28 22:36 编辑
" B' M8 O! o- O  M% f( A6 Q: D$ a7 \& D
script archange sspedia:4 ^* |$ x1 |' s7 w( T0 r
Part 68 - Emissaries
% n6 m# C% k$ W9 F) k
% h6 `6 Z8 P: y$ ^# ?1 P4 [; ]: P- C  Q/ ]0 B
' P9 i- I1 S: ~) O9 `7 pTenma Pegasus Ryusei Ken!  ^) _; q: z; K: f$ T) D$ j/ M
Shun: Nebula Chain!3 {3 n+ ~, `# d9 D0 e/ P: U

$ T2 a9 Z# o6 E; n4 Y" a' ZP02+ }2 @2 M# h) S1 D
-" i2 J9 l8 C5 W

9 U) k- e6 Z" [0 m$ }, I, _P033 R2 O+ G. s8 G; H# l6 W
Tenma: Guh!
- ~8 U9 |" e( U$ W0 mShun: Gaha!
' k. H# T' r1 c7 K1 DDohko: It's useless. Although I'm only a novice as Gold Saint...
# ]) F- e6 @& B. g" PDohko: ...little chicken Bronze Saints cannot compete with me.
. b$ K1 E" l* R1 p5 HShun: Uuuh./ p1 A2 S) {! X0 y8 B9 \7 L. d

% M% ^+ w, X3 j# eP046 d. ^3 V7 m: K+ x( Q
Tenma: Kuh. D-Dohko... you are you really serious?
7 w* [1 R9 `9 qShun: Do you actually plan to take Athena's head?' S5 o" _; ]8 n8 I5 P* Q- {
Dohko: Don't make me repeat myself.
  L) K  ~$ u" t% O  nDohko: This is the end for you.
. D; k8 X" L7 m+ yDohko: I'll kill you both right here!
, P, Y0 ]$ Y: d* y$ O$ i6 q7 q- D. H/ A; y& H
P05& ?7 u1 h3 I; c+ r: ^
Dohko: H-huh?
' q9 Y; G8 z0 Z2 p7 i; ?1 ODohko: I-is.../ h5 V0 [4 D0 t% Q

7 ^- V' I0 `' D7 n" Q0 aP06
! c' a- ?8 F) [4 t) F( ^Dohko: Muuuh.. P0 Z1 l# i/ s$ I
Dohko: It... it finally appeared...# Q  x6 H/ h: B2 J; [) B; [$ H
Dohko: S... so...
% V5 V1 x4 h9 T, x3 Y- C% qDohko: Suikyo therefore was telling the truth?
- ^1 ]- O- w" R$ t" s  cDohko: B-but...
2 m# n. _' L5 kDohko: Uuuh...
1 C8 U$ f% H3 n2 [Dohko: Kuh!
0 V- A1 R% @. g( X. P& X; z. M3 L" W, o
P07% C/ u9 L' H# ?9 o+ C/ L$ U
Dohko: W-what do I do now...: |4 s6 D2 d) T$ k. w/ `
Dohko: S-Shion... You're smart, you, then you probably know what to do...( }( w% l& X$ `; q0 ^* M
Dohko: Tell me what to do, Shion!
  g& t$ l2 ?& d7 h. h, u8 @, T$ YDohko: Shion!. R# @7 `3 Z9 W. a

$ I: l! m/ h, u9 ~0 ]! W  zP08) e# ~* q! t. |4 x
* BOYOYON ** b$ O! H' h3 x1 x
Ikki: The Leo Temple is near, Deathtoll.4 _' t7 `# \: m9 }( t
Deathtoll: Ooh. It is clear that the future from you arrive, you know the place well." ]& _& H5 k0 p: o/ s# [- v
Deathtol: Kaiser is an incredibly strict person.7 `8 I3 ?: ~  h) Z$ a4 W
Deathtoll: Certainly he will not let us pass like this.: l3 a/ x$ |  g6 o* N
Ikki: I know.3 k/ L. s, w" c+ p. t2 h/ Y+ L) u

$ [& |7 q4 [. i6 @8 y2 M* p! a0 K7 yP09
0 o6 i; G$ N1 C. [Ikki: The men of Leo are like that.
% |6 [7 I2 c$ f0 \, k8 `Deathtoll: Oh, yes, they are inflexible men./ ^2 |& m$ I5 e- G+ ^0 E: `" D; ]
+ R, d4 l" P' Z9 wIkki: But..., i% n5 Q; Q) ^: N
Ikki: This pace...) U7 ]9 _0 _" Y$ a# B
Deathtoll: Well, what?
5 u9 M/ J  R; K! t; a! ^8 a0 CIkki: You can do anything about it?% ]" b; _3 n9 r( ^  y5 D: E: f
Ikki: You must not be too comfortable to move.
1 Q0 L3 l9 N' l; p0 K; U  Q1 nDeathtoll: Ohoho!7 P' N$ ^; V: n
Deathtoll: Um, this is a must see!
7 [% h2 v1 T5 C7 t0 Q# m( DDeathtoll: Actually, move in this way is more comfortable as you might think./ E3 `$ z7 b+ W% \; S
: u- k2 n7 H; t  d5 Y3 }6 l* GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD *
( D1 r3 U' D, Z. e* F, {5 [' W# @Deathtoll: It pleases me!) y( w6 c* W* W

# |. \5 C, n. _2 w6 J. nP10
/ F; w( v2 O* L/ z' h* GOOD GOOD *3 q# j6 L3 B5 N2 O( B
Deathtoll: It doesn't bother me to always remain so.
$ J1 d: x* S1 j2 f2 Q) T4 x( tIkki: I... I see...: r, y- O& {# m5 r0 E. }* }$ L
* GOOD *
5 @% u8 z( i1 S  D1 m$ E" TDeathtoll: Kyaaah!
" L8 s! ]; [: ], d+ }% V; TDeathtoll: A... a snake!; h9 o" x% y2 ]' S- \
Ikki: A snake?5 ]9 v( x6 O& k$ i$ o9 U% L( o
Deathtoll: I hate snakes!
. Q8 T: z7 i3 H7 p! [! N' ^) D2 _/ {' }1 A% I
P110 u- x" c) \; j  n  k" r5 f" V' g& ?
Deathtoll: Brrrrrr.
+ W3 E' A# B- B2 o0 FIkki: What's that?8 `* V; F) s! P
Ikki: What are you talking about, you're still a Gold Saint, right?* y# l/ h& b: R' e
Deathtoll: N-no, you mustn't kill him!
  k* N) n# {- J! pDeathtoll: Snakes are the noblest beings of the Sanctuary.
5 ]- c0 F  A' R* ?: q; w4 NIkki: Pfft, what is that nonsense?
: N+ z( ^2 v; j9 q# IIkki: The most noble person in Sanctuary is obviously...
7 i5 L9 R, X+ i& T7 |  vIkki: Athena.
9 ?7 I: q6 w, u
+ {1 h5 i$ ?' v. X4 JP12+ V* g; |' O  p* \7 C1 \
Deathtoll: I-it's true...- T, c3 ~1 P2 d, v1 X8 W8 R) p, w7 v: R
Deathtoll: B... but... but...
7 X2 j% N  e+ P8 V0 rDeathtoll: In a sense...: }* h& I" f+ i
Deathtoll: They...; K* W( S+ T7 |( T/ }
Deathtoll: They have a firmer grip on the heart of all Athena's Saints!
1 H' K% U. k0 H* x0 l5 sIkki: Nonsense.
3 s2 F+ X, Q- F. T, eIkki: You talk like a serpent god.
8 D) E# A& y7 q) u" x
& A; V- v% n8 |, m+ b9 YP13# s* p" [7 [5 n( ^& Y/ q5 J5 a' z
Deathtoll: Ikki.
2 _! C7 c7 w# n* zIkki: No matter who faces me...2 h+ h6 d- u0 l# ^
Ikki: I show no mercy to those who stand against me with their teeth!; x* L  U( p" S$ u2 _8 B6 p+ G
Ikki: Will be destroyed!& x6 k& }* Q  H; a: N; I' s
Deathtoll Hii!
, g) v  i+ y1 T8 S/ {- ?" sDeathtoll: You... you would not have done that!- {- M/ j: a$ B% U$ q* e0 e
Deathtoll: Ah!  P( @2 S% }7 b: w

- j$ p# o  k/ G: N' r% W2 K( lP14
) q) K" Y& S% W, Y6 mDeathtoll: Kaiser!$ f7 K6 j; h$ }* y# S
Ikki: This man is...
) o  m. t$ z6 n) `) Q* @& rGoldie: Gaouuuuu.& o6 x9 t8 G) |% A9 |2 `% Z: S

1 Q! y3 U. J+ }6 p( Q0 yP153 a7 H- n: I/ \) o! z* F
Goldie: Gaouuu.
7 u+ r4 {5 K, b1 yKaiser: You made Goldie slightly retreat., O  Q/ L' [4 x0 _
Kaiser: This is the first time it happens.. R: E7 n! r, u2 P' q
Kaiser: What's your name?
0 q; J7 l, x1 v" qIkki: Ikki!) b& V2 z2 W* g. N/ M6 [& N

5 T8 p( O, ]& C8 a/ w+ cP16  a0 j2 N, m+ h! ]8 F& `$ b
Aries Temple.7 [* l& P) a2 J: v% D; m
Shion: Ah?
# O; z/ Q+ I0 W" p( [6 IShion: J-just yet...
1 h/ }6 D0 q7 y" u7 N3 @Shion: I felt.../ |# w# `' c% y( M1 m; T! c9 s6 X
Shion: Having heard briefly Dohko screaming my name.7 P0 X: P/ E% H- F0 A# U% H
Shion: Would have happened something serious to him?
3 F: \" C) L- p' y8 L! G0 Z+ o9 M$ n5 x
* p" \: r! B5 a  F7 DS: Uh...8 I/ |" E, V9 \
Shion: I can no longer move.
! Z* H3 X7 V& S( W- q$ v+ f. LShion: W-What's going on?0 W" N' `2 G3 p& o) T4 Y

) ]  }: c3 z) X. R6 T- C  Q  @P183 ?; [! s' _% C
Snake: Shion.$ l4 k! L- V  I- W. M
Snake: I am an emissary.. U/ I% F* K  s9 m
Shion: Uh?
+ }* `3 e5 m) M: MSnake: Listen to me carefully, Shion.
+ ^  o) e% P$ g( }- c- v8 sSnake: A more sacred person than Athena will soon appear./ l) \# |- d' X" N$ w' w
Shion: Wh...
% X- {* B9 l' R! y% j; dShion: What?( f7 L+ ]5 u4 t7 H& @; f; U/ g
Snake: Become a ally.
  H3 t& N  ~7 J/ C0 z9 G: l, oSnake: And...+ E' o* M2 f& g3 h' V
! x0 k0 g! W+ L% L+ V
1 a9 Q) Q( W: wSnake: Help us take Athena's head.9 G& a0 c# B* G4 }  u+ u
Shion: Ho..
$ F+ z5 \4 Q6 `Shion: Out of question!; h/ K' b. \% H0 r
Shion: I am the protector of this temple.
6 d. j6 p" @' jShion: The Gold Saint of Aries!
$ X" R3 q2 t' A! l( L9 u# dShion: I can not let pass someone...
0 C6 U( o$ H9 j$ ?7 l8 F( \& xShion:... who wants to hurt Athena.( Z" c# [3 D0 E/ c6 Z. V$ B2 w
0 I5 d+ p/ t: H7 M, |, [
P20; C  H6 p& Q: h
Snake: You cannot oppose.
' ^/ r5 Y# A+ U; aSnake: No, actually no Saint will not oppose him.+ [0 A' }) X7 X
Shion: H-how's that?( [! ^7 E/ j0 _6 P) a
Shion: What are you talking about?6 U& I) R+ \& y
Snake: If you wonder why, it's because that person...# N- s1 M4 U5 d
Snake:... is a Saint you know very well.: q2 h) L/ \: I7 H# Y" c% ~
Shion: H-how?
4 X: g; m5 G* \# O5 iShion: A Saint?
% v! t1 `& K0 B% P$ ~Shion: Ah... aah...' Q- K) l7 d. i8 Z( _
Shion: Co... could it be...
5 A+ f& H6 j# I0 n' i1 D& fShion: Could it be that Saint...( d% m/ J2 B0 V4 \% F" z% ^
& V3 O/ y/ R' w5 P* V9 }+ L* O3 s
6 z1 E5 b7 s) O" ]+ Q8 p6 t" KShion: The only man in the Sanctuary which has been designated as a god!9 Z3 H* y- t' o9 b5 B
Shion: Would be that Saint alive?% a/ X$ f- G& t7 I

- w2 ?% D9 K+ _" B& N1 B( e! S■ The legendary Ophiuchus Gold Saint will soon resurrect! Look forward to next season!
# o( \3 E9 ~+ K
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发表于 2014-1-28 22:44 | 显示全部楼层
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