汗~ 歌会已经结束了吧~~ 不过我这里还没到哦~ [s:11]
看这次歌会参加的人够少~ 蓝组更是~~ 我就厚着脸皮最后来凑个数吧~~
这首歌咧~ 歌词和伴奏都是几个月前做好的,一直没拿来唱~ 好像是因为原先唱不好~(现在还是[s:22] )~
伴奏用的原先86年那个,比较喜欢这个版本,感觉这样会更有点“浪漫”的感觉吧~ 就是把整个歌弄得忒长~~ 因为原先没用过AA,当时做出来得有点混乱……
歌词嘛~ 因为见中文的都有人写过的说,我也懒得写了~ 就没是兴起写个英文滴~ 唉,基本上是直译原日文的,毕竟没水平,写的…白了点~~ [s:21] 大家表笑话啊~~
在演唱上更是…… 好像从头到尾都跑调~ 还找不到原因~ 不过最后还是坚持唱下来了~ 好不容易啊~~ 总的来说就好像不是用唱的?!~
"Blue Forever"
The shining constellations are calling you from the sky
You're the one, the selected warrior has chosen in the myth
Just like epics in sacred saga
Putting on you cloth, start fighting for the truth oh yeah~
Ah~ Tomorrow our sky is forever blue
whether the dream is, if you believe in, will be come true
Ah~ Piercing you heart this forever blue
keeping on shine never gloom
So wanna meet you in the night, even though being hurt and tired
With that blue dream in my heart, fall asleep in my love
I don't care how the painful battles are
Only for the peace, forget everything at all oh yeah~
Ah~ Up on your head is forever blue
You sworn never give up for your ardent wishes
Ah~ You don't forget that forever blue
Keeping on shine never gloom |
参与人数 1 | 小宇宙 +2545 |
By 南之凤
| + 2545 |
| 理由: <font color=red>歌会加分</font> |