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[剧透] [Approved] Chapter 45 spoiler English version

发表于 2007-7-16 19:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Saint Seiya NEXT DIMENSION Myth of Hades
It’s decided to re-serialize  (No. 36+37)

Chapter 45 Sealed Land

As Hades waves the sword to the direction of Tenma's heart, “Brother, please not…”, the talisman of Athena temple wakes up.

The power of Hades is compressed. “I’ve never seen so powerful the talisman” Aldebaran murmuring.
“Thus the sanctuary will not be ravaged, Hades” Author use one page to describe the appearing of Pope.

“It works, owing to the power of Athena’s talisman, the talisman cage is formed..”
“Pope” “For weakness of Hades, everyone should move from now on, Aldebaran” “Long time no see for 200 of years, Hades”

“So, you are the guy survived at the previous Holy war, you become foxier” (Ouch, the pope is the survivor from previous Holy war)

“The talisman is left from Athena at the previous Holy war” “I can’t let Athena keep the kekkai undefended”

“It’s good chance, wake up , Hades” The sword of Hades is blowing away.
“It’s so stupid; could the talisman 200 years ago stop me? You guy need to wake up, I’ll let everyone kneel upon my knees”

“I’ll let you know I just use partial of my power to fight with Pegasus” (Although he is weakened, however, he deserves to be called Hades) the chance should never be given up.
“Athena, Sasha, what’ll you do…?” Taurus:”The cosmos of the pope and Athena is starting to extend around the temple”

The evil-sealed tower near Statue of Athena, the place that sealed 108 specters start to connect together.
“Hades, You who is weakened is brought here by the power of me and Athena, right here, I’ll seal your soul , and finish the Holy war. Get away from the body of the young man”
“My soul ?? You all are fools believing love”
Taurus “Woman’s voice…?” “It’s our duty..” The space is twisted, and starts to attack Athena…
Cait・Sith Cheshire as the stableman, ride the carriage (specter clothes). Pandora with trident appears. “I’m so worried about you for not seeing you”
Pandora from the carriage “I think there is still the component to be human being Allan, let me Pandora clean it up”
Pandora appears.., what she wants to do…

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发表于 2007-7-16 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-16 21:48 | 显示全部楼层

Re:[Unapproved] Chapter 45 Next Dimension spoiler English version

grazie mille, mercì beaucoup, tank
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发表于 2007-7-17 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for translating it into English
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发表于 2007-7-17 15:07 | 显示全部楼层
It is fantastic and helpful to overseas seiya fans, I recommend that we could form a group to deal with the english stuff from english forums and translate japanese cartoon into english for overseas fans' convenience .
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发表于 2007-7-17 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
对于ND重新连载的翻译 continue publishing 还是有一定的问题的

publishing 仅表示与"出版"相关的含义, 和"连载"还是有出入的, 如果是单行本的发行, 那用这个词没什么问题, 但连载和出版毕竟是A和B, 要说出版, 那应该是CHAMPION周刊, 而不是ND, ND是刊载在CHAMPION上, 然后秋田书店出版CHAMPION周刊, 使我们能看到, 所以相互之间是这样一个逻辑关系


中文意思就是指艺术作品(如:漫画, 小说等)有规律地, 连续性的(如:每周, 每月)持续发表在某种媒介(如:杂志)上.
在英文里其实就有一个对应的词, 就是:

它的英文意思是: to publish in serial form

而serial的英文解释其中之一便是: anything published, broadcast, etc., in short installments at regular intervals, as a novel appearing in successive issues of a magazine.

两者合起来, 意思几乎就和上面那段中文意思相对应

所以, ND重新连载如果翻译的话, 可以直接用动词, 翻成: re-serialize 即可

当然, 其实个人认为, 连载这个日语单词不翻译也是完全可以的, 相信海外圣迷对于这些日文词汇都烂熟于胸了, 再者, 英文里面现在日语词汇的比例也在不断扩大, 因此个人认为, "连载"一词完全可以不翻, 直接用日文: Rensai 即可, 相信大部分海外圣迷都是看得懂的

总得来说, 译者的翻译是辛苦劳动得来的, 是值得各位肯定的, 而以上内容仅为对个别细节上的建议, 如果有问题欢迎跟帖继续讨论, 沟通, 交流.

再次感谢剧透译者的辛苦翻译, 使得能有幸在几乎和原版剧透的同步时间内看到译文, 造福了海外地区的圣迷
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-17 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-7-18 14:39 | 显示全部楼层
引用第5楼dancap2007-07-17 19:52发表的:
对于ND重新连载的翻译 continue publishing 还是有一定的问题的

publishing 仅表示与"出版"相关的含义, 和"连载"还是有出入的, 如果是单行本的发行, 那用这个词没什么问题, 但连载和出版毕竟是A和B, 要说出版, 那应该是CHAMPION周刊, 而不是ND, ND是刊载在CHAMPION上, 然后秋田书店出版CHAMPION周刊, 使我们能看到, 所以相互之间是这样一个逻辑关系

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发表于 2007-7-19 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
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