本帖最后由 暗黑的破壞神 于 2015-8-11 11:17 编辑
第 10 話 [有說 = 沒說又提升到了新的境界]
第 11 話 [被水印擋住的部份懶得查對而跳過,請見諒]
經由處女座的黃金聖鬥士沙加揭露了安多雷亞斯的真面目為邪神洛基。洛基的目的是奪取黃金聖鬥士們的力量,於地上復活邪惡之果實。聖鬥士等人的絕技"Athena Exclamation (雅典娜的驚嘆)" 消滅了安多雷亞斯,看起來似乎阻止了洛基之復活的樣子 ......。
STORY (故事) [有很激烈嗎? 是越來越多猴子臉和鬥雞眼吧?]
第 10 話 對決! 艾歐里亞 VS 安多雷亞斯 [誰有仔細數這是第幾次黃金獅子衝動揮拳了?]
第 11 話 復活! 仙宮的邪神 [關智一下台!! We Want 水島裕!!]
安多雷亞斯的真面目被判定是"偉大的邪神"。他利用了黃金聖鬥士的小宇宙,得到了自邪惡存在誕生之究極神器 "Gungnir (永恆之槍)",欲支配仙宮。
Soul Of Gold Newest Spoiler Translations
The Leo Gold Saint Aiolia, came to know Lyfja who serves the previous Odin human realm proxy Hilda. Though Lyfja who violated the taboo was vanquished, believing in Lyfja who cares about Asgard's future, Aiolia is determined to defeat the current human realm proxy Andreas.
The true identity of Andreas is revealed by the Virgo Gold Saint Shaka to be the evil God Loki.
Loki's intention is to seize the Gold Saints' power, in order to resurrect the seed of evil on earth.
The Saints' technique "Athena Exclamation" eliminates Andreas, and it seems the resurrection of Loki has been prevented ......
The battle between the Gold Saints and God Warriors becomes increasingly more fierce. In the midst of it Lyfja's life perishes at the hands of Utgardar who should have been defeated by Gold Saint Dohko.
EP10 Face Off! Aiolia VS Andreas
In front of Aiolia, who's burning with rage over Lyfja's death, the leader of the God Warriors Andreas appears. Toward the culprit who ordered to have Lyfja killed, Aiolia gives in to anger and relentlessly unleashes his fists. However, Andreas remains unscathed, instead turns the table on Aiolia and backs him into the corner via counter attacks. At that moment, Gold Saints Dohko, Mu and Saga rush to Aiolia's aid.
EP11 Resurrect! Evil God Of Asgard
Andreas' true identity is revealed to be "The Great Evil God". Exploiting the Gold Saints' Cosmos, he obtains the ultimate artifact born from the evil being "Gungnir", attempting to rule Asgard.
** 神話科普: 永恆之槍 (Gungnir)
也譯作昆古尼爾、岡尼爾,此槍是北歐主神奧丁的所有物。至於 Gungnir 之名的由來,有人認為是以聲音表現出「貫穿」這個動作的說法最為可靠。 阿薩神族和華納神族開戰時,就是由奧丁拿著此槍投出第一擊。相傳維京人在作戰時,會由指揮官先向敵人投擲長槍,就是承襲自此。當奧丁將此槍擲出時,會發出劃越空際的亮光,地上的人稱之為「閃電」,另一說法是「流星」。神話中記載,對著昆古尼爾發誓的人,他的誓言必將實現。這也許就是對著流星許願的由來。
這柄槍是由邪神 洛基 (Loki) 在因 希芙之髮的事件中,拜託 侏儒打造而成的,槍尖刻有 盧恩文字(Rune),藉由其魔力沒有無法穿刺之盔甲。槍柄則是 世界之樹(Yggdrasil)的樹枝做成的,使其堅硬得不管任何武器都無法破壞。此槍相當地長,可騎馬使用或拋擲,其能力相當單純且強大,就是「一擲出就一定會命中目標」,是百發百中的神槍,可以擊穿它擊中的任何東西,隨後自動回到主人手中。
順便一提,OMG 的戰神馬爾斯招式之一也借用了 Gungnir 命名。