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[讨论&感想] Saint Seiya Next Dimension Part.85- Raw Full Color‼ By NDSeiya

发表于 2017-9-28 11:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 12:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
感谢分享 楼主威武
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发表于 2017-9-28 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-28 13:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
@}% u1 I+ `! m! y8 l8 @
: J- W! e; N7 j+ [+ w' N2 S
Saint Seiya NEXT DIMENSION Part 85  Spell Of Awakening5 D5 l2 M+ D4 }+ _

, A4 l) p) m2 a( \8 h: VMasami Kurumada
( q- W& |! n4 g) w( o! T% N( Z( G" D/ M# T
Dankobon Vol. 1-11 On Sale With Rave Reviews!!
. g: ^$ e9 i' y2 \; y8 x; j; q: Q+ F7 w7 C2 Y; A+ s0 U+ f
This man that appeared in front of Shion who guards the Palace of Aries,
- \. w. e: I0 x, U3 G2 ~  l: i3 M( gis he indeed the legendary Saint ...!?+ T1 S& F3 e% ]

& `' j* s; O( q( |Shion: "O..."
% Q: @/ Y% _+ B! i"Odysseus..."
' Q: Q! U8 U. j( q3 r/ d0 E& N"Tha ... That appearance is ..."
6 l1 s% A) {: ^"stunning just as before ..."
. {$ `( U) o0 D7 ?' e: J. m$ M
3 ~! ]* C' y- a. r3 d: A) MSynopsis:  While the entire Sanctuary falls into intense slumber, at last the legendary Ophiuchus Gold6 K; Y( v) K: m5 u9 z
Saint resurrects ...!!
' N" y/ l' E% Y! s9 Y# f
" y% K+ K/ y1 t! q* _; _8 wShion: "The entire body's scalding you sustained when saving the young Dohko and I ..." "Since then your appearance had often been concealed by robe ..."
9 K$ x' a0 H, s6 j( r, W) B+ ^* A
Odysseus: "Shion" "I was undoubtedly reborn ..."" H; v7 b5 o  J
"in order to kill Athena ...!!"
) l% Y' ^! D4 F7 U/ {7 J4 D6 A! n9 F
Shion: "O ... Odysseus"+ k/ A5 y! e; U: v$ ^
"Though I didn't want to believe so is that the truth!?". V- K5 d( Y+ y5 b/ Z+ }: u

  d: _7 @) C8 A* s0 fOdysseus: "What would you do?"0 T% j# ]; K7 U, n

6 M& l) W: S" W" f/ _6 v+ zShion: "Wh ... What!?". J4 W" u9 {( e0 u  w

# Q* y+ d, [& u3 M! \; V' J+ aOdysseus: "Would you follow me"
* d* i1 f- o, W6 T# W. `6 m"or would you guard Athena?"- l. x" x/ c/ S5 n' }, i% K" |# y
"Alright, answer me, Shion"' ^' ?; o- _8 X$ m$ t
"I woke you up to ask that"# r3 R+ i+ v; Y: B- E
4 L0 u( l# ]- ?, e3 P3 m! H
Shion: "Wh ...": `3 M4 f% S/ b' V: f% p. ]
7 Q( |$ j' [, n* u) p
Odysseus: "Is it me!"
* @6 F4 ]% d. P0 V# Z0 k"Or is it Athena!"
+ O( m& {1 v1 x' {- b$ ]9 l7 Y, L! R" B) I3 j1 d/ \
Shion: "Kuh"
; g- }; y" M3 _# q. w  P"It ... It goes without saying ..."
& y6 O; S. A' s- N
% l8 r0 M$ u) Z# s6 \* PCRYSTAL WALL!!- A! [3 Z: t( g$ A

3 y5 H7 G5 s4 i9 c- h  a* j( tShion: "Even if it's you who I owe great debts to, I am Athena's Saint"
& e$ h4 R6 j( {1 m( W"I won't let you pass through here!"
/ |5 S: B; J: l1 f+ ~& v
  X$ J0 \3 @$ E. X& M2 sOdysseus: "Shion"% ]/ J' c' e/ [9 E
"Well said": a) ~( A4 S4 j( O3 N

/ t5 w) o# x  n  j7 i* k' QShion: "O ..."
; H( A+ @2 t, J% {6 C$ E"Odysseus!?"
+ S. ?" E$ N- Q* B: x2 u  y
% ?1 y& ^  A5 C5 R" P% i( D4 p% `Odysseus: "However ..."
/ t  ]7 V; s+ K. ^1 W# s' [' d+ b& X& o' O. T4 @1 K
Shion: "Uh" "The ... The Crystal Wall was ..."
2 ]; L1 `7 T( J. O5 ^5 z; ^4 ^  V"instantly vaporized ..."
9 g$ Q% t- R3 E4 f9 z0 P) |6 F8 o9 j" t: h: s- O
Odysseus: "You can't stop me with this level of power" "I'll only ask once more"
: T9 a9 E% u% V"Would you follow me!? Or Athena!?"
# S/ z" i6 W6 v. h3 _4 H# t% n4 K3 g
Shion: "I ... I wish you wouldn't make me repeat the same thing"* {- L! H  D0 n. K
"I am Athena's Saint"5 d1 u1 ^+ j! r$ y
"Even if this body were to perish"0 X, o* `5 W4 T) @/ k
"I will guard Athena till the end!!"9 ?  w; n9 R* _0 l
"Ah ..."
; I& ]3 z" T5 i  n3 j& h"Ahhh ..."
* F& h. f, m1 c/ ?, R: z3 c0 n0 O3 j1 j/ D
Odysseus: "Shion" "I've certainly accepted your resolve"8 w! {) F( D; D8 z

& y" U. O6 k2 m# t4 ?0 @. y7 CShion: "My ... My body ..."
2 g! j( l3 ]6 i5 e& X& |4 o! ~0 x( |"The power in my body is dissipating"" L5 ?; `# S2 x- E) X' L
"O ... Odysseus", a/ f, z1 I7 D0 R  Z
"What kind of attack did you use?"
% \  _* |; ?7 J; m2 b
6 h' m7 F% b  f" b" c5 s8 [, G- b8 vOdysseus: "I wouldn't attack" "My mission is not to attack but to remedy"8 ~1 q$ S. Q' \" P  V
Have I not kept es of all the Saintssince the past to the end?
, c6 k! H. R9 [" I3 y3 E) C7 A! j) j  R9 d3 t
Shion: "Mmhh"8 s* s8 F( x0 y' l/ i. V7 j

' A* A/ z, w; p- \8 |Odysseus: "What I did now was merely revoking the spell of awakening that was bestowed"
% X% O# W" _, v$ A
6 l$ U" b5 e; e+ b, _; CShion: "Sp ... Spell of awakening ......"4 ]( G8 e) ~6 P0 i( p6 V

7 l# w; R% o" kOdysseus:  "If the spell is revoked, you simply fall into slumber again" "due to the Palace of Ophiuchus's healing which has enveloped the Sanctuary ..."* P" m1 T6 o( S5 ]! q  \6 U! N1 W
"into a deep slumber ..."
  D% E& u, q2 f
$ x" H1 @% B- }0 t1 B8 L0 [Acheron River4 H4 R7 o9 y( y) h  K" k3 X
, j% y( P  P  ~& p+ @* w
Ferryman Specter: "Sheesh, how dull" "The deceased haven't come at all" "Though there seems to be dimensional distortion taking place"
4 H: {, O5 o+ B+ ~0 X3 h"I wonder if the deceased have also become stagnant coz of that?"
+ b, t( n% k$ H; ^* ]3 u$ r3 w"That's it, there's a deceased"
( ^$ ]( P7 S6 {" r; r% V"That big fella"
5 e' E( [$ q! l"Don't just keep sitting there like that"- X' K0 X" c- y" l; E! O
"Damn it, don't you have ferriage?"
2 P4 o( y9 K3 c! f$ n7 ~"Hey hey, big fella, I'm the ferryman of Acheron"  e! p( R- e: T) c: l; M- f9 [
"Are you riding or not, which is it?"' X8 K/ H$ F/ _* I7 k
"This is the boarding point to the Underworld"& n0 v$ N( G$ U) w* E+ j
"Not a resting spot"
, ^% C5 Q1 S6 n1 M) [, ?7 p9 v"Is this guy sleeping?"; K/ @" T7 K1 N  T6 H! S7 \# f; N
"Hey, say something"1 b% O- f4 H' D, u8 Y( M9 q
"Wha ... What's with this guy?"1 v+ b, L1 k. P
"Isn't he still alive!?"
# H  B. j# a; D- U. h6 x"Uh"
2 c$ f# f, g7 }"Wha ... What's more is upon closer look this guy ..."
* ]9 e  ~4 M8 x* J"Aren't ... Aren't you Athena's Saint?"6 ~$ I& p: A' [& u
"What are you doing at a place like this"
' T) u, L+ O1 P" L+ [% P"If you are not dead you won't be able to cross the Acheron River"8 a' j- V7 }1 W* a7 B

- Z8 r2 H2 [. V* T% ^Odysseus: "Cut it out!"% e; K" w- R/ A/ Y- v& O, l( G. @$ U9 {

3 p1 [% X2 J' t( F, b* vFerryman Specter: "Wha!?"
# r0 J( W: m# _1 I1 h/ k0 O"Who ..."
% k0 m+ D$ T+ f0 Y" i3 B"Who are you!?"
0 v/ |" s7 @, \6 {' {$ @7 g% p6 p! o# F: E
Odysseus: "You shouldn't be so rough.  I'm bringing that fellow back."
7 u0 _9 @3 E  J7 T3 a* y% J  p$ [% j: q0 @3 h/ N) R
Ferryman Specter: "Wha ..."( {6 j. @2 R: F- y
"What the hell ~~~~~~!?"
7 ]) ]  S8 j0 m& Z& A0 V8 Z3 u
) C" x/ _5 Y, P6 o+ G1 `Odysseus: "Ox, get a hold of yourself"  b. j. Z+ O. ]3 t( `" x- e
. `- U* h: [0 R9 [) t1 d/ F4 ~
7 i! T8 n4 L9 d4 E4 k3 F  q8 {Ox: "Ah ...!?"" s6 n. f; ?1 K9 Q0 I
"O ... Odysseus!?"5 c; q* ?% e# E' n: c
"Cou ... Could it be ... The fact that you're here means ..." "this is the Underworld!?"
3 B1 |3 F8 q) `9 L
' c1 ?- y+ U/ P' {Odysseus: "No"$ A# B8 _: N3 F2 |- x
"You weren't able to cross the Acheron River in the state of suspended animation"9 V; }) i; ^5 n% M4 |" `' c

& w' X/ u$ x" Q( BOx: "Sus ... Suspended"
% ^+ S" R  b2 m% q7 P" k% b6 H2 z  f* b: s3 ]7 g
Odysseus: "Alright, let's go back together"
6 [, g9 }3 V3 ~  r0 _5 i"to the Sanctuary": x7 I$ i- v8 [8 D0 w3 Y2 S4 Z$ H
, v9 o7 Z7 R" m! D* y3 Z
Ox: "Bu ... But Odysseus"
2 j$ u& G# w+ X& ^/ N"Why have you who passed away?"! D' T* Y5 E; V  M, m  ^; T
# w3 Y* Y4 h; u
Odysseus: "I've resurrected on Earth"
% v/ R, s& k" R* q"as the Thirteenth Gold Saint"# e; |. C( \2 N0 Y7 q) N) h

* m) v8 @& P# n. [" H% r% w7 zOx: "Wha ... What did you say!?"
# A  o9 m, ?7 C" G* F% ?"the Thirteenth Gold Saint!!"9 k, c; G* O; u9 o6 u' \

) }; _. V. }$ D: r3 u( lFerryman Specter: "Hey yo"
( H/ ~" ?& z. i) s6 N" D$ q7 V8 P"Hey hey hey, the two of you, what do you think this place is?"; j, h. h* t! M9 p
"It's the entrance of hell where even crying children stay silent", s7 i- a# [# H  J( e3 X/ D
"You think you can come and go as you please?"- W, X' K6 M! L( ?
0 g" \( D- l" J
Odysseus: "It's not much but to apologize for the disturbance"
8 i) Q9 M) a" Q. Z
* [) t" `9 G3 pFerryman Specter: "Aren't ... Aren't these gold nuggets?"0 l6 Z+ [. \/ V3 E5 q( V
"With just this even several hundred people can ride the ferry"
* K) |" T, }! l+ z/ |* }+ V2 u, G% ?* H0 y7 B% B
Odysseus: "Soon there'll probably be many Saints coming"
% `0 @4 W- w% Y! J' Z% Z" c8 X& V* l
Ferryman Specter: "Eh?"
" l; f# @2 ?. R1 y6 f% {( u) x/ o& b1 l8 u, p* E+ Z) K
Odysseus: "Please take it in advance as ferriage for that moment"
- T, g  f7 v6 y$ d; Y8 A, F- ]! ^
Ferryman Specter: "Ah ..."
# u  o2 D3 f0 ^& D# q: V& W  l "Ahh ..."
  u2 c+ M& |7 V5 v. |! B
5 V) T: [4 I: y5 R3 \5 ~+ i/ t: QOdysseus: "Then let's get going, Ox"
6 i$ {# X- f; B* ]0 a6 `9 L5 M
$ D' g; j6 N& F( v. ^, |Ferryman Specter: "Wha!?"
/ t& R8 U% y9 _5 L+ Z "They ... They vanished"
# e- \" B4 h! q+ I' W "Did those guys return to the living world!?"- m7 A% n$ t$ ]9 }. Z
"Bu ... But what did that guy say!?": f! ]. c' g/ \' W* \% V% o
" What did he say about the Thirteenth Gold Saint!? "
; ~2 I* a1 F5 M- g6 b
* K. e8 ^6 \6 p$ S9 y2 iWith the ushering of Odysseus Taurus Ox resurrects!?3 w7 v) s1 [  ^: N
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-28 14:39 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing...
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发表于 2017-9-28 14:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 15:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-28 15:42 | 显示全部楼层
暗黑的破壞神 发表于 2017-9-28 00:286 A: G  R7 t, ?: V
@}5 W, }# ^! E) D% R6 N: d
  Z" Z* y8 y- t% Q  Q+ z! ~) s4 @
Saint Seiya NEXT DIMENSION Part 85  Spell Of Awakening
8 f! Y) e- o# x- l. n+ z) J
wow very fast !!! Thank you very much for your great work, my friend!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-28 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝 收下了
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发表于 2017-9-28 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 18:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 18:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-28 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
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