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发表于 2009-2-24 13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这位神仙是天帝宙斯、海皇波塞冬和冥王哈迪斯的父亲,也就是雅典娜的亲爷爷。) x( J, j  F' x) E$ V( D
2 t$ {" X4 }( n. g) W0 d
克洛诺斯 (Cronus)
9 {* U. B) N6 z6 u/ j  克洛诺斯是时间的创力和破坏力的结合体,吞噬一切的时间。他的父母是天神乌拉诺斯和地神该亚,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。瑞亚生了许多子女,但每个孩子一出生就被克洛诺斯吃掉。当瑞亚生下宙斯时,她决心保护这个小生命。她用布裹住一块石头谎称这是新生的婴儿,克洛诺斯将石头一口吞下肚里。于是,宙斯躲过一劫,他被送到克洛诺斯的姐姐宁芙女神那里抚养。
# K! m. W  X0 {" b+ W) ^$ o0 R  该亚让尤拉诺斯做众神之王,时间长了,尤拉诺斯威权日重,实行完全的独裁统治,性情逐渐粗暴乖张、刚愎自用,甚至对该亚也不大尊重了。尤拉诺斯的所作所为终于引起了该亚强烈的不满。她决定除掉尤拉诺斯,另立新王。该亚用采自大地最深处的黑色岩石为原料,让塞克罗斯们造了一把非常坚硬和锋利的小镰刀。然而,作为母亲和妻子,她不忍亲自下手。她把她的泰坦儿子们叫到一起,希望有人能去刺杀尤拉诺斯。大家全都沉默不语,谁也不敢去,该亚大怒,痛骂这些胆怯的儿子们,并说刺杀者可以继任为王。终于,小儿子克洛诺斯同意一试。1 Q& x5 w5 X7 c% y2 x
  一天晚间,该亚准备了丰盛的晚宴,将尤拉诺斯灌得大醉。待其睡熟后,克洛诺斯手持镰刀走来,一刀将他父亲的头割下,并迅速将其肢解。这时,尤拉诺斯的头睁开眼睛,并愤怒地诅咒道:“你会为你所做的付出代价。不久,你也将象我一样被自己的儿子推翻。” 说完,才闭眼而亡.从他流出的血中,生出了复仇三女神,许多可怕的巨人以及三位美丽的桉树女仙。克洛诺斯将父亲的肢体扔进大海,从海里溅起的泡沫中,诞生了爱神阿佛洛狄忒。克洛诺斯以一把镰刀杀死父皇,顺理成章地做了第二任神王,史称“镰刀夺位”。 0 h  ]+ s. V3 f- D; k% h, `
  克洛诺斯深知自己的独眼和百手兄弟们的强大,认为他们的存在是对自己王位潜在的威胁。因此,克洛诺斯设毒计将他们抓住并囚禁于塔耳塔洛斯地狱。之后,他依然不能安心,因父亲临死前的诅咒始终在他耳边回响:“你也将象我一样被自己的儿子推翻。”为了避免这诅咒,克洛诺斯做出了一个残忍的决定:把生下来的孩子全吃掉。0 _# z2 J- e7 D! A
  瑞亚为克洛诺斯生了五个孩子,全都在刚出生时被父亲一口吞下。瑞亚非常伤心,因此,在她生下第六个孩子后,决心要保全此子,她给这个男婴取名为宙斯。瑞亚将宙斯交给桉树女仙抚养,而将一块石头包在布里交给克洛诺斯,克洛诺斯看也不看就将它一口咽了下去。" i4 w2 k: W& I: @
  宙斯在克里特岛长成一个英俊健壮的青年。为了推翻父亲的统治,他去找美狄斯--一位拥有无比智慧和预知能力的女泰坦询问击败克洛诺斯的方法。美狄斯为宙斯配了一小瓶具有催眠和催吐作用的药水,并教他这么这么办...... & b% O8 \# B+ W- e2 O) `
  克洛诺斯嗜好喝酒,因此身边有个专为其倒酒的小厮。瑞亚借口这个小厮笨手笨脚,建议克洛诺斯换一个,经批准后,便将宙斯推荐给他使用。宙斯聪明伶俐,很快博得克洛诺斯的欢心和信任。终于有一天,宙斯将药混入酒中,服侍克洛诺斯喝下。很快,克洛诺斯便昏睡不醒,并不断呕吐,将吃进肚中的已长大成人的五个孩子都吐了出来. 他们是德米忒耳,赫拉,赫丝堤,哈得斯和波塞冬。随后,大家把克洛诺斯扔出了王宫。; N( [& q( r" F2 X! B2 m
1 `2 w4 P  B' n  这一次的政权交接是由一杯药酒引起,因此史称“杯酒释君权”。
) O- L6 z( q0 A/ @+ v/ x/ Y. t6 X2 P  被废黜的克洛诺斯和他其他下野的泰坦兄弟们不甘心失败,决心重新夺回失去的权力. 他们推举爱泼特斯的儿子阿忒拉斯--最高大强壮的泰坦为首领,攻打俄林波斯山. 但爱泼特斯的另两个儿子普罗米修斯和厄毗米修斯没有参加。新夺权的俄林波斯诸神抵挡不住泰坦们强大的攻势,眼看就要全线溃败时, 宙斯从塔耳塔洛斯地狱放出了对克洛诺斯怀有深仇大恨的塞克罗斯们和海科通契里斯们。很快,攻守之势逆转.塞克罗斯们将他们打造的武器--一根可以发射雷霆和闪电的权杖交给宙斯。宙斯狂笑着向泰坦们发射霹雳,泰坦们四处奔逃, 结果被把守住各个路口的百手怪物海科通契里斯一一擒获。所有参与战斗的泰坦们全部被关入塔耳塔洛斯地狱,只有阿忒拉斯被罚去顶天。此次战役史称“泰坦之乱”。 0 C/ R, l; a+ ^9 z6 H$ z; ~$ ^
8 i0 g- y$ }9 o$ _5 V  一段时间之后,宙斯和俄林波斯政府在希腊最伟大的英雄赫拉克剌斯的帮助下,成功地击退了巨人们的进攻。这之后,就再没有发生过武装反对宙斯统治的事情了。6 o1 R' z+ P4 w$ [

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秋之刀鱼 该用户已被删除
发表于 2009-2-24 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-24 14:10 | 显示全部楼层
G连载了这么久貌似也没多少人关注这位神仙,倒是一个剧透令他的关注度上升了。还是老车有威严啊!让谁火谁就火。 [s:134]
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发表于 2009-2-24 14:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-24 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
9 _- I, j' t9 _/ \4 f! q. i2 L* p3 d: h8 Z- H
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发表于 2009-2-24 18:25 | 显示全部楼层
再过一阵子就连太爷乌拉诺斯都打了…… [s:134]
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发表于 2009-2-24 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-24 18:59 | 显示全部楼层
好色的宙斯来到人世和99个女人生百子/ e* K8 [5 a  W5 ~/ J/ g
9 j) e8 R2 B$ R+ H: e9 t: i* j  ~+ k/ X最终他们中的5个推翻了宙斯及众神
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发表于 2009-2-24 19:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-24 20:13 | 显示全部楼层
引用第8楼东方不败于2009-02-24 19:54发表的  :0 e& }6 l" h0 i* ~
' k7 h: E8 T! g: K

0 ~0 ]' q: Y) m+ X* J% o: D2 D0 \不能说不能说,说了就没意思了,啊哈哈
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发表于 2009-2-24 20:23 | 显示全部楼层
引用第8楼东方不败于2009-02-24 19:54发表的  :1 H& c$ _# }; z
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发表于 2009-2-25 07:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-25 08:16 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主分享 [s:130]
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发表于 2009-2-25 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
% e0 [: j( p9 f, B- f# C0 L% B$ b4 ?) O3 J, {
! k: [# [; }! m" MFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
+ k8 u' r5 P7 n6 GJump to: navigation, search
0 H4 s6 [. K2 [$ _Not to be confused with Chronos, the personification of time.
4 S, _) A4 ^" h4 A* x9 _For other uses, see Cronus (disambiguation).6 F' e8 w8 K3 c, ~- [) h$ Y( G: q
Greek deities
$ _+ n; j8 D) T/ p. I1 D, X  H8 m& e5 Tseries
* u1 q1 m# z; S# g5 T; N  aPrimordial deities
; A9 ?* a: @3 K) E1 L- OOlympians
) U. O$ Z6 G" @& J1 Z+ j- BAquatic deities
* y5 W* b4 |$ ^- \1 ~Chthonic deities
4 S  f8 D" O9 m% b5 g1 N3 _! tPersonified concepts: f& u; _* t6 L* \
Other deities( {$ G4 l' W% O7 a5 s
5 F0 l2 u4 a, M9 tThe Twelve Titans:
8 Z; Z! i1 G- R7 K0 Z' z5 xOceanus and Tethys,
6 P% z5 B8 S, o9 `0 {! qHyperion and Theia,- z4 `8 I) W0 b; s
Coeus and Phoebe,
" M5 h6 w- v2 H4 q; ECronus and Rhea,
: b& P$ l( Y! D( e/ NMnemosyne, Themis,3 v  n6 L4 C& T( b: ?8 F
Crius, Iapetus
8 n9 D# W$ k$ ^2 HChildren of Hyperion:
3 r3 h7 T) E( G+ Z7 _1 C; }; PEos, Helios, Selene
5 x- _7 W' H$ \% ~2 ], ^3 GDaughters of Coeus:! X% h1 f# [' _
Leto and Asteria
$ m4 R% o7 u8 S# V! y9 x# qSons of Iapetus:
7 B, F( M4 \0 wAtlas, Prometheus,3 f! U6 s9 `) U
Epimetheus, Menoetius! p& g3 O4 p4 I# V8 k* K" m
Sons of Crius:
! R; L, W: r. `: c& JAstraeus, Pallas,: P- ~  R$ }8 ~
Perses% U+ m) I( P" `" L6 g1 d
, T/ Z% x& i, M! ]# n" }
Cronus or Kronos, (Ancient Greek Κρόνος, Krónos), was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans, divine descendants of Gaia, the earth, and Ouranos, the sky. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own sons, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, and imprisoned in Tartarus [1] or sent to rule the paradise of the Elysian Fields.[2]( v$ g- l# P1 T3 ^5 w

: i% |8 v' R- ]+ n: x) _As a result of his association and virtuous Golden Age, Cronus was worshipped as a harvest deity, overseeing crops such as grains, nature and agriculture. He was usually depicted with a sickle, which he used to harvest crops and which was also the weapon he used to castrate and depose Ouranos. In Athens, on the twelfth day of every month (Hekatombaion), a festival called Kronia was held in honor of Cronus to celebrate the harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn.
/ A# g2 l4 C% _5 g8 d) Y& Z5 ?# B7 I
The etymology of the name is obscure. It may be related to "horned", suggesting a possible connection with the ancient Indian demon Kroni or the Levantine deity El. In the Alexandrian and Renaissance periods there was some confusion with the word χρόνος, Chronos, meaning time.
5 M6 X$ V( P2 X! j2 j$ UContents
% n( E1 \( }' ], ][hide]
% ^  |1 r( U+ y& D! k' q2 v" z. b' D. p% h# u1 e
    * 1 In Greek mythology and early myths
3 u4 s/ G( i' G0 h( m" M& R    * 2 El, the Phoenician Cronus' n: x+ o- r7 D6 J* q6 `" o" [6 w8 Q
    * 3 In Roman mythology and later culture; R# l9 Y) t) f( B' D
    * 4 See also; t6 V0 E. B' ]" R; w; e9 U' A
    * 5 External links6 P3 o+ I6 }+ J1 A1 v. S2 m
    * 6 References
+ D2 {- C' w" F: e  p5 K, {, h' m' t2 C+ d% A3 e
[edit] In Greek mythology and early myths
; @! W* a, k: _# \; |) q' o; a4 t6 ?
( f0 q8 w7 J; c, W. [' AIn ancient Greek myths, Cronus envied the power of his father, the ruler of the universe, Ouranos. Ouranos drew the enmity of Cronus' mother, Gaia, when he hid the gigantic youngest children of Gaia, the hundred-armed Hecatonchires and one-eyed Cyclopes, in Tartarus, so that they would not see the light. Gaia created a great adamant sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to persuade them to kill Ouranos. Only Cronus was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and placed him in ambush. When Ouranos met with Gaia, Cronus attacked him with the sickle by cutting off his genitals, castrating him and casting the severed member into the sea. From the blood (or, by a few accounts, semen) that spilled out from Ouranos and fell upon the earth, the Gigantes, Erinyes, and Meliae were produced. From the member that was cast into the sea, Aphrodite later emerged.[3] For this, Ouranos threatened vengeance and called his sons titenes (according to Hesiod meaning "straining ones," the source of the word "titan", but this etymology is disputed) for overstepping their boundaries and daring to commit such an act." K6 X) P" G. ~9 T
% O& q+ k2 Z8 z$ G9 ~3 Z
In an alternate version of this myth, a more benevolent Cronus overthrew the wicked serpentine Titan Ophion. In doing so, he released the world from bondage and for a time ruled it justly.
* d+ l# m5 N8 d0 z. ~& K( {
: U; b8 p  K6 R2 M( NAfter dispatching Ouranos, Cronus re-imprisoned the Hecatonchires, the Gigantes, and the Cyclopes and set the dragon Campe to guard them. He and Rhea took the throne of the world as king and queen. This period of Cronus' rule was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules; everyone did the right thing, and immorality was absent.
. j0 a- C, O; I4 c. M! RPainting by Peter Paul Rubens of Cronus devouring one of his children.
; x& m# x; u4 q1 A/ _) v/ V) n% E# D& {$ G
Cronus learned from Gaia and Ouranos that he was destined to be overcome by his own son, just as he had overthrown his father. As a result, although he sired the gods Demeter, Hera, Hades, Hestia, and Poseidon by Rhea, he swallowed them all as soon as they were born to preempt the prophecy. When the sixth child, Zeus, was born Rhea sought Gaia to devise a plan to save them and to eventually get retribution on Cronus for his acts against his father and children. Rhea secretly gave birth to Zeus in Crete, and handed Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes, also known as the Omphalos Stone, which he promptly swallowed, thinking that it was his son.% N7 a& L4 w  `" D9 E
) q1 ^2 e0 Y5 p3 X+ |
Rhea kept Zeus hidden in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete. According to some versions of the story, he was then raised by a goat named Amalthea, while a company of Kouretes, armored male dancers, shouted and clapped their hands to make enough noise to mask the baby's cries from Cronus. Other versions of the myth have Zeus raised by the nymph Adamanthea, who hid Zeus by dangling him by a rope from a tree so that he was suspended between the earth, the sea, and the sky, all of which were ruled by his father, Cronus. Still other versions of the tale say that Zeus was raised by his grandmother, Gaia.9 I, H; I4 N8 b6 K
7 r$ T" i! a$ ~
Once he had grown up, Zeus used a poison given to him by Gaia to force Cronus (Kronos or Kronus) to disgorge the contents of his stomach in reverse order: first the stone, which was set down at Pytho under the glens of Mount Parnassus to be a sign to mortal men, then the goat, and then his two brothers and three sisters. In other versions of the tale, Metis gave Cronus an emetic to force him to disgorge the children, or Zeus cut Cronus' stomach open. After freeing his siblings, Zeus released the Gigantes, the Hecatonchires, and the Cyclopes, who forged for him his thunderbolts. In a vast war called the Titanomachy, Zeus and his brothers and sisters, with the help of the Gigantes, Hecatonchires, and Cyclopes, overthrew Cronus and the other Titans. Afterwards, many of the Titans were confined in Tartarus. Some Titans were not banished to Tartarus. Atlas, Cronus, Epimetheus, Menoetius, Oceanus and Prometheus are examples of Titans who were not imprisoned in Tartarus following the Titanomachy. Gaia bore the monster Typhon to claim revenge for the imprisoned Titans, though Zeus was victorious. Accounts of the fate of Cronus after the Titanomachy differ. In Homeric and other texts he is imprisoned with the other Titans in Tartarus. In Orphic poems, he is imprisoned for eternity in the cave of Nyx. Pindar describes his release from Tartarus, where he is made King of Elysium by Zeus. In another version, the Titans released the Cyclopes from Tartarus, and Cronos was awarded the kingship among them, beginning a Golden Age.
5 N# k. v! @6 g# }8 L* P
8 \0 m8 J+ B+ Y" MOther children Cronus is reputed to have fathered include Chiron, by Philyra.5 ^8 P' l  r% l) u; k( f  B0 O

# ^+ i2 \; s# Q/ s& lCronos is again mentioned in the Sibylline Oracles, particularly book three, which makes Cronos, 'Titan' and Iapetus, the three sons of Ouranos and Gaia, each to receive a third division of the Earth, and Cronos is made king over all. After the death of Ouranos, Titan's sons attempt to destroy Cronos' and Rhea's male offspring as soon as they are born, but at Dodona, Rhea secretly bears her sons Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and sends them to Phrygia to be raised in the care of three Cretans. Upon learning this, sixty of Titan's men then imprison Cronos and Rhea, causing the sons of Cronos to declare and fight the first of all wars against them. This account mentions nothing about Cronos either killing his father or attempting to kill any of his children.
! a' P; |( G( v( J5 s+ i* v& a) _9 k; J9 ?! x
[edit] El, the Phoenician Cronus4 W( s, n' p; W% G- `+ n, t

  S0 H( Q  a' X/ G2 Z. X, DWhen Hellenes encountered Phoenicians and later, Hebrews, they identified the Semitic El, by interpretatio graeca, with Cronus. The association was recorded as late as Philo, reported in Eusebius' Præparatio Evangelica I.10.16, as Peter Walcot observed.[4]
8 G5 R8 V2 a2 N" x$ F
! t# f; A6 M/ N, e- YThe account ascribed by Eusebius to the semi-legendary pre-Trojan War Phoenician historian, Sanchuniathon, indicates that Cronus was originally a Canaanite ruler who founded Byblos and was subsequently deified. This version gives his alternate name as Elus or Ilus, and states that in the 32nd year of his reign, he emasculated, slew and deified his father Epigeius or Autochthon "whom they afterwards called Uranus". It further states that after ships were invented, Cronos, visiting the 'inhabitable world', bequeathed Attica to his own daughter Athena, and Egypt to Thoth the son of Misor and inventor of writing[5].5 p/ b2 P+ ]0 w& d* N
: Z6 n' k& b+ B9 O# \- m  V
[edit] In Roman mythology and later culture+ @6 a1 r' [. l3 D
Giorgio Vasari: The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn (Cronus)
. z! ]0 s8 x( q' R) z- S9 o
( u+ V2 B7 C" g; U& _    Main article: Saturn (mythology)
" N: v6 @: X" b2 z# X
" i9 k2 W1 n# j; R8 J* X. }/ y1 q    This section may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this section if you can. (December 2007)
7 H' H+ w. T, E1 [; @, N, c* `$ s& r" x; X1 [+ ?! i: Z
While the Greeks considered Cronus a force of chaos along with disorder, believing that the Olympian gods had brought an era of peace and order by seizing power from the crude and malicious Titans, the Romans had a more positive view of the deity. Although the Roman deity Saturn was conflated heavily with Cronus, the Romans favored Saturn much more than the Greeks did Cronus. While Cronus was considered a cruel and tempestuous deity to the Greeks, his nature under Roman influence became more innocuous, with his association with the Golden Age eventually causing him to become the god of "human time", i.e., calendars, seasons, and harvests — not to be confused with Chronos, the unrelated embodiment of time in general. While the Greeks largely neglected Cronus, considering him a mere intermediary stage between Ouranos and Zeus, he was a larger aspect of Roman mythology and religion; Saturnalia was a festival dedicated in his honor, and at least one temple to Saturn existed in the early Roman Kingdom.
, x2 O# O/ j  y- `5 \
# V" g9 ]8 M0 o, IOwing to the abundance of isolated cities in ancient and classic times, numerous myths were developed and adopted to the local regions. As technology allowed cultures of common descent to rejoin, people made accommodations to create a unified pantheon or understanding of the universe.
$ ~" ^9 K8 c* ?  \6 H, aTemple of god Saturn in Rome
) S' E4 K& M$ L, Q! k: K3 U; W# A- ~8 B0 i4 [/ h- Q
As a result of Cronus' importance to the Romans, his Roman variant, Saturn, has had a large influence on Western culture. In accordance with the Near Eastern tradition, the seventh day of the Judaeo-Christian week was also called in Latin Dies Saturni ("Day of Saturn"), which in turn was adapted and became the source of the English word Saturday. In astronomy, the planet Saturn is named after the Roman deity. It is the seventh and outermost of the seven heavenly objects that are visible with the naked eye.
' B6 E+ y* B* S. a. s( B* m- Y1 Z; ?- c3 m5 I% b& C
[edit] See also- d% c5 C1 P, }; ?$ b' `2 m

# Q8 ?/ L/ s) o5 l' V1 i/ s    * Hesiod: the Theogony, Works and Days.
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发表于 2009-2-26 15:36 | 显示全部楼层
我想说,诞生爱神阿佛洛狄忒的是乌拉诺斯的生殖器……咳。。。" i. p/ _  c! N4 G0 \

9 w+ M, l8 i$ R; T4 C顺,那个传说中要推翻宙斯的是阿波罗……
* l2 e- ]6 D" B9 A# [. c/ s" t0 [* c
( m  M1 |' _5 k5 r9 J' q; D神话里面都有的。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-26 16:33 | 显示全部楼层
ND 中的應該是說這位柯罗诺斯Χρόνος Chronus, 他才是時間之神,是希臘神話中的一位原始神,代表著時間。不少人會把柯羅諾斯和泰坦之一克羅諾斯Κρόνος Kronos混淆。& M- Z# r( |4 k% V

/ O# a# X" g8 _, ~$ s) i柯罗诺斯 Χρόνος Chronus) ~# R! V& Q1 e. z4 \
3 |, P. V& i- N9 i& \  Y; o
/ @% g$ S: s, ~, z) V# I克羅諾斯 Κρόνος Kronos
3 A2 K9 I5 v' Q0 C" n: S6 @http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index. ... F&variant=zh-cn
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-26 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-26 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
引用第7楼津明魁于2009-02-24 18:59发表的  :) t2 W2 u6 w) i+ |9 t& D" G
好色的宙斯来到人世和99个女人生百子3 g1 g5 |0 d: A1 ~/ F+ k' R' J
  y" Y6 N: f6 _, n0 d) L最终他们中的5个推翻了宙斯及众神
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-26 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
% M) D+ }4 L, V! J这两个神名字实在相似。希腊文只差一个字母,英文发音几乎一样。说真的的确容易混淆。/ h- G2 D8 q9 `
% T  O1 W! O9 l+ E* v( F6 T
引用第15楼Trevor于2009-02-26 16:33发表的  :( r6 b: \6 I0 g4 ~. H
ND 中的應該是說這位柯罗诺斯Χρόνος Chronus, 他才是時間之神,是希臘神話中的一位原始神,代表著時間。不少人會把柯羅諾斯和泰坦之一克羅諾斯Κρόνος Kronos混淆。1 K3 v8 c2 c7 w
2 J0 u3 N6 r2 `( c' F
柯罗诺斯 Χρόνος Chronus
9 t: y+ _: p4 F7 W7 j+ {http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9F%AF%E7%BE%85%E8%AB%BE%E6%96%AF% Q. N; ]+ c5 o4 E: P+ v

) Y2 \6 v; P' O.......
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-26 22:23 | 显示全部楼层
宙斯很善良,大概被阿波罗推翻了,雅典娜由把阿波罗干掉 [s:134]
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