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[资讯] [网传]CG剧场版将于2013年7月完成!且之后会有一个新的TV动画出现!!

发表于 2012-10-10 08:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 服港寒羽 于 2013-3-27 17:13 编辑 5 V& s) L, g( x- w0 a

7 Y3 U9 j( \: P6 O8 }( j7 l. }# U& P( f引:
服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-5 13:23 $ A( ]% x/ B( F8 a% ?: T* I
这次可真是COMING SOON了# Z# `  B; A6 `

' \( a- \6 ~& M! K/ _1 p8 ~- Dさとう監督は次回、劇場版フルCGアニメ『聖闘士星矢』を手がける。
0 G7 g0 q/ o7 l1 ~6 @: m% W( w# a
+ n  n6 N, o8 b$ Z" j  U; U; I感觉马上就能有消息鸟
  t; J# L' Z$ P7 M" O. o; ^9 ]6 ~4 ~$ W
- \; M- V9 T" }3 Q6 \& P% [
日前,东映动画的主席-森下孝三,告诉了法国的一个网站说:: e' B! v  A7 E
" 'Saint Seiya' will have a top-level budget and will be delivered in S3D and CGI 3D," said Morishita. "In Japan, audiences are not yet fond of stereostropic films but it's crucial to provide a 3D version for territories like China."
( n0 S4 W; l& e* C1 T# f' `- b
0 m$ a+ a2 M, {0 H! g4 A1 ZMorishita said Toei Animation will produce a 13-minute promo before the end of the year and is hoping the production will be completed in July 2013.
. v" m7 S% Y  j1 A+ n' |6 q3 y2 z2 C6 l4 t$ @+ e
The exec said Toei is also considering a spinoff TV toon skein. It would be a different program from "Saint Seiya Omega," a spinoff series which bowed in April on TV Asahi.
! D' R! K' }) f) X
) n! d; q% \" ?' ?: G6 v& k"In the past we'd produced a TV series first and then a film, but we've found that delivering a movie before embarking on a series is a great way to test the appetite of audience and limit risks," said Morishita.
2 y0 }2 R$ c! o, @9 u
% s6 _- _$ K' p! @2 t9 J6 I) J! T8 y9 V- Q# u6 f% N1 f
7 ]1 h+ ~; m& e* L    CG Saint Seiya Film Aimed for Next July, With Possible New Show    posted on 2012-10-09 14:35 EDT( |% V2 f$ a2 }( ^: O' p
( Z% a0 K* }* _% E3 r
Toei Animation chairman Kozo Morishita said at the MIPCOM trade event in Cannes, France. that he is hoping that production on the CG film project Saint Seiya the Movie will be completed in July 2013. Morishita added that he is considering producing a new television anime series in the Saint Seiya franchise after the film opens. # |( y( p. C# ~7 h* u" u0 q6 j. \

! h8 A6 T* R: T  H  O) RRegarding the possible new television anime series, Morishita said, "In the past we'd produced a TV series first and then a film, but we've found that delivering a movie before starting to develop a series is a great way to test the appetite of audience, and limit risks." , D4 R& a) u* Q, g
0 }1 ?0 ?8 c4 k: d. Z) P8 \
Morishita said of the 3D film that "Compared with other Toei Animation films, this 'Saint Seiya' feature will have a top-level budget, and will be delivered in S3D and CGI 3D. In Japan, audiences are not yet fond of stereotropic films, but it's crucial to provide a 3D version for territories like China." 8 H# e/ _' r1 D0 k
: e. d+ w% V. `1 K% |' f
Keiichi Satou (Tiger & Bunny, Ashura), is helming the CG film project. Tomohiro Suzuki, a scriptwriter for six episodes of Tiger & Bunny, is writing the screenplay. The film is listed as the new "Masami Kurumada Project," and Kurumada, the original creator of the Saint Seiya mythological fantasy manga, is credited for the original story. 7 G7 G: n% u3 ~+ O* r: V4 n  d: F

* [: p! H0 p6 ?& i. O1 f  NToei Animation confirmed in February 2011 that production on a new computer-animated film of Saint Seiya had been green-lit.
% r4 c  {1 X: ~8 ?3 w. @8 }
3 P4 d1 J4 t# G
Source: Variety 0 |5 r1 d2 k" l8 s# l. i
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/ ... h-possible-new-show
0 r2 _& f$ u* V+ s7 z$ L' |1 X$ m9 \! r5 t. C

* L" h; z6 F1 L) n' x# W感谢:SSP圣坛提供! O4 \5 m/ g( H% B. R1 s& G2 K
  n' D  i4 W2 B# ~  `

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发表于 2012-10-10 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
东映动画主席森下孝三在法国戛纳MIPCOM商业活动上说,圣斗士星矢CG电影将于2013年7月完成。森下还说在考虑电影放映后制作一个新的圣斗士TV动画。5 q% z/ W4 E2 T6 [. r
对于可能制作的新的TV动画,森下说:“过去我们先制作TV动画然后才是剧场版,但是我们发现在开展TV动画前先发表剧场版动画是一个能够揣摩观众口味,降低风险的好方法。”: X" {# A4 |# J! f$ o
森下说起3D电影:“比起其他东映动画电影,这次圣斗士星矢的特点是拥有顶级预算,以S3D和CGI 3D形式发表。在日本,观众现在不喜欢XXX电影,但提供3D版本对拓展领域,比如中国,至关重要。”这部电影列入新的“车田正美企划”。车田正美,圣斗士的原作者,认可了最初的故事
5 \. D8 j0 O7 Y* H/ e9 R+ cKeiichi Satou(Tiger & Bunny,阿修罗)领导这次CG电影计划。铃木智寻,担任6集Tiger & Bunny的编剧,来编写剧本。这部电影列入新的“车田正美企划”,圣斗士星矢漫画作者车田先生认可了最初的故事。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-10 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 服港寒羽 于 2012-10-10 10:40 编辑
2 X$ `( O- u# ^
% n; C9 j$ R6 n$ L/ n3 l简译:(结合了机翻): c! C; T4 p2 X* M. U
* `7 ]' f% b5 i5 F/ ?; l森下说东映动画在今年年底前,将有个13分钟的电影宣传片。
8 b) D" c. K6 ]! u
/ `5 ^' Q( r3 q5 K2.关于可能的新TV动画,他发现之前制定一系列测试观众的胃口,能限制风险。
% J9 H+ R2 a/ t7 B0 b东映也正在考虑分拆出来的电视卡通绞?新动画将不同于圣斗士星矢Ω。
: g; k' @  E/ x! t$ b  j3 R4 y
+ G+ L3 e7 f8 t3.森下说,与其他东映剧场版相比,这个圣斗士未来将有一个顶级的预算,将交付出S3D和CGI3D的3D电影。
# l- H8 r* Y' m4 A% H) g+ J+ C/ c在日本,观众尚未喜欢的stereotropic电影,但关键是要提供一个3D的版本,像中国这样的地区。4 s: V. f4 C) u2 g" O

/ F0 g) s% h/ K, o1 W5 P4.佐藤敬一监督、鈴木智尋脚本。这部电影列为新的“车田正美项目”。车田,圣斗士神话幻想漫画的原创者,记入原来的故事。
2 V7 a! U% x2 I) y9 N. v2 |0 b
! n- P# v  Q2 c2 V; g. v6 P东映动画证实2011年2月开始生产的圣斗士新的电脑动画电影早就一路绿灯。

4 P2 s3 s+ q( q+ f: I& K
  I* S; z) E2 v* e' b" ?7 D4 }$ E+ v& e% G3 N- V- n: r9 |) K
  看来今年的mobage手机游戏以及Ω动画,甚至是EX神话系列带给东映无限的收益!这圣系列是有价值的,值得付出更多行动的,圣迷的胃口是永远不会满足的。当然,傻子才看不出这是个摇钱树。6 H# T+ I. u, V/ E; A* t5 C
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发表于 2012-10-10 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
服港寒羽 发表于 2012-10-10 09:37
+ R5 d, e% t* p% o% K" I简译:(结合了机翻)
0 D/ {% L- }8 I5 n+ U1.森下孝三希望电影能在2013年7月完成。并补充说:他正考虑在电影公开之后,制作一个 ...

- H; _( ?/ `8 A出入的地方以我的为准0 0,我是人工翻。。。那句不难,应该没翻错[s:147]
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发表于 2012-10-10 09:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:00 | 显示全部楼层
yeshhh good news
/ ^" E; `; \" P6 g
  ?) I; m, s; r4 T" }
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 shun90326 于 2012-10-10 13:02 编辑 ; h0 R" `4 y) w# ^% {" z' D5 I
jorgegeminis 发表于 2012-10-10 10:00 % _( b, z* B" B1 O# R1 x
yeshhh good news

7 e* i" y, @3 I6 m" T7 I' \4 W% ^! n$ w1 K
more about the news?
3 p& l! z; e7 \  S0 L6 Z! S7 w$ \/ v6 n2 M# o: y" H7 U! z0 i6 l
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-10 10:12 | 显示全部楼层
shun90326 发表于 2012-10-10 10:07 # A; f+ H& z, Z( o( v1 u. @
more about the news?
$ w# c# Q) Z  `5 a* e$ c+ k! q
is the original information that gave the web: - R: r6 {+ Q& D# L' {% u# v2 h
7 G( s+ \6 q- R* p3 I- x5 a
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-10 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2012-10-10 10:12 8 j2 Q7 X8 P" k( Z3 s
is the original information that gave the web:
/ D, o' r0 @- F$ K
, R, Q- S. c& t) K, h9 Ehttp://www.variety.com/article/VR1118060488

3 x  J* N; [+ b  c: i9 Qalmost the same. hopefully it won't be too long before we see the promo
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发表于 2012-10-10 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
圣域的持剑者 发表于 2012-10-10 10:16
/ [& [; L* D( D8 |新TV是电阻续吗
* w3 r, x/ ?+ J- p4 o& S9 }
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发表于 2012-10-10 11:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 12:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-10-10 12:46 | 显示全部楼层
只要是聖鬥士, 就值得注意
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发表于 2012-10-10 13:54 | 显示全部楼层
shun90326 发表于 2012-10-10 10:07 . b! [; ^, o$ ]6 P. I8 K) A7 {
more about the news?. T! S  M: Y! |' P" V
, }+ N9 Z' k2 J6 D, }6 R
well,龙珠和圣斗士貌似都在企划中。今年年底会推出一个13分钟的宣传片。也就 ...
( P! }7 w% ~2 e; {( l0 @. |& B
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