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[剧透] ND Part49 死門 【全图透+剧透】[下期No.4+5继续]

发表于 2012-12-12 01:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2012-12-12 04:40 编辑
1 `; [2 s) c" ?8 x4 d9 t7 |6 R+ l
RAWS EDITED BY ME JORGEGEMINIS HQ4 k5 j& M3 b& Q9 t) ^. l1 e  e
/ F( }9 n; ]) J
  m3 e0 @. u# R5 |) ?+ l
5 g1 \. @) _. T
2 b- q3 U4 H7 e# o4 A
( H1 }/ k( Z+ L4 j) G( ], ~http://www.mediafire.com/?kt38s4vh1ib9dv6
5 w: C" e5 ?5 E6 N. H5 R, a2 C# K6 l* L  Z- E. S! ~+ ], Y
下载: SCANS ND 49 [2000px][EDITED BY JORGEGEMINIS SSZONE].rar7 C* e. C: z, F- }! i

( [) @3 `# i& K, Q/ a--------
- X. N/ N4 t$ m4 t$ `6 k% V  `! x! t' r& h& G/ j  b& w. s  b
Script tieba.baidu
+ |) {; b$ b0 ^# k2 k
: K3 m, q+ f# ]& W9 F(Supplemental Translation Of The Pages Missing Earlier. Please insert between [Part 49 The GatewayOf Death] and [Tenma: “Uh …”] for the correct sequence.)
- Q; T5 I4 p* c7 SSuikyo: “Ha .. Ha ..Ha ..”! n) p3 q$ E: `1 f% G* D  }
“I've …Arrived …”
4 T+ `% A- q5 p# S* g& I+ b “This is the Palace Of Virgo …”1 f8 N4 {9 b7 z2 h+ h7 n8 O
More trials await the battered and tattered Suikyo!!" V4 U+ d4 T$ h
Suikyo: “The man saidto be most close to God even amongst Gold Saints …”
* i! k' q+ ?5 y' l/ \ “Thesixth Palace guarded by Shijima of Virgo.”
2 C- E; O" M5 E* sThe Pope’s Room# a$ D% q/ e! r) z
Shijima: “Just now … “
1 o$ @1 S& I* n6 O% a1 j  J “It seems that someone has enteredmy Palace Of Virgo.”
- ?  A& l: C9 @' R! q3 `* A; | “Mmm
0 h, Q5 z( |; J" w
: N  m9 @# O% u" l- g; ?) j& g( | Everything Will Be Destroyed!!2 O( S  ?$ s/ k; ~% U$ \
Exactly Why Does Shijima Hold Absolute Confidence In DefendingThe Palace Of Virgo !?% h4 \8 _  Y4 U, K# W
Part 49 The GatewayOf Death
: {1 }% L. n' G9 O1 ?Tenma: “Uh …”
7 `7 |2 ^% p( i  AThe Palace Of Leo
! q; v8 g6 p$ k$ ]6 M2 K- Q' N; o) ^Tenma: “Ah …?”
' u6 I3 W# g. E0 S5 v6 s9 ?Shun: “Huh …?”' D) y, g% v/ Z
Kaiser: “Have youyoungsters gotten up?”
6 X; _5 }6 n( ]Tenma: “Ka … Kaiser.”
/ K: M0 l+ W) j% K) R$ [Shun: “Su … Where is Suikyosensei?”
% R, J) G/ \! e3 U% l9 j; ?  I5 G( iKaiser: “Chase him.”8 L, N) x0 o2 W* [2 B
Tenma: “Eh?”7 Q7 `+ \5 P2 L( K) r# f! ~: }; j
Kaiser: “Chase afterSuikyo and verify his true intentions.”, n( S5 C: d% p3 y0 F" N/ @. a6 v
“Alsocarry the same message to the other Gold Saints.”
1 A6 `; k+ K$ U2 E9 i' v, ]( C; hTenma: “Ka … Kaiser.”; B1 Z# i% T, A
Shun: “That means you’reable to trust u/ A( I$ |; s' `, M
% l% n+ \' N! M' B( \5 X4 G
“Shijima!!”5 i, u6 Y# c9 M
Shijima: “The evilone who tries to pass through my palace without permission.”
/ R: {) ?4 N4 x. p" L “You’vealready been sealed within my barrier.”
7 Z7 t% R5 b1 w- h; ^ “Be agood boy and go back.”
3 g+ v% s8 G1 _: i) K" M. }7 v/ T8 ~ “If youcontinue forward there’s only destruction!”( T, w' X8 w, i  T3 g( Y& C
Suikyo: “Mmm .. hisremaining spirit? …”
) N# O' P4 K% V “B ..But no matter how frightening Shijima’s seal is.”
! ]' J; ~6 B- N% Y0 | “It’sstill just an illusion after all.”
9 x6 w4 k1 i! V “Illusionswon’t be able to stop me!”
( V* g$ @# I6 R" l “Until Ipass through this palace!!”$ N5 ]+ A! i0 f5 W- o+ v/ A; j
/ O- J% ]5 j" y# {. z( `0 \Suikyo: “What?”) a7 X3 F. s4 g3 s' O- k
“Th …This is!?”
  d4 B; ~; B- d  J5 kThe Gateway Of Aging# {  s6 |0 d3 Q% U4 w8 g  K
The Gateway Of
# s3 Q$ a) f6 J2 {) J4 H/ Q  H0 p6 l8 ^' R( o1 Z) {
# g. W3 i# ~- f% \* }8 D" pSuikyo: “Buddha wasenlightened at the three gateways of suffering on the Ea st (Aging), South
* O9 i+ R7 e, S' Z& G) Y(Ailment) and West (Death) ends.”
8 j. H  i; @% B1 |/ n “Afterwards,he became a monk through the Gateway Of Life at the Nor th end …”" q9 {" d( U# @* P1 B- W
“I amneither a saint”- g( Q: F9 k( f0 c5 B
“nor oneseeking enlightenment.”
/ u4 @0 e  O# s$ u" H* \ “I’m a warrior.”6 e) q. p, b, @$ C) A* G; f; K
“For someonelike me the door of choice …”: G4 u9 r: e' n( @* w5 k/ u
“Cannotbe any one other than this door!!”: y  }+ w7 N7 n/ A
Suikyo: “GWAAAAAAAH!!”/ w2 H/ M5 [5 B7 o
Shijima: “Im ..Impossible!”
( l; \# j7 V1 b) Q$ J  d “Hechose the Gateway Of Death!!”+ v9 S0 `9 P: @
Tenma: “Huh!?”
; e1 |+ p5 K+ j- A- u6 |# k- rTenma: “Shun.”
. N9 H' b) F0 K% O3 h/ g! Y( YShun: “Tenma.”
# E! |# ?" A/ I, N: u+ A; w5 @, RTenma: “D( j! Y5 \: Y! R% W4 }7 \
9 K+ R  v4 {6 \
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-11 23:05 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 服港寒羽 于 2012-12-11 23:07 编辑
" I: B' j2 S0 Q& J8 x) ^$ `
, n2 j% s5 \+ o3 i5 W4 I补缺页~
1 {$ \& K, N. @0 Z9 [- a! M 1 z5 Y, o# w- O6 ]

3 ?6 p% {2 m2 C4 N7 D+ ^' [; v% v' W: o 0 H+ H7 `" S5 U
http://forum.saintseiyapedia.com ... 3248.html#msg293248
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-11 23:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 wo007 于 2012-12-13 19:48 编辑
0 e; f1 U  X: J- I9 g% f
3 P, V1 J5 X$ |ND49已出汉化版!
  ?: r+ n3 b; ]" }$ b
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-12 05:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-12 09:16 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-12 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
为啥又半个月啊, 正看得过瘾呢
: X. a5 a- x& T之前图透里是有处女座传送阿赖耶识的花瓣给水镜画面,估计水镜选了死门是另有玄机啊
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发表于 2012-12-12 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-12 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-12 23:20 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-15 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
' N- O; _" D/ i# a, i. I" a: L9 u选的好
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发表于 2012-12-15 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-15 19:40 | 显示全部楼层
phy 发表于 2012-12-15 16:26 - e% `* A' C/ I# ]1 I, N+ Z1 m1 E. A

" x/ M- m; Q$ N/ N是 下下周。
% k/ e% M# A  h8 ^6 @" w) c
3 V* n! s1 }% G! B2 k因为今期也是合并号,No.2+3。
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