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[资讯] Ω漫画化:第1话 聖闘士誕生!【全图透43P\P8英译&拼接图】

发表于 2013-3-27 02:01 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-27 02:54 | 显示全部楼层
% M0 N, r# }* J5 c8 b
, v8 O( k$ O3 p
/ T1 l; A( ^% G+ g+ cSaint Seiya Omega chapter 1: Birth Of A Saint
. U" |) A8 t$ z
+ \4 v1 B- c4 M  zp01
9 z  l9 O% i' d6 R& Y+ ZLong time ago,
) c1 q4 A4 O6 N! Nin the age of myths...: i, K! p8 B' a- g; y$ J

9 `3 ?- G2 L, Q4 `# Vp02-03
0 X( X2 X" B6 {, E* Z3 ]A war between the immensely powerful gods was dragging on for thousands of years. Every life on earth was endangered. However...
. F  s' }6 t) y6 {# y- `0 N
; C$ c" j8 _6 M' a, _! a/ P9 uAmong the gods, only Athena would not fight to extend her influence but rather to defend all living things.( C% S, G( U( Q* K, D

$ r) Q/ R! j  ~* S( E9 ZOn the battlefield there were always young warriors surrounding and protecting her...
7 }: I3 J; h9 F- l. U
9 c6 i9 w7 @3 p4 l; o$ IThose young people, out of true bravery, kept sacrificing their own bodies as weapons to protect Athena.
- _- e2 \, T; s4 m# G$ F* F% J1 L" i$ i: d8 O
To show their respect, people started to call them...' ?6 ^% e, G. M# d: j. b
; V5 E  U1 e( R- V1 E5 Q1 x
$ V1 M$ o/ w, Z* t# e" }* T. N0 eSaints!9 Y8 [) L0 T0 e

* A3 u. o1 c( `Few thousand years after the war of the gods, in the present time, a new story begins. It is a story about how a boy with a fiery soul became a "Saint".  E% s1 t8 D6 R& S

6 a3 W, g' u: `0 NHis name is  }) n: J8 v5 E& s, z
. e" x' b: s2 S' u2 B( H# F) P6 n3 q" E  f1 ~1 h3 k$ b
! @9 @  D% t" S7 c% jFar away from Japan,
0 Y0 w* b/ ^* t$ m* mon a lone island never visited by people# {6 G+ ]) @6 U: l/ a% g# F/ R
4 _; {' W5 J4 q$ b* J$ u
*thump*2 m. j" f) _/ z' p, a1 O* a* L0 t. W
Shaina: What? Bed-time for you already, Kouga?
- |/ Z, c" m+ o5 a3 d$ F# `) n& e# d3 X: \, k
Female warrior, Shaina
; [1 U2 p1 _( q# y8 L+ }" M# K/ M. a( ^# F8 C8 l
Kouga: Kuh!* t, H: n% ?, [& W' G
- b9 v4 z3 d7 v+ A5 S% d2 s7 O
p06, O% `1 n: D4 F) T8 C
Kouga: For what... For who.... is this all?
; e0 u: O1 ]$ p. I: v- gKouga: For years... I've been on this island, day by day...' F( Z0 ~& W4 X
Kouga: Doing nothing but getting hurt!/ |( h% B, x% I( j0 Y: W

  y$ O8 C; d- c& {p07
4 H6 x# z3 w+ w. g% [1 ^4 G- eShaina: For what? For who, you ask!?9 ]# B4 a) q% Z
Kouga: Gh... damn!
! l8 D! J: D) s3 dShaina: How many times do I have to tell you?
0 S1 b. o( Y  e4 T$ v' ^Shaina: It's for "Athena"!  r. ^% m, L0 g$ P+ C, N. v# k9 ^2 [) J

  L" N' h3 h0 k. u9 f! V+ |# d/ ap087 X4 Q! h% P4 c+ \! g9 }% o- N
Kouga: Athena... This name again?... I have to fight for someone I don't even know?
* y7 o1 `$ a9 _, k- q# d' n6 cKouga: Even if I'm no match for you, a woman!?
6 v4 Y9 X$ {& v* X  F8 p7 O* B/ D; n- YShaina: You can't defeat me now, but the destiny of Pegasus awaits you.
; E# E) w; P- d/ \' v1 M+ pKouga: Destiny of Pegasus!?: `) _2 J4 {. W
Shaina: It is a fate only the chosen ones meet, a proof that you are a Saint.* j, Q) R6 |/ f! t0 f7 [+ t
Kouga: The chosen ones? A Saint...?& s  q0 z% S% t. u2 E: O+ t
; I: A: q! W4 x# [4 e  B
p095 i: I7 H4 z0 D; m' j% }9 @- B
Kouga: I don't want to die for something I don't even understand!) W1 y. m. q9 B8 B2 U
*thump*- \# X* f, P# C- s
Shaina: Kouga... Have you ever felt your cosmo!?7 w7 N5 B( f- p0 a' N
Kouga: Cosmo...
/ n+ G6 w+ f8 z
& w& {2 [* s; H+ N( N8 ap10* I) J# `* _9 v+ v& C
Shaina: How many times do I tell this? Stones are made of atoms./ s+ N, o; e) Y6 o
Shaina: Our bodies are made of atoms, too.
) v" `; {4 v  i  P: fShaina: Everything that exists in this universe is made of atoms.. \1 c  t4 q& c% Q; S% ^
Shaina: 14 billion years ago, the universe was born from a single cluster of matter in the Big Bang.
/ X) h4 m/ v8 B% }# U  _Shaina: In other words, your body is one small universe born from the Big Bang.
& r9 ~4 n# G+ [) M5 S2 p+ E2 {7 vShaina: Right? So, the principle of destruction is to destroy atoms.
! c8 {* M* C( Q2 _8 N7 o3 S! O* n  G. XShaina: The universe inside your body... Cosmo - make it explode
! q0 y1 J; l) Z2 b8 ]Shaina: and use this power to destroy atoms...!  r- p8 N' W. g/ ]; a2 [
0 c$ o& D3 E, b
p112 E. O, |4 P* O
Shaina: So, how will it be? If you don't discover your cosmo,) S2 t+ d5 u0 t4 z
Shaina: if you remain a weakling, I'll just kill you!
) |4 p, ]) a, _' R" t! @: cShaina: Are you a man at all!?2 ]/ l4 N0 r. F2 V/ @
Shaina: Kouga! Burn your cosmo!
* A4 W  z2 t4 n! X) _/ X/ L& m8 `( C
# H- S7 M  U' H% k9 Q5 Cp12
) Z% X8 g- n% U# s7 I# g' L( H, I6 H
3 D( ?# o8 q" V8 }+ V: ]Shaina: Enough for today.% @4 _. ?, b# x. {- |: X
Shaina: It looked like a meteor... Was it Kouga's hidden cosmo?...
. I! ^8 W! }+ C; m; H- C, e: E  m1 ?0 F
  e  c; C0 F8 m8 vShaina: I knew that the cosmo hidden inside him must be amazing...* R: \; y- e# H% l3 F
Shaina: The time is drawing near...
, m) N' t2 u" O/ u8 r+ l2 ?5 ^. C2 ]$ _; K6 ?  ?# v
. r$ @4 v$ \8 w! [" e# I1 }, ZSaori: There is a brisk wind outside. Come in, Kouga.
3 S( V1 E! E) [$ MKouga: M... Miss Saori...
: j8 [; ]4 Y7 e" {) G' n3 LSaori: You've had it especially hard today, haven't you?! z; A" L9 Y1 c! u9 e5 M  w: ?
Saori: Does it hurt? Will you be all right? Better get some rest.
' |  q  h: o8 B5 {! ZKouga: Miss Saori... Please, listen... I've had enough of this!6 d6 a, o% @9 }7 I+ j- P" q* [
Kouga: These days when miss Shaina takes me out with no explanation.  x/ F/ b% G# C) R4 c* h" e- y) T- D& y
Kouga: I'm to fight for Athena? I'm a chosen warrior? Some proof that I'm a "Saint"!?" `' A. N* @& Q/ t2 A3 h, G7 g
; Q2 v2 ~. Y/ N5 |
p16' i8 m* u5 f  [! A: \3 G  E. a. Q% f
Kouga: I don't want to fight for this Athena I've never met! All I want is to live my life freely!
* f' Y! T& V9 F0 F) lSaori: Everyone wants a life of freedom.
3 t' p9 Y, L, C8 r; \8 j% @8 KSaori: But sometimes people have to fight to defend this freedom. I've seen many young people fight and die for this case.* D4 a, [9 |) @- ?7 V2 o
Kouga: I don't want to be one of them... I won't be.1 ?8 }5 m- q) j* X
Saori: Kouga... Even the fact that you are here now7 S/ ]3 b/ A, `1 f- z& R& I, W
Saori: is due to a young man called Seiya, who risked his life to protect you.3 B1 m6 N$ ~  o

# h5 g- g3 Q. |( f& K! _( xp17
6 g2 k2 O: n2 L5 ^7 p  AKouga: Se...iya... Who...!? Who is he!?
* `! b% S8 D( U: O1 Y, W6 mKouga: Why did he...!?- n4 s+ Q: U, q/ \9 I5 l
Saori: One day you will understand, Kouga. For now, I entrust it to you.
+ P4 z) w8 s) m1 b9 H( L2 PKouga: What's this...?5 D4 a* h# K3 z
Saori: I couldn't wait for the day when I would pass down to you this stone.0 P6 c6 U0 u7 C0 b( v/ q! H9 s
Saori: Today for the first time you have felt the proof that you are a Saint, your cosmo.
1 O+ B" C" e" {" ZSaori: One day, when you feel that you want to protect someone from the depth of your heart...
' _7 u% y, L2 f2 @$ p( dSaori: this stone should guide you.5 X, i" r7 O2 t; @) j' p
Kouga: Wait, I'm...
3 }7 B2 j; v( V& l% p! BSaori: And that day, you will...
! t' t" B: Q% [/ I% t7 u' B. |# [, m7 Y+ J
p18. b! l+ `" m+ a, x& i- b
) f( J/ A$ q$ ?Kouga: What's this!? Earthquake!? No... it's different!3 b' R7 R" J' e
Kouga: The night sky... is splitting! A meteorite!?
. z: M3 s( m  o
# h4 `4 U( q/ D2 O( E# _, lp19
1 P* v' a  _( P& p# K0 W- t& ]Mars: I've found you at last.
5 z/ u' l* e7 ]0 k! z* z4 {/ v' t' R
p20( ^# \: p) W% u! D) A' F
Mars: And you've been here all the time.7 v6 s, B) Q- Y& m5 c9 w0 j2 }
Mars: Will you come to me?. P; g7 w+ T/ k. h' {, }5 b
Kouga: Who... Who's this guy!? What is he talking about!?; x+ e# r  x. G; P" s# @
9 [/ S. J: d' J* A/ q" G# M4 X
% m+ }1 g) Z0 q. H  jMars: Saori Kido... Or rather
" ?; D" N* o. `- I: E! V% WMars: Athena!$ d, m. [9 f3 \# u
Mars: I need your power to subdue the earth.: t' x5 t; ]) W% Q
Saori: I'm not going anywhere!
; ~  U# }0 }: w" b/Kouga/: Miss... Saori is... Athena!?% ~' X- C5 N2 t3 M+ U# R

9 v8 X  V5 `$ F. s' n4 |p223 {* q  E' O) Q
Mars: You will come, willingly or not! Go forth, Golem!
4 F3 B5 O' v& y( M, p8 @% v+ p8 [2 U0 K  q& t
/ Q. k+ m7 U) H& f. LKouga: A... stone giant!? Son of a bitch! I won't let you take miss Saori!
& w. G  c& D5 e  ]2 G4 `/ DMars: You think someone like you can defeat Golem?! q) O/ _; ^+ I( r& D, q
Saori: Kouga!
$ D- {/ [( p, @0 V. T7 p3 A: J' R' z1 G
p24; l. R8 T7 G* M+ n) w
Kouga: U...ugh... Run, miss Saori, I will...& ~0 _0 D( {1 L4 A$ J" C
Golem: Guahahahaha!
/ z  I6 C: N9 Y7 C. c8 z, j" ?
  W) t+ O8 }# C/ e1 l2 @p25
; D' |* \) O" I. B0 WKouga: Miss Shaina!0 K/ g1 ~$ Z, W" d( |( T
Shaina: The foe of Athena... is finally awaken?!6 k" j" j0 y6 p6 ~
Shaina: But!& C! I$ V( T0 l# t5 [, f- W- T4 l
Shaina: We won't let you take Athena!5 H% m- G' O' m( M' d) ^; D

9 w" V- q  r8 M; ]) Z1 f9 Np26
/ _' K, K" l3 l, w/ v9 yShaina: Guah!+ D: U8 m/ O+ t( ^" n( `
Kouga: Damn!
: S7 C9 r4 p* R" L* W% a' |; uSaori: No, wait! Kouga!
8 K5 X4 u8 d1 n( l: N6 PKouga: How dare you...!# E3 q: `8 D* Q' Q9 O0 L$ }; ?0 p4 H$ [
% y. N0 F& s: {! {6 `9 y8 d
p278 q, V! y- s7 z1 A
Kouga: Guaa!' C7 s; x7 c+ ~$ _8 ~: t
Kouga: How I'm to counter such strong blow!?
+ B, d+ p$ a) EMars: Wahahaha! You withstood it well, I must praise you. However,
( @- F+ i! |9 x* V: {% G6 P* cMars: this is the end!
7 p) O6 M/ W' H& ?( v* C7 [7 t. k" [* U
: u7 h! S6 F/ @" _; w# x  G* {) h( nKouga: Miss... Shaina...!?  r: E5 D: r- V( p$ \3 \: q, M8 |
Kouga: Why... Why would you save a weakling?...2 S  G# r: b9 T/ v  M, D9 p
Shaina: Kouga... You will burn high your cosmo...
; m$ X* {3 h* G0 m/ ?$ i2 hShaina: As a Saint... you must...
  N7 y9 }$ P+ b: s. b7 {; t+ V0 {! J1 M  V7 K
p29$ {) J$ V# ?+ P9 f* {' ]
Shaina: protect... Athena...8 e" H* p: H& q0 Y8 T; d
Kouga: I will...
% d$ [  a8 I0 k) N: ^6 G/Kouga/: Miss Shaina...
8 C% p/ M+ z" u/Kouga/: Miss Saori...& w+ n& P1 q& |' c" n
Kouga: I will...!
  G4 `" h* u. N. I+ E/ G& R1 N( q# D) r) [5 {* c7 j: J
% j5 x- ]# D8 H) j  zMars: Nuh! What's this!?
" }( E" e$ e$ i' DKouga: Uooooh!  |8 K& t6 f  M+ A
Saori: Ah! The light comes from the Clothstone I gave to Kouga!
5 a4 F! s& T: M( C1 l# w! A
( S8 x* \7 B. s. Y0 ~2 lp317 u/ \7 o+ C9 a& ?/ |
Saori: This is Kouga's cosmo!
* E. ^* [! \. z9 q9 cKouga: I will do it...; x* S! _2 U; C7 F
Kouga: I will...
4 l1 o) u0 k" E! Q' ]* mKouga: protect Athena!0 f1 {# V3 M! N1 t7 ]$ B& T  r

7 x+ h1 C* G/ L2 [& \. {p329 u6 `$ `) U: e( m# ?9 a3 d# r
Saori: Kouga's cosmo combines with Pegasus!
5 K/ q& A* U+ @7 {5 |Saori: It has approved of you
6 p: u- E4 p- w% z% f# h# {( xSaori: as of a Pegasus Saint!
8 r* d! Z) u) ]& Y) E, _3 [) j) v( ?& m4 h' d2 @7 f
3 @9 ^# w" g) D, D
2 g! ]% K2 O) ?' m) _8 pp34-35
1 r; N) c0 \( x! uSaori: A Saint is born!!!
5 }5 O+ K6 f5 {: u; N/ h: @# s7 O0 U
" `" r7 q5 {5 y/ j4 Ip36
/ |; ~" m- @' s$ ^Mars: No way... it's Pegasus Cloth. Are you a Saint!?2 v% K8 w3 I, o1 A) k" Z1 B; P
/Seiya/: Kouga... Burn your cosmo!5 \$ t4 j" h& L' y* u

1 w8 G% h- J2 hp37& G6 n5 Z  a) l! M
/Seiya/: Burn your cosmo high...!
" a* b1 U' T0 x7 R+ t8 R2 v/Kouga/: Cosmo... The cosmo inside me...5 h( q, g7 B" ^# p
Kouga: Explode!
/ A* O# s0 w: I4 s7 ^, r/ h0 E# H1 T5 s
p38-39) u; C/ q: p5 F* [, P
Kouga: Pegasus Meteor Fist!!!
2 |+ f. t' t& m, o; a& j0 E9 M7 N4 ^1 N  W* Q: H" P% N
* q+ h7 U5 ^) z; |6 c- g( fMars: Whaat!?$ f1 a: y2 \  O
Kouga: UOOOOH!- B' h7 ^2 W3 S7 x- a0 O+ @5 `+ t. h4 w

/ O$ v( l0 V. Sp41
3 P$ Z1 q, H$ k1 J  G$ Z* C0 ~, dMars: No way! Destroyed by a single Saint...
) K" R/ R: d3 H; _' g5 R* kMars: GUAAAAH...
4 w* `% P+ e) ]
' ~" m  t4 g  a7 k0 B; ~p42
7 r  j3 k% J9 rSaori: Kouga...! You did it.# Y1 m2 u3 h( w) v9 ?/ @7 m
/Saori/: From now on, you are one of the Saints.
2 c' O& N& w1 H) e& X/Kouga/: I'm... a Saint!) v2 e3 n) `/ H; E
' U! `  T& f) R8 \- `
p436 U8 M- \0 N% r3 r9 S5 R
This is how a Saint named Kouga was born.
% B6 P! B2 S: Y2 k1 F9 v# C3 o( [8 K9 I2 J# x- t" ^
And yet, simultaneously an ancient darkness was reborn.
4 r, R* T  l$ f% z6 {It was to become his burden, the fate as bitter as the one of the Saints who had disappeared through the past.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-27 04:01 | 显示全部楼层
There is not scan of greater quality? Equal thank you for sharing!!!!!!!
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发表于 2013-3-27 04:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 07:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 07:27 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much for sharing
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-27 08:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-27 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
画风还不错哦,一时间居然这么多系列在出,lc nd Ω
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-27 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-27 12:14 | 显示全部楼层
谢分享7 J- I1 ]' W- g1 s3 }/ W$ h0 P) {
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-27 13:00 | 显示全部楼层
0 S5 f8 @7 B: H* a $ p7 F9 F: }1 J( k! F0 P
* ~" a/ z& V8 r, u5 u外国网盘打包:http://www.mediafire.com/?cjjlmvaghd7vblx# B) C/ @% Y- v( r6 R
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