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[剧透] LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+剧透+下载】

发表于 2011-5-16 18:35 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透】

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发表于 2011-5-16 18:58 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透】

双鱼座鲁格尼斯和天立星的鲁格 都出现吧 [s:149]
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-16 19:43 | 显示全部楼层

外传:第1话-孤独  剧透

第1話 孤独

アルバフィカ「やめろ下衆\ども たかだか子供一人集団で追い回すとは見るに耐えないな
来い!このアルバフィカが貴様の命手折ってやる!」 雑魚「何だ?てめえは?女みてえな
顔しやがってよ へへ・・・よく見りゃとんだ美人じゃねえかあの小汚え不細工なガキの代わりに
あんたが遊んでくれるってのか?確かにそりゃあ楽しそうだ!!! オイオイ!俺とは口も
アルバフィカのロイヤルデモンローズによって斃れる雑魚 アルバフィカ「魔宮薔薇!!
この香気を吸えば五感を失い死に至る猛毒の薔薇よ 汚れた貴様らには充分な毒の葬列
魚座の・・・黄金聖闘士・・・か・・・」 アルバフィカ「怪我はないか?」放心していた少年「ハ
驚いたですよ!」アルバフィカ「・・・くだらん・・・!それだけ口が回れば大丈夫だな 私はもう
その手を払いのけるアルバフィカ「・・・私に触るな・・・!・・・お前も行け また襲われるとも
限らんぞ」腕の傷を抑え去るアルバフィカ「・・・いや きっとこれで良いのだ・・・」
聖域 白羊宮で聖衣修復中のシオン「アルバフィカか!酷い雨だったな今が任務の帰りか」
アルバフィカ「・・・ああ これから教皇の間へ行く 通らせてもらうぞシオン」アルバフィカの
アルバフィカ 私がお前の毒の血を恐れぬからだ」
教皇の間 セージ「おおアルバフィカ 珍しく少し遅れたな・・・ともあれ北欧における冥闘士
薬師の島を知っているな」アルバフィカ「聖域近海にある島でございましょう あらゆる怪我
難病を癒す薬師や技術が集まる島 その島自体にも数多の薬草が咲き乱れこの聖域も
ロドリオ村も利用している島です」セージ「そうだ 中でもルコという男の育てた薬草は癒えぬ
傷も病もないという その者神の如く慈愛に満ちた男とな」アルバフィカ「・・・全てを癒す薬草
出立は明朝!あの島に何かあれば聖域のみならず近隣の村にも影響は出よう 行って
夜 立ち入り禁止の札が立つ地に一人歩みを進めるアルバフィカ そこには魔宮薔薇が
咲き乱れている 「・・・この園はいつまでも変わらないな 毒薔薇以外何もない場所だ
誰もいない鳥もいない虫もいない他の植物もない 他の生物との共存を許さない 毒の
廃墟に立つ墓標 そこにはルゴニスと名が刻まれている「これからまた任務へ出ますルゴニス先生


2CH [s:146]
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发表于 2011-5-16 19:46 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

Shion: Do you were injured in your mission? Did you fight?

这个英翻错了,原文明显应该是傷 開いてるじゅないか
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发表于 2011-5-16 21:36 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

咦,不是全彩啊 [s:169]
果然有鱼羊jq [s:148]
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发表于 2011-5-16 21:55 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

[s:148] 期待剧透翻译
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发表于 2011-5-16 22:25 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-16 22:35 | 显示全部楼层

LC外传 剧透 法译英

Chapter 01 - Solitude

Soldiers: Return dirty bum! You think you can go or1 leaving this island? Ah?
Skeletons attrappent a young boy and about to kill him.
Albafica: Enough gang of miscreants. I can not bear to see a band and pursue a mere child. Albafica Fish will end your days!
Soldier: Huh? You're that asshole? You got a girl's face. Hehe .. good to see you're kinda cute right? And if we had fun with you than with this disgusting bum? I am sure we will have a good time! Hey, you listen, yes? You snobs me because you're cute!

They threw themselves upon him.
All are killed by the Royal Demon Roses Albafica.
Albafica Royal Demon Rose! These roses are tinged with a violent poison, and breathe their fragrance will make you lose your 5 senses before leading you to death. This poison should be enough for the funeral of wretches like you!
Soldiers: That's not true ... the Cloth ... Gold? I see ... you are what type of poison ... Holy ... Fish ... ?
Albafica: Are you free?
The boy, still shocked: Or ... yes! Thank you very much! My name Pefko! I got lost along the way and was subsequently chased by these guys! And this is the first time I meet a Gold Saint!
(Abbreviated explanation) Wow, I'm so impressed! And plus you are so beautiful, I believe it!
Albafica: Anything ... ! Finally, if you're too talkative is that everything is fine. I'm going. !
Pefko, who thinks he has offended Albafica, holds out his hand towards him in token of forgiveness, but Albafica regrowth.
Albafica: Do not touch me ... ! Pars. Otherwise you will still make you attack.

Albafica, who had maintained a scratch on his arm. "No, everything should go well for him ..."


Shion Cloths repairs before the House of Aries.
Shion: Albafica! There has been a sacred rain. You're back to mission?
Albafica: Yes ... I go to the Pope's Palace. I'm going to pass, Shion.
Shion notices the wound on the arm Albafica.
Shion: Wait Albafica! Minute! You have been injured during your mission? It's still bleeding, right?
Albafica: Go away, Shion. How many times must I repeat? Do not touch me!
Shion: Come Albafica, I'm not frightened by your poison.

Pope's Palace.
Sage: Oh, Albafica. It's rare to see you late ... So you got rid of the spectra to the north. All my congratulations for your work. But you do not have good skin, you're something does happen?
Albafica: No ...
Sage: I see ... Well may be exaggerating, but I have another mission entrusted to you. Do you know the island healers?
Albafica: It's an island near the Sanctuary. It was there that there are healers and medicines that can cure any ailments or injuries. The Sanctuary and Rodorio make use of many medicinal plants that flourish on the island.
Sage: Exactly. It is over there a man named Luco, who grows herbs and to whom no injury or illness can not resist. They say that man has the benevolence of a god.
Albafica: Herbs that can cure everything ... and such a man ...
Sage: But a sinister star began to shine above this island, Albafica! We must leave tomorrow morning! If a disaster were to occur on this island not only the sanctuary but also the surrounding areas would be affected! Do you go, Albafica!


Albafica walking alone in a location where access is marked as forbidden. Many demonic roses grow here.
Albafica: This garden never changes. As always, there's nothing else that poisoned my roses. No bird, no insect, null plants. No other form of life can flourish here. Only one scent toxic fills this place. Like the blood that flows in my veins. But ... is the only place I can call "my home".

A grave in the midst of ruins, struck by the name of Lugones.
"Master, I will still go on a mission. I will not forget the loneliness or the techniques you taught me ... because they are the pride of Pisces!".

* The Holy Fish sets off a heart full of pride!

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发表于 2011-5-16 22:39 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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发表于 2011-5-16 22:46 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

翻譯進行中, 睡覺前應該可以跑出來...
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发表于 2011-5-16 22:52 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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发表于 2011-5-16 23:01 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

現在期待天立星了......... [s:146]

請問角色cd 是甚麼啊????
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发表于 2011-5-16 23:08 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

期待LZ精彩连载 [s:146]
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发表于 2011-5-16 23:18 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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发表于 2011-5-16 23:56 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

翻译请加油 [s:148]

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发表于 2011-5-17 00:16 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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发表于 2011-5-17 01:12 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

vocaloid producer 難道指nico上那些P們?!!
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发表于 2011-5-17 02:09 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

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发表于 2011-5-17 10:40 | 显示全部楼层

Re:LC外传:第1话-孤独  (八月上旬:动画角色歌CD)【图透+22楼剧透】

雅柏年轻时的外传故事,我好期望~  [s:107]
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