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[剧透] [Proven] LC93 spoiler English version 遥かな神

发表于 2008-7-16 00:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
才发现,原来英文剧透要另开贴,原贴是跟在日文剧透后的回帖:http://www.all4seiya.com/bbs/rea ... ;toread=&page=4 斑竹不妨删除之.......[s:134]
我来加一篇英文翻译,实话说,这个中文剧透看得我一头雾水,本人又不懂日文,只好根据上下文加以自己的理解搞成这篇英文,如果有筒子被误导不要怨我 [s:134] 错误的地方肯定不少,希望大家不吝指正,人名及招式名主要参考wiki

93 The God beyond reach

Realizing the death of his mentor, Shion unleashed a stardust revolution with his full strength.

What a beautiful stardust! Yet it is only a stardust. All the strength rebounded back to Shion.

Shion was astonished by the overwhelming power of the divine - Hades. It was a completely different power from Hypnos and the Hades before.

However, the will of the mentor must be achieved. In order to break the seal, Shion raised the sword (这句实在不清楚原话要表达啥,只好这么翻了).

The sword was smashed before it could be pierced through, at the same time, Shion was struck and flied away.

"You are the only one left" Hades stood in front of Yuzuriha (让叶). "As a soldier, under the fiercing pressure my body is completely unable to move!" Yuzuriha almost cried.

While Shion, facing the attack of Hades, prepared to die.

Libra Dohko (童虎)with his shields and Pegasus were joining the defense.

Worrying about Shion, Dohko begged Sisyphus (希绪弗斯) to let him go into the Hades’ castle alone. He found Pegasus there.

Noticing the body of Hakurei(白礼), Pegasus was outraged "Did you kill him, Alone!"

Facing the wrath of Pegasus, Hades did not seem to care at all.

"Who is Alone? Alone already died!"

“ Then who are you? You bastard! Pegasus Meteor Fist!”

Friend Alone’s face was dying out. Now let the cruel god Hades taste Pegasus’ fist of anger!

--by 冰渊火凤凰 Ikki

关于翻译的一些考虑,题目直翻中文似乎应为《遥远的神》,我理解此处遥远并非指距离而是指能力,有高高在上的意思,因此英文翻为:The God beyond reach。天马流星拳翻为Pegasus Meteor Fist是参考维基,有人翻为Pegasus shooting star fist,比较而言,Meteor Fist 在气势上更足而且按照漫画设定出招时要喊招数名,meteor fist 显然比shooting star fist要简洁易上口。

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发表于 2008-7-16 01:13 | 显示全部楼层

Re:[英文剧透翻译]93話 遥かな神 (The god beyond reach)

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-16 01:20 | 显示全部楼层

Re:Re:[英文剧透翻译]93話 遥かな神 (The god beyond reach)

引用第1楼Daioto于2008-07-16 01:13发表的 Re:[英文剧透翻译]93話 遥かな神 (The god beyond reach) :

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