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[剧透] ND Part46 神々の迷宮 _Raws Japanese!!!!!!!!!! 【下期继续】

发表于 2012-7-4 14:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-7-4 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
01- S& [6 @- d( ~# e5 P3 U1 T; |
(Yomotsu Hirasaks)* e) X" P# T& p; B% F# s9 o# o2 b4 x. C
Deathtoll: Who is on? Please save me!!
+ I" |& Y7 Q/ fWho is on?6 y7 P' g% r! f# z: Y
6 ^6 j8 `' A8 m7 n" c0 Y7 Z02$ s6 n) F6 j5 i9 w; B' D4 C
Deathtoll: What!?- T# p' Y  r, g! E$ R
1 ^5 t- V6 _& L$ s9 k) fWhat——!?2 E$ n$ j# F9 j1 l
Deathtoll: Fall into it,no kidding!
6 \2 X0 Z! O% `- {I will die, I will die, I will really die this time!" P% W' A! O" L% z, j
Who is on!? Save me please!!$ E) B/ `% z) k( h
8 ]  v  F) L; w# k5 UWhat!?( o/ x# @0 w3 X7 r
Oh my god
& ?  s. q: ?. e) i. {5 [+ p04
7 f! g6 I5 q0 b  r, |# \Deathtoll:Mmmmm……
  k' N, D7 R) o: E$ ~. u7 hWho are you!?
: H6 n4 d5 @! RSpecter: You are saved, right?
7 X( p' S1 t, C" n* s4 [Deathtoll: Y…You!
0 ^8 q  N+ V2 z& s) K; h1 g7 R05
6 G( u; L9 [! r: dSpecter: Yomotsu Hirasaks is the hole leading to the world of the dead.. \! ^4 Z2 u1 Y- g. v6 T4 F
In other words, it’s the way stretching from Hades to the ground.
; T* ^1 Y" p4 r' c3 ?Can walk like we specters here, you are special., C( m# c$ |7 V/ u; c% u
Deathtoll:I…Impossible, even it’s the hole leading to Hades, because of Athena’s kekkai,specters can’t invade and come to here.  s% A" |( n) ^, O
07# ~: D6 G& e1 s) A$ w) X8 Z( M
Specter: Just as you say.+ Y3 u* K! \! a3 e2 b
But that kekkai can’t cover here.
: z7 ~) P4 R9 A# z3 k1 QDeathtoll: What?! Kekkai?!
/ L. V' `7 _( g: H1 W! @Specter:Yes, I don’t know the cause, but Athena’s kekkai isn’t like what it used to be, and becomes weak. In other words, disappears in some unknown place.
$ a0 n$ ^6 P( [, \8 ~+ U; d" eDeathtoll: Athena disappears in some unknown place?
- u' K' Q' b5 T6 vHow can it be like this?2 G6 [/ E" \: l. D3 g
The house of the Pope
3 `0 {( `* Y  s* l08
* W! u( a* D0 X+ [) N/ WShijima: Strange...( F7 O/ M: }$ W  D. f+ L# S
I walk here for a long time and can’t get out of it.( f$ R5 O: t1 P
Maybe Pope...
- s: u" j6 A) n. h8 w$ ZI feel it’s like a trap.
# R4 \$ ]! m6 \$ z" w& r1 u. `Or is this...6 O/ o' I9 S( R3 T2 M' z8 L4 \
- H, S- }0 ^4 W- v2 {. P+ yThe maze of the gods
- E5 F: o; L' ?) R9 b6 q109 g( ?( ^  d$ B% _7 f% R8 b5 P
9 E8 F* s% }7 D) uWhy can the maze appear?
. B1 Z0 d6 u+ w( l/ f/ t' W0 qThis is the last protection of Athena.
# ^* ~' W4 O8 W$ k7 f/ i  b- r$ dIt’s made in the house of Pope( o7 o- m3 @0 O3 }5 p
All the gods will lose their way in it.. U2 H( d' k7 ^2 D3 \
0 R3 z$ z2 A2 _2 W- kShijima: Except Pope, no one can make it
4 |$ g( d* e+ P" {: ~Dame you Pope
5 r6 O4 n- Q0 [/ yMe and Athena can’t ran away from this maze.8 W3 m7 `$ H5 D0 J, `4 q2 _% I
The maze all gods can not escape.
% e" \  O1 n# r  z& l8 VI have no idea naturally.
5 j8 C) b, K7 u, p  s0 PAthena...( e: }1 r/ g) o+ e# U$ u' Z. ]
It seems that I have no way...
# f& L/ I# j, f- P- @0 F+ _( g# R13" k/ w' o: J/ o0 i9 {0 t) e
Deathtoll: Wait!!5 j" Z" Y  S& ?) q
What can I do?~~~
; P8 h6 v& ?! XPure lovely saying don’t touch my body~~~
: K* w# t" {9 \& k8 uSpecter: Fool
1 C0 L; |7 u" R6 [. I( `6 }, E) V; F' gWe save you cause we want you to guide us.1 K: ?. K4 B, V" @# c
Even the kekkai becomes weak, we can’t get into Sanctuary like before.
3 ^( J* L- u; t' h- t) U14- ~, Y  H6 w/ M8 M
Specter: So it’s your duty cause you protect the Sanctuary.
5 Y3 J- ?8 h5 q; b- _Our guide to get through the Twelve Houses.
1 k3 `1 L2 D  z% O& p3 o, JDeathtoll:What?3 m7 c. f& t- j: T, {
Specter: If you do, Hades Sama will reward you.' P- H' ~8 ]9 J! d$ h
But at first, let us get out of this place.8 J" b0 U/ T* f7 v# |1 n
So what will you do?
* ?: ~/ i( V- W! XGive us an answer, hurry up!0 _2 T1 c/ i6 D, j: l  a
Deathtoll: Don’t look down on me!
4 `% D3 k  ]; A8 i; uI am Canser Gold Saint,Deathtoll Sama!!9 G+ A" S# s& _- F: L0 p! A9 b
; ^8 k4 J" z  T$ FDeathtoll: So, go with me.+ g2 s9 q8 Z0 R
Go to Twelve Houses, let’s go!
) `" B* T, q0 p1 P, y0 a; ^Kaiser: What’s going on with Shijima’s cosmos?+ S  K' l; o8 z6 U
164 Y! T2 M' K# t* l
Kaiser: Shijima has gone to the temple of Athena before3 g9 I  }  I& M' q" L. K% `
What happened?- Z+ N/ E9 y7 _9 S' z! E+ T
If it’s a fact that Pope has betrayed…# k: J9 Q" z" S! f5 l. b) B+ z
Why is it so unusual of Shijima’s cosmos?2 ^6 Z2 i! X* [4 T- \% J5 w
Kaiser: Appear,the strange cosmos I felt just now is yours.
4 F7 H1 M% l/ S) S1 XDeathtoll: Wait for long~~~
: c) n3 s( `( h17
" }8 P  U+ l) J8 hDeathtoll: Watch who come, Kaiser.
' w2 [0 l- x' S- p' tKaiser: Deathtoll, it seems you have betrayed.0 @, \" W0 F5 {" }, P- H
Deathtoll: Awful face9 o) p" [5 H4 y) @0 n
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发表于 2012-7-4 15:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-4 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
青梅子时非为君 发表于 2012-7-4 14:54
3 a+ Q& i+ J: \/ y* J6 t01  c9 k  @. n$ t% a/ C8 F9 `7 e& ?, K  Z
(Yomotsu Hirasaks)( {; A4 [$ A1 v: Z' N
Deathtoll: Who is on? Please save me!!

5 E& z" V% A8 z$ E: h, Y( wwowowowwo thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. a. k! P+ R; M9 T6 a4 s6 [
% l, T% i5 D; D! L" P; R: H  q
" n$ |, Z, c" o  @5 u9 j9 V
5 R: u% c: ?; SRAWS EDITED BY ME JORGEGEMINIS IN 2000PX/ _- V* k6 ]2 V! E% |

. `2 \7 s) k" @9 b/ T: R 5 G4 @& [- _2 H  Q$ `
" _2 y" S7 I. e7 V( M9 {5 a
DOWNLOAD+ j& F% U2 J3 l# a( @( m
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发表于 2012-7-4 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
celia07 发表于 2012-7-4 15:07 % |; C* H/ g, T" ^1 b" O
这么久以来算是信息量最大的一话吧,托尔姐一出场果然还是最抢镜,又见销魂舞姿…虽然说是教皇绝招,但寂寞 ...
. W6 K& F  |9 M7 e9 j& o
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发表于 2012-7-4 15:16 | 显示全部楼层
jorgegeminis 发表于 2012-7-4 15:09
+ m- b% ~1 U/ V( h( r  Zwowowowwo thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 F1 _0 s! m2 Y
9 g4 |% r' L  [7 g. [! n* P---------------------------
- B# U: |  ^' d/ }" e
Thank you very very much!!
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发表于 2012-7-4 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
celia07 发表于 2012-7-4 15:07
5 B! v7 F  F5 k, `; X# o: w" U这么久以来算是信息量最大的一话吧,托尔姐一出场果然还是最抢镜,又见销魂舞姿…虽然说是教皇绝招,但寂寞 ...

! T+ m" J. @1 [' H8 t5 w这不能怪寂寞,这次是雅典娜的小宇宙都歇菜了,连比良阪的结界都开始挂了。$ Z; M8 n$ q2 r' `# P
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发表于 2012-7-4 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
Another English edition,come from ND Post Bar,ID:adwffsds0 _) B" W1 A3 N4 S% h
" }( S4 S5 v) C) o4 }) {/ KOne,: f) h# c5 p% @+ o
Deathtoll: Anybody here!Get me out of here!!7 o& o. `3 s, i$ i* Q
Deathtoll: Help me
  b' v+ a& ?' o. {1 {3 a- Z5 K2 pDeathtoll: Anybody here?
# P* k1 s" g& }# |8 PDeathtoll:!?
* A, j8 V8 M: r# K# X8 O6 PTwo,; ]( j! f$ n& \7 _% C
Deathtoll: What!?
4 u$ l& R0 n/ \Deathtoll: What!?
* O' W; X/ |5 L- qDeathtoll: What————
; L; t8 J3 O0 P7 X+ R" j# L8 ?+ \Deathtoll: I'm falling!?
& }' N) r- R! c5 p& eDeathtoll: Don't...Don't make fun of me.Oh
0 O* u6 r' F) ]$ M. ]Deathtoll: Die Die7 y* z/ T* @% e3 c  C( F
Deathtoll: I will die.
! I: ~6 k; e/ Y9 dDeathtoll: Who can help me to stop falling?( l, ^( v+ m: S! X4 i" S" h. Y+ e2 x
Deathtoll: -- -- Help.8 e4 s6 ]3 J0 b
8 {+ y1 m2 P+ t8 fDeathtoll: what!?
9 `% y5 S" Q' `) sDeathtoll: Oh wow" v' f% r- k4 b$ h
Four,# }2 X# S+ F* Z$ U: Y
Deathtoll: That hurts! That hurts!
1 Z4 b/ l1 G) wDeathtoll: what...  V) y+ f. A3 _
Deathtoll: what? who are you!?3 f: h; f6 H2 C  G" y3 h
Specters: oooo
9 d# d+ I3 D0 X- @Specters: The name of the gang who saved you is not "what"
1 E+ g2 H/ T. c4 C! QThor: You...
# U" d" Y1 r5 b4 N+ vDeathtoll: You are...6 |: t* }1 G% t' c0 Q5 O$ R! ^
+ O- l' u% X  A; B! \2 v1 u5 LDeep offensive.
$ Y3 i/ a! ]& g" D# DDeathtoll: Specters. Why are you here!?
9 c; P: D1 Q( Y0 bSpecters: Nothing unbelievable.
& f, H- N( d) J: j2 M9 a( VSix,* F7 I: f* A$ n: l
Specters: Yomotsu Hirasaks is the gateway to the death world cave.9 F! f7 P3 ~1 f9 {& \
The dark Warrior: In other words it is a shortcut to to the temporal world from the death world.6 [/ D& d, P8 N2 Z6 y3 k3 a/ m7 B
Specter: We specters have no problem of passing here.
; T0 |2 p. d4 x7 e* {! j" F' o+ T* pThor: Im...Impossible.8 e% j3 n; A9 f/ g" @
Deathtoll: The goddess's Ward will prevend you passing the death world cave.You should not be able to come here!!
. |) @" R. v7 y. m) USeven,
" _* U* t5 D5 _Specters: You used to be right., D( l6 j% q, t$ q
Specters: But the ward was weaken.
, Z+ B- ~  l5 Z2 l# b6 x# mDeathtoll: what?The ward was weaken!?0 ^! \& P6 _# {. ^
Specters: Yes,because your goddess's cosmo was weakened by something like the darkness.
6 _8 d) |, |4 h+ U' x5 l$ v% pSpecters: In other words the goddess seems getting lost in the abyss.
) @- h- E+ e  c; z' |1 {Deathtoll: Godd...Goddess is lost in somewhere.
; i# ^5 I) j0 u1 e  e( R( z8 xDeathtoll: It can't be...0 v! I  R, A& l# p
Eight,0 x* w- h$ O* Q' k6 W
Shijima: Oh.That's strange.$ ?5 @9 E% {, L% \8 M
Shijima: I can't leave the pope's room no matter how far I run.6 F. Q1 F( H- T. U  T
Shijima: Does the pope have already...
7 `1 A5 |% O. E- j5 F( `3 ~' gShijima: set a trap...?
( T  Q2 N& Q; G' K  w- L$ nShijima: This...This is...
) m3 g* t) Y2 l* O" C& M& LNine,3 h5 F9 X7 c+ F/ C
The labyrinth of the gods
: H% s6 u3 Y  W- I% GEleven,
3 L8 Q) K! y1 m* jShijima: Im...Impossible.
' Z  i% o" {7 G% a  V+ W0 xShijima: Why does the labyrinth of the gods appear!?
" l) }" C& s$ n; \+ D" d# ZShijima: It should be built in the Pope's room as the last defense zone of the goddess's temple.8 t# h/ l1 O* x
Shijima: That's a infinite maze that even the gods cannot flee once they get lost.6 X  V9 }! u; v/ z( V8 B8 l& R
* d0 {# p" m, v  P9 _9 b5 C$ UShijima: Nobody can make the labyrinth appear except the pope.
6 P; X) y7 q- n: Z1 o5 `, DShijima: Oh. Pope that guy ...0 E4 j4 c7 g! |- s3 v
Shijima: is doing his best to stop me and the goddess from fleeing...
1 N! ?( z- G/ _6 w4 XShijima: Even the gods could not get out of this labyrinth.
! [$ o' G# ?- O5 X/ v' @Shijima: I Shijima can do nothing.../ j8 D. r* j. o( i6 g( E
Shijima: Goddess...# }. l7 u0 b% h/ d, }/ c9 {
Shijima: Please forgive my incompetence...* K% K, \# ^5 W. F; a/ z: ]
6 a6 T+ u) n/ o8 |7 cDeathtoll: Please wait!!2 @" d5 H1 }, X' @7 O: q0 \
Deathtoll: What do you want to do to me?  K% w) f6 j  f2 |$ z, |- S
Deathtoll: I first statement that you cannot touch my pure and pretty body even with a finger.
% U6 [! N, |+ ]Specters: Fool.. a- E( A$ z3 d6 q
Specters: We save you in order to trading.
3 M& G; ~& E+ ^5 _- [  d; k( jHector: Tra...Trading?
0 u8 D2 @+ Y7 E, r; @/ H+ D; uDeathtoll: For what!?4 g2 h3 f0 |( |9 P1 X- o) ?
Specters: No matter how weak the goddess's cosmo is.
9 i3 V  b0 Q7 _. y  ASpecters: We really can't go further.- G- ~5 o4 ]$ @/ o  T6 |
Fourteen,# ^# v( J' e# S$ H8 `  ]& A
Specters: I hope you to guide us.1 Y0 m/ ]7 ^) ^1 e
Deathtoll: What!?
' f+ q! g4 P9 Y( `: P. ~$ T2 r# `Specters: Guild us through the twelve houses.; V# V) l2 S# o1 r& K
Specters: If you do it,you can get rewards from Lord Hades casually.
/ N" W$ v% O$ h" z% C8 DSpecters: But if you refuse,you will fall into the cave again.5 Z4 H+ E+ I7 |. W0 H( q: \
Specters: Then, what are you gonna do?9 @0 F8 {" f; {" ^& D
Specters: Do anything you can do to reply.( }0 j; Z9 N# w! [) T
Deathtoll: woo ~ ~ ~ ~
# M" H- D5 V+ y- r. v# b# {& tDeathtoll: you don't look down on me.: g' M# h+ g9 u. G7 n& P  g! k
Deathtoll: I Cancer Gold Saint Deathtoll ~ ~ ~ ~
: M. G1 Z$ T4 F0 ~) A' r1 ZFifteen,
4 J0 A$ ^" o* h% G; {- hDeathtoll: Then go( V% @; l( p) d7 w; e7 m
Deathtoll: to twelve house.LET'S GO --
( O  z5 j# `# C2 [8 q  ]6 M; HKaiser: Shijima's cosmo was interrupted...4 h+ d: g) Z! Y8 J
3 J$ h! j. d: N+ A/ {Kaiser: Shijima should be the first one arrived when the meteor fallen onto the goddess's temple.
. F  V& ?9 N) n  i: NKaiser: What's the matter?$ _; H7 a7 l. b5 z9 [
Kaiser: If the Pope's rebellion is true...
; J6 t' p2 _( J  l8 c* }! YKaiser: There must be sometheing abnormal happended to Shijima.
) h+ a0 m+ m: Z2 YGaudi: Ho woo!( [' P& N$ x4 a% E+ j- t' g
Kaiser: Finally appeared.* L" \/ c1 Y3 H: p: n; n5 `
Kaiser: The evil cosmo I just felt is you.
! t+ t7 Y* ^* a6 @% x: xDeathtoll: Oh oh1 b7 ~( j0 r: b- y! V
Deathtoll: Have we kept you waiting too long?9 H7 }! O0 {% r  q  G) B
; t% c9 V: Z3 D+ D* MDeathtoll: Now I bring you this group of men.
+ R/ E  y" O/ F  y0 Q2 l" `Deathtoll: Kaiser the beauty.
! V& _% [1 Q& Q6 _Kaiser: Deathtoll, are you a traitor?
  b  ?7 E! f: ]0 K( f" GDeathtoll: What a fearful face.3 u0 E$ |' L: ]( R; z7 i
Deathtoll: Are you in anger?
$ G6 S2 G0 C1 n$ `( }: }
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发表于 2012-7-4 16:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
念玉 发表于 2012-7-4 15:38  这不能怪寂寞,这次是雅典娜的小宇宙都歇菜了,连比良阪的结界都开始挂了。  老撒要会这招,青铜也得扑街 ...

6 A# b: D+ j8 k% C% H' j* I看来双鱼偷袭那招还是狠啊,让寂寞元气大伤…如果换沙加也许能破吧,起嘛他不习惯用眼,全凭感觉…难道这回还真得指望双鱼假叛变来救人,要不没法破解拉
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发表于 2012-7-4 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you so much, jorgegeminis! 1 F# @- H( a* W! G6 h0 A, B" C
3 v2 X* {2 @9 p老车要给力啊。
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发表于 2012-7-4 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
celia07 发表于 2012-7-4 16:10
3 Q4 B1 ~8 K3 L( s1 b看来双鱼偷袭那招还是狠啊,让寂寞元气大伤…如果换沙加也许能破吧,起嘛他不习惯用眼,全凭感觉…难道这 ...
  _9 z' L# w9 D  S6 d! r1 `
7 V- E% M# H( B0 b) E  O寂寞哥肿么出来……就怕老车就是找个借口继续拖几个小时,不然鱼美人还有洗白的可能,[s:100]
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发表于 2012-7-4 16:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
念玉 发表于 2012-7-4 16:15  定位是神都走不出去的话,换沙加也不能的,理论上。话说这次迷宫确实非同小可,好像纱织再肿么受难,SS也 ...
' n& w3 ?7 u0 x  c: M3 I/ [$ G' A
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发表于 2012-7-4 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-7-4 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 念玉 于 2012-7-4 17:03 编辑
* d4 Y$ Q9 m  c8 J3 H+ r6 t
celia07 发表于 2012-7-4 16:40 + o: T% a6 {* s' H/ a0 x
奇怪在于,ss里冥斗士进攻也没提结界的事啊,还不照样杀过来,这样比较来还是这次好点吧,起嘛还是有结界 ...
+ H2 H7 j3 f/ f# J  R) J: F5 v
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发表于 2012-7-4 17:42 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing.
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发表于 2012-7-4 17:45 | 显示全部楼层
念玉 发表于 2012-7-4 17:01 ( M- o! y2 {3 O
SS其实也不用提(8过大全好像提过圣域有好几重结界?),即使按ND的设定的话,SS因为小雅当时活得很健康, ...

9 X7 E& Q5 @: |2 h( |% C冥王篇开头圣斗士们提到过圣域外围设有十几二十层的结界,不过复活黄金们轻车熟路,快速通过无压力。
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发表于 2012-7-4 17:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
念玉 发表于 2012-7-4 17:01  SS其实也不用提(8过大全好像提过圣域有好几重结界?),即使按ND的设定的话,SS因为小雅当时活得很健康, ...
9 Q: h! k! b, _& p+ _
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发表于 2012-7-4 17:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
念玉 发表于 2012-7-4 17:01  SS其实也不用提(8过大全好像提过圣域有好几重结界?),即使按ND的设定的话,SS因为小雅当时活得很健康, ...
( J2 U( V- Z1 _. X  C9 A( X
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发表于 2012-7-4 19:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-7-4 19:59 | 显示全部楼层
* d/ z) ?5 N5 {) N托姐彻底走女王路线了是不是啊[s:110]
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