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[日文原版] SCANS NEXT DIMENSION 50 / from:SSYE圣坛

发表于 2012-12-25 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 20:35 | 显示全部楼层
** FYI, I can see all your replies today but I just can't respond due to TIEBA system issues. @jorgegeminis As usual please let me know if you have any Q's **/ \: q/ k8 E; l1 R$ g. a4 _

  a& d& E& P" m. u7 \- h: {Outside The Sanctuary : q0 @$ x9 e5 w& g

9 b4 `5 @+ h5 W0 M: W6 JThe Crateris Silver Cloth Left Behind. + L* B. a& e2 t9 T- F! P4 B
Is A New Saint Waiting For It, Or Is It … !? ) z" n# r) A' G9 {# W

" p& \4 f/ J6 B: Y  e2 A  bPrevious Chapter Recap - Pursuing Athena’s life invades the Palace of Virgo, The Crateris Silver Saint Suikyo. In front of the Trap Of Four Gateways set by The Virgo Gold Saint (NOTE: printing error says Gemini Gold Saint but we know better), what will be the fate of the determined Suikyo … !? / {- j( t2 k: ], g
3 J4 {- O+ `, m
Part 50 The Great Light 9 s" ]1 d* `$ e6 v+ _  V

- v) W2 C  t4 K& H( LThe Pope’s Room
) q1 a1 \( }$ c7 z& D
6 k2 O. x9 o# |8 _* B5 {* @Shijima: Wh … What a man, Suikyo …
  Y/ |6 V& N9 S6 D, DI can’t believe he would dare to open the Gateway of Death. Umm .. 7 N. \- }  b, t/ r6 N: T- s* ~# M
Regardless of who it is, in front of the Four Gateways one usually retr eats or at least chooses a Gateway that would likely lead to survival ...
3 E; T- _# J: ]5 j, }! V% J, _However .. if he had chosen the Gateway of Aging … # B6 M5 w4 B6 o/ S
His body will instantly age, perhaps losing the strength to continue onwa
- ?2 V* O5 |1 p1 xrds. / W! t  \: k) n( M0 q0 q& ]  n# n
If he chose the Gateway of Ailment he will be impaired by illness, unable
5 R3 Y3 x" b, C% X0 J0 ?. x& wto get up again. 5 u. Q6 r1 {) l6 Y
If he chose the Gateway of Life there he should face an endless path of s
5 e* G" B: u' Y& c: {" q4 S; G1 kuffering, wander around in the Palace of Virgo as if being hoaxed. . j2 ?5 T* K" l0 O7 J
It seems Suikyo had figured that out so he chose the Gateway of Death wit
; k, x* f5 K  Q9 u; p# ?# chout evasion.
$ Z' E$ l0 M% c) p) K: ~Without accomplishing the objective, more important than living a long ti
' L( a3 u7 K; e# w- i: Bme he will continue forward even if he is bestowed death. # v! h) h% z; V# x. V" _2 |% ^
Though he is an enemy Suikyo is indeed a true warrior. . j- D- y" v: W0 P$ t2 Z
But as the name of the Gateway implies, after selecting the Gateway of De ath there is nothing but death.
* h* h3 M  {' L. g4 H$ ^0 X* M. I3 i5 ?- m$ \& y
Suikyo, possessing that much resolve, what is your genuine objective? … 7 i& r* |# W, i0 O2 v7 y* T2 P
Do you really want Athena’s head? … Are you really a traitor? … " M2 v+ N: [" i" x% g
Umm … I don’t get it. Either way I won't be able to discern his true i
7 P. k; Y: }4 Y4 v- D0 e$ ontentions any more ......   Z+ z  i+ L( }$ C3 O0 W
/ x% z1 a! T8 }5 h% ~8 m8 ~6 Y
Suikyo: As .. as one would expect, Shijima’s barrier ( R, O0 |  o0 S! s$ K& P+ Y8 b
to break through it is not possible. ; \* ~) `( q% f( c
I can no longer feel anything … " E5 i5 J+ c, S+ f
Is this death? … 0 \2 s; D* u  Z; T' h! ~
Wandering within infinitely expanding darkness 0 n+ J9 T6 a( f7 E! N4 p  a: z
Will I soon be sent to the Underworld? ...
) c2 u  Z& Y( x, }. H: K. _Wh .. What?% Q  P3 Z) N5 P3 |8 m3 z5 {" @; U1 e
What is that in this darkness of death? 1 d: E2 a* E) L9 W) M
What is that light?
2 j9 e8 K# e6 C2 ]' j9 L6 W+ c
4 m( Q7 ]$ b1 b5 Q5 z& t0 t6 |; b$ u. sShijima: Huh!?
. C) {5 b! h) C! n+ ^6 {9 y: ~Now … just now I sensed a great light released from Athena’s body …… % O9 E. n3 V1 Q" l$ y! P
Exactly what … !?
/ T; `2 r7 L. i7 {5 G
; B+ o2 n$ t/ g; g( B4 G6 dSuikyo: Ooh ... Guu ...
/ o! [9 T6 ?, u3 {) OHe .. Here is ...?
( U; t6 L" R) B0 v/ X) L" BIt can't be, here is ...
, M/ j, T5 |- w+ y# D: Q8 EThe garden said to reside in one the Palace of Virgo’s corners ...( c7 m6 Z0 A4 |9 \
The Saro Dual Trees Garden!! % ^4 A7 Q/ f; |' p$ Z
Umm .. once again I’m pulled back to one the Palace of Virgo’s corners …
: s( I& ~: ^* H2 t4 L1 }; J7 }What exactly was the light earlier? ! z( N: X1 U; l! k) L
Either way I can’t move anymore … 4 r$ M, v# s; v: r" R
Am I only able to wait for death here? … 0 X" @" z1 R( U- x; N: r* U; Q
Wh … What !? ; j: ~  F) k! J2 l6 @8 X, e( D
(Ha Ha) Something is under the dual trees … , {! }$ n3 L) {. g3 m4 g( p
(Ha Ha) Th .. That is !?
  t$ Y4 r5 \4 U( N/ m, ^(Ha Ha) Ku .. Ooh … ! K- t, o  d% e7 M8 x" Z  G
Oh … OHHH …… ! y2 \+ `/ `( ~0 I
Th .. This is …
+ X. ^3 a- S5 A* h6 ZThis is undoubtedly … 4 C: \5 a5 I( j9 A
My Cloth, The Crateris Silver
9 B. w' P! m( X  D( KCloth!!
% c# l4 I& {: f" N' Z9 I- UUmm .. This cloth which I entrusted Tenma with in the past … $ [# b, H$ m* S
Why is it here …? " M( J- y( K: P' }. P% k
Wh … What the …… * Q* N  g: T0 k* E, G
rain is pouring down from the Saro Dual Trees like sweet nectarand filling * N8 e' q+ p% e3 z
the chalice.
; Q& H9 P- Y" u: L- ^" L9 |: oThis is undoubtedly the water of life!! ! R' W; i: x8 O  k9 x
Now … I understand now … 2 @# U$ D4 R# V: i& u( U0 L
That great light as wellas this Crateris Cloth … $ u+ n2 s& s- ~* m, ?. C
Everything came from Athena’s cosmo … * _1 M4 l7 F4 ]1 i' g. s
I was saved by Athena!!
7 w, b- Y  W0 m7 l% [- Y5 D' ^0 Q( d1 ^6 y$ \! G5 A/ Y/ R0 [
Shijima: Umm … To pull Suikyo back from that darkness of the Gateway of Death … # k6 a: B; S6 S6 ^
As one would expect that from Athena …
; n. b- M- z4 h, u1 `4 t; REven as an infant she still radiates that holy power ( V, F( O0 H; ?' c
She’s undoubtedly our Goddess.
# k7 k/ _* N! [8 \( o: ^& QHo .. However, why … why save him? … Since that man is charging towar d the 12 Palaces as a Specter. , A% j4 J$ ~! K
Still you probably should not let him live, Athena … + f! P9 C8 G5 q) O" y$ r# ~  g8 j
As Suikyo’s true intentions are still a mystery now …!! , @% _- M% }& f; x- ~2 j5 z

# ?2 I% x' H1 o" D9 mSuikyo: Hmmph .. Although I was saved by Athena - ^4 L. l% `# R; F) M' M' S/ [
The surface of the water won’t even reflect my shadow anymore. ' I$ u: u* |% Z" w; T
That is my destiny.
' m0 }* o# Y; C  J; ~3 rThe future of one approaching death will not project anything. $ j) \, V) z, S) W: ]" K
Ho .. However .. since I received life from Athena with so much trouble … 1 W, D9 _- u; n6 v
Before meeting Athena I must survive no matter what I do. $ V/ P3 z7 K- \4 `7 \# y
I will drink this water of resuscitation. 1 u! q, @* x$ R6 M% y6 |
Even just one step I will continue onward. 0 o: l! S% n) l/ I' t0 [
Fl .. : |) m8 J) |! L3 T/ U7 T
Th ... That’s right …
( W. E6 y- ^# h% F, Z. kThe flower pedals of the Saro Dual Trees can transcend dimensional space and flutter down to where Athena is.
4 z/ }7 p1 k& {3 Q5 i. BFrom now on, even if my life comes to an end on the way
( G/ o4 |; e6 t3 I. {6 Y) _/ V7 FI must at least deliver this message …
5 q$ ~4 W* V. `) t6 X. QDeliver them for me, wind ) Z. s6 s+ m* m
to where Athena is …
' n" N( ]6 s% C  w$ E
% p' W% A* M! c: A4 J: _The Pope’s Room
! v. K# W6 N$ q& U( M) f! a: V  Y) F9 Q% p, g( q  a6 F' C& j
Shijima: Uh !? 4 I* B3 W4 X; A; M( p
These are flower pedals of the Saro Dual Trees …
* a; q  F, w. V5 u2 BA message written in blood from the Palace of Virgo … 6 f. o5 L5 h' j
Is Suikyo trying to convey something to Athena? …….
8 i+ [' M6 _, ~Umm .. However … 9 S' ]# ]5 Y  Z0 Y9 s# x+ }
Just two simple letters arrived without mishap despite being blocked by
! h: i% `) u# V. }& `1 l# ~this Labyrinth of the Gods … 5 c( V+ S( @' @" y& X
Three .. and
- T; i' q& u2 x9 p: V  i- XTen …
- z& A5 C9 C  W/ \& rTen and three …? ( X' g4 w) I* H4 a
Ku .. I don’t get the meaning with just these two letters … $ P, w( I% L* v* L; L
Suikyo, you even risk death …
: L6 f- o& [; rExactly what are you trying to convey to Athena? …
6 q2 g4 L3 p2 ~, d: RExactly what …
; r9 I9 l7 W& f3 O$ LAh .. Cou .. Could it be? ...
7 d0 T/ L6 i7 ^$ tIf this implies that matter then .../ A9 z, R- y3 V! X1 l- x: h0 F0 i* \
If that legend appears now then I'm afraid at this moment the 12 palace4 n- B& n+ s! d3 q0 S0 n: Z
s will ...
8 x6 j7 Q7 q( I6 d% dThe entire Sanctuary will crumble!!1 \8 F. k) A* Y* t; @
, F( _# y* D1 p8 G
A more shocking rumor than Suikyo becoming a Specter!!# b6 l5 I8 S, Q9 ~( k
The dormant secret of the Sanctuary is about to be revealed!! ' W! |' T- `0 e' t

* R8 O9 X- \* \  g+ q% @+ JTo Be Continued On Issue # 6 (On Sale 1/10 THU).
8 g8 D1 Z* _9 }) b" A5 g; M6 O' _来自冥王神话nd吧【暗黑的破壞神】
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-25 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
  |5 S/ \1 g# s2 r: z$ nZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-25 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks very much
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发表于 2012-12-25 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
& ^7 w" u* y% ]) E* E- B
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发表于 2012-12-25 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 21:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-25 22:04 | 显示全部楼层
thank you!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-12-25 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
  J4 p: u5 ~9 m& i6 ?
Thanks very much
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发表于 2012-12-25 22:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 22:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-12-25 23:28 | 显示全部楼层
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