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[资讯] 聖闘士星矢Ω 2012年4月开播!周日早晨6:30~7:00放送 112楼新消息!

发表于 2012-2-7 13:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 13:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 phoenixst 于 2012-2-7 13:56 编辑
: L9 S7 P3 y& p- G8 w6 e% G& s1 A3 y# g1 x% u- z" B7 k1 W' s
人家马越也是响当当的大神,你们还挑三拣四的,爱看不看/ m9 `# V. F: _6 ]% ?
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发表于 2012-2-7 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jorgegeminis 于 2012-2-7 14:00 编辑 , p3 v6 a# F0 P) ^! X

+ K) v, N0 X3 c( U& A1 HHELLO PEOPLE.........( c- _1 V# Q/ L6 I

5 q; Y0 a4 u: z, x, ~1 e/ Y) A( e
- ^% p. P* ^9 |. O/ [
/ L- \( V. q6 b7 q; v+ y5 I6 i
' v7 ]3 q% G5 ~  V' b3 b
) a  z: o( n- E' T" M* H Overview Chapter 1 of omega ss: by ed_dark SSIP8 ]4 L3 S: a9 D( o

# p! m# Y+ q- Y4 \9 U9 \- HThe goddess Athena, in a castle overlooking the 12 houses, watches Koga, even a sleeping baby. Suddenly the darkness takes over everything and a huge explosion occurs. Because of this, a pillar collapses on Koga, but Saint Seiya Gold saves in the last minute. Mars, the enemy wrapped in a layer, is shown. [/ Color]
. `& E* Q2 O  t" u9 F8 Y. N4 {; _+ q: g
3 C+ Z% X  u6 {  k! v
' |1 w/ E) @. }3 v/ }, }thanks saintmatthman SSIP
; Z+ _0 ~9 k" y, X0 z& T6 C9 J! g4 d" |' X5 h4 f: c
Kouga - Bronze Saint Pegasus
- T6 g* m6 g' z" V0 c$ o+ }& P- _  m/ N  |; L3 L
[Size = 1] 13. A young man carrying on his shoulders the destiny of being the Holy Pegasus.
: Q; w8 `  z! }+ U9 L1 wMortal Technique [RyûseiKen Pegasus / Pegasus Meteor Fist].4 F( C: U. N- }9 ^8 ]1 [
It has a strong competitive spirit and rebellious, also has a way of being ...
' Y( e/ B! R/ R, Z, lhighly considered. When he meets his fellow Saints
0 Y" v0 E% v. N. j& sawakens to the importance of ties and friendship.
" L2 g5 @0 r6 m+ c+ I5 N; h5 t7 \  y# r; X$ @' Z9 E% }9 }/ `" ~% }2 R
1 ]( k# h1 @( |( A/ \
Soma - Bronze St. Leon Minor or Leoncillo / Lionete8 k1 g& R( K2 O/ s& J$ m: p1 r* A
0 y; p5 G6 j' K: i
The best friend of the protagonist. 14 years.* v( l5 I( `6 h
Kôga reliable partner. 6 t6 \: ^7 O  F3 f1 X( P3 U

! {6 c: Z( R5 S% Z2 `# C
. t1 K, M- x8 ]7 T; sYuna - Ghost Bronze Eagle
  B) s5 |9 i% y" g. T" z5 g( T, C& h. }& y! M8 {
Heroin. Bronze Holy (Maybe error) of the Eagle. 14 years.) ^( W+ g6 X$ i) `" `0 i
It's strange not to use mascara.
" R( C5 s9 Y8 H; {4 \6 a8 S
3 Q$ c/ w$ w! `4 ?1 L6 T; r
0 {" V  s2 A3 ^" y# ERyuuhou - Bronze Saint Dragon
3 e' L. c; r  I0 C" b* L$ a/ D$ ^0 f
4 D1 p* r$ U) g# R Treaty as a younger brother of the protagonist.
6 n8 P% y" }: Y% ]9 g+ ^; j, w% B12 years
; Z( Y$ q2 v. X) k3 F" }' X  o" Q1 I" G
: |1 b0 ?! q' t0 i; K& U: s6 P
Haruto - Bronze Saint Wolf
% ~* O8 q6 V. x! o. ~0 e
9 Y8 {# I. p# {9 p A descendant of ninjas. Intelligent, knowledgeable and has 13 years.
% ]. B" z; N3 k3 @* f5 c- X+ ?# L" q& l0 L  F" V

) p3 q) T' d, j! n% i  s: I5 U2 l  Y4 z Eden - Orion Bronze Holy
1 M. H7 R0 a( e2 T: j' q4 S) q- ?0 t
This mysterious Holy is 15. Is this the "Ikki" series) z0 x/ L7 ~7 P

$ m2 {) L8 q7 h7 a! a, b
8 ?: s/ b% }; ]. O9 Y4 F/ `Seiya - Gold Saint Sagittarius5 i; O. f. N8 t  `2 V) v2 D

( r: z% r0 Z# G8 F  e& d* T1 r Age: 26? Holy legendary Pegasus in the past to protect Athena
' {) s+ L4 Q  F1 @  L0 T5 Nof evil enemies. In this series appears as a Gold Saint- q9 z3 e& _4 H2 o2 D
- y5 f+ U4 f+ X0 s2 n$ k
Saori Kido - Reincarnation of the Goddess of War and Wisdom in the twentieth century0 ?+ K2 l. S+ O  |+ A# ^
Age: 26? Its mission is to protect all living beings and' q' L5 Y; X7 ~! b8 o$ ]( Q- c
to peace on earth. In this series, is the adoptive mother of Kôga.- S" G! m$ {! d7 W
(Note: While you do not make great Mitsumasa Kido and have had 100 children ...
' [1 B4 a- U& z) f' k/ Sta all good XD)$ m* ~6 d) y: {' h/ \

: Z' ^, G* d. K* V2 W/ u) z; q2 Z5 Q( a) `4 ~9 T
Mars - Mars Guerrero 2 l. ~+ {& N# e7 A6 B; Y: [
It faces the goddess Athena to build their) ?( B" E; J3 \% @& r
ideal world and master it. 5 C( R, U, |' a' G! `
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-7 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 13:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 13:59 | 显示全部楼层
1 Z: v2 ?$ s; ~% i/ w. Z聖闘士星矢 エピソードG 本編より数年前に行なわれたとされる黄金聖闘士たちとティターン神族との闘いを描いた外伝漫画。
5 i6 t8 _3 x% M詳細は「聖闘士星矢 エピソードG」を参照; e/ N" u  l- W2 j

4 @- J6 X9 o- c5 ~聖闘士星矢 冥王神話 243年前の前聖戦を描いた漫画作品。車田による本編『聖闘士星矢 NEXT DIMENSION 冥王神話』にて、243年前の前聖戦と並行してエリシオン編の続編が描かれている。
- A, ~* n9 f# C詳細は「聖闘士星矢 冥王神話」を参照
& b. M0 N0 C" \3 \7 Z/ U: d, \8 I$ d4 D  t/ w
聖闘士星矢Ω 2012年4月からオリジナルストーリーとなる新シリーズ『聖闘士星矢Ω(オメガ)』が放送予定[28]。
! Y3 ~' l. I2 v$ O; D6 [0 G! f6 R5 ~* s2 j; F9 _7 V; v
詳細は「聖闘士星矢Ω」を参照' S  M# {6 p7 h0 S* V! m' p
* e0 f9 A# J' y! j# y* p
6 X) r8 i: d) e0 B日文维基SS页算Ω为派生作品。* [9 h* M) D: G2 e( s9 B1 d
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发表于 2012-2-7 15:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 魔羯座小羊 于 2012-2-7 16:17 编辑
% |: ~' F+ h. T( f
  c/ F8 D. n2 G求声优啊喂!!!
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发表于 2012-2-7 16:16 | 显示全部楼层
$ ~8 H/ D# o; ]; c1 y  s& V6 X" C! V6 }7 W' P, R, J/ }
Saint Seiya Omega
$ J+ S- m( D$ m: A6 ^6 o! o; qFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$ _4 g3 i9 M" u4 v; u) E Saint Seiya Omega → Saint Seiya Ω (move) – Correct title of the series Onikiri (talk) 01:16, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
6 q. w9 [- c; ^! W$ ~: t+ mSaint Seiya Ω
" |7 Y, U4 f$ z, e4 |
, W, ?2 T- W0 D' B+ aPromotional ad for Saint Seiya Ω$ g) s7 B- S: e# \; L: R
* r9 a/ |9 i8 F(Seinto Seiya Omega)
) i$ n& Z+ u7 B' b$ y% E( U3 s$ p$ j( B+ ZGenre        Martial arts, Mythic fiction, Drama
, R# F  [% _/ R0 d2 |: w% STV anime
& c7 Y4 _$ P( i) h3 R- jDirected by        Morio Hatano9 l& x2 [1 \( q+ z
Studio        Toei Animation
. {; x4 A- ^- oNetwork        TV Asahi
4 E& M( C+ p2 C3 x9 p# b( H; QOriginal run        April 1, 2012 – ongoing
/ ]$ d1 o$ D+ {5 \* }9 ?* r8 o- x# q4 V2 G. d" K9 e
Saint Seiya Ω (聖闘士星矢オメガ Seinto Seiya Omega?) is an upcoming anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is a spin-off inspired by the classic manga series Saint Seiya, which was created, written and illustrated by Japanese author Masami Kurumada.( U  H- a! [# A& T0 l; z! s

/ _$ j0 V5 H2 bThe series is scheduled to begin airing on April 1, 2012. It will be directed by Morio Hatano, with animation character designs by illustrator and animator Yoshihiko Umakoshi.
) J% Z$ a$ ]% M2 e( W5 f5 L
! z! F; p/ G1 x8 UToei Animation describes it as an "original anime story", as it isn't an adaptation of a storyline previously published in manga form, therefore Saint Seiya Ω will not take place in the continuity of Masami Kurumada's manga. Ω also marks the return of Toei Animation as the studio in charge of animating a Saint Seiya property, since the adaptation to anime of the Hades arc from Kurumada's manga was completed in 2008.
6 y; a/ s, T% x6 k1 T( ?: Z
+ ]( N6 H1 f* J7 t) ?% D2 w; DThe storyline takes place in the future era after the Holy Wars of the 20th century. The goddess Athena returns once again to Earth to cleanse it of the agent of evil as she has done during millennia, accompanied by her Saints, who have also reincarnated in that era, in which Pegasus Seiya, the protagonist of Kurumada's manga, is revered as a Saint of legend.- |* p$ s1 ^2 A% e

+ O/ k2 x; U! S- h, f4 TCharacters9 h5 d$ ?# I  c! k

: @* W4 n  Q' V9 MThe series will introduce characters new to the Saint Seiya fictional universe, that will make use of elements already established within it.[4]. Some of them, such as the deities, exist in Kurumada's manga.
5 W; e$ Y! K5 _2 D" z, J, VPegasus Kōga (天馬星座の光牙 Pegasasu no Kōga?), a 13 year-old boy, the Pegasus Bronze Saint in the future era. The main character in the series. His name means Light Fang in japanese.
  u# K6 k1 p3 @' q6 V5 [2 i* L( T7 J7 C( d
Pegasus Seiya (天馬星座の星矢 Pegasasu no Seiya?), the main character in Kurumada's manga and its anime adaptation, who, no longer a Bronze Saint, is regarded as a legendary Gold Saint in the millieu of Ω.
) V  Z( N8 E! I! x" e( {& B7 F/ y, K8 d  R6 j" P
Athena (女神 Atena?), the greek goddess of justice, wisdom and heroic endeavor, who always returns when evil consumes Earth.1 u: u; y" h6 U( r; q

7 X" W( t4 O5 uOrion Eden (オリオン座の聖闘士・エデン Orion no Seinto Eden?), an enigmatic young man, the Orion Saint in the future era./ ^7 |  p! a' a; f! y

" s% F0 z; F0 t) v) r. h5 f! m; TWolf Haruto (狼座の青銅聖闘士・栄斗 Urufu no Buronzu Seinto Haruto?), the young Bronze Saint of the Wolf constellation. His name means Glorious Battler in japanese.7 u: r+ y$ q, {  U$ t: l# i+ e) c9 c  k

" u4 e$ m; }3 H* @* aEagle Yuna (鷲星座のユナ īguru no Yuna?), the female Saint of the Eagle constellation.8 O/ `1 f+ I, s3 P, {2 \+ f5 j6 Q- c

% k2 Z. p! \3 X3 u1 V0 a2 h7 _6 f7 lDragon Ryūhō (龍座の青銅聖闘士・龍峰 Doragon no Buronzu Seinto Ryūhō?), friend to Kōga, who considers him almost his brother, the Dragon Bronze Saint in the future era. His name means Dragon Peak in japanese.
$ M) K8 }4 ^; t/ @, p4 y& A5 O
4 k6 ~' }) g$ DLionet Sōma (ライオネットの青銅聖闘士・蒼摩 Raionetto no Buronzu Seinto Sōma?), also a close friend of Kōga, the Lionet Bronze Saint of the future generation. His name means Blue Giant Serpent in japanese, in reference to the mythical Mahoraga protector beings of Buddhist tradition.
/ I; e/ U! v$ J4 l6 Z2 _
1 n" r; {# D) {$ J; PAres (アレス Aresu?), the fierce and bloodthirsty god of war, who battled Athena and her Saints, millennia ago, in the ages of myth. The main antagonist in Ω.
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发表于 2012-2-7 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 19:02 | 显示全部楼层
- N, f0 Q9 ?# J1 u, @雖然看起來這部動畫還真有現代少年動畫的感覺(走幼化風?)
/ `. L3 u9 i0 J# k3 U但相對之下還是長得比較成熟熱血一點
' B7 q" Y" i- W: U) T現在有任何聖鬥士相關作品 我們都還是鼓勵跟支持吧!!" k" B. T" H, x7 X7 g
特別是看在射手座版星矢還滿帥的份上" v2 M  n. a0 R5 r0 D2 _+ M
但倒是有點好奇 這部故事會解釋星矢如何醒來嗎??
& J9 o/ L* J4 k7 ]0 S& F0 G( {還是將解釋權交給ND呢??
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发表于 2012-2-7 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 19:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
樓主動作很快2 p  f$ ]+ u2 Y
$ ~$ J; j% v8 d5 [/ E3 H! X& F  d0 w  Q& h$ w  g
  P. v5 M( ^0 t, R& J% G: f/ Y& G) jまあ主人公は星矢じゃないし原作と無関係のオリジナルストーリーだし制作スタッフも当時と違うなどなど、不安要素はいっぱいあるけど、新作が作られるだけでありがたいことだ!個人的にも『星矢』の人気が高まってもらわないと困る!よーし!クロスマイスEX、どんどん出してこい!
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发表于 2012-2-7 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
我是龙太子 发表于 2012-2-7 18:37 & M8 h! x4 }( k/ {
4 y- ~* W7 T4 C  c
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发表于 2012-2-7 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-7 23:14 | 显示全部楼层
这难道是传说中的25周年的纪念动画》,,# j! t: q7 f( A' W
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